RRB ALP Question Paper PDF – Assistant Loco Pilot 2014 Questions and Answers

RRB ALP Question Paper PDF
RRB ALP Question Paper PDF

RRB ALP Previous year Question Paper PDF:

RRB Assistant Loco Pilot notification was released for 26502 vacancies. The Assistant loco pilot previous exam was conducted on 2014. So we are providing RRB ALP 2014 assistant loco pilot question paper questions based on memory and pattern. This Loco pilot questions aptitude test questions will be useful for understanding the question paper and the type of questions that will be asked in various section of Railways loco pilot exam.

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Question 1:
Identify the wrong number in the following series–
216, 163, 120, 72, 24
a) 216
b) 163
c) 72
d) 214
Answer: b

The series from the right is 24 x 1, 24 x 3, 24 x 5, 24 x 7 and 24 x 9.
For example,
24 x 1 = 24
24 x 3 = 72
24 x 5 = 120
24 x 7 = 168
24 x 9 = 216
So, the wrong number is 163. The correct number is 24 x 7 = 168

Question 2:
What should come in place of ‘?’
6 x 4 x 3 = 436
8 x 4 x ? = 468
6 x 9 x 8 = 986
a) 3
b) 4
c) 5
d) 6
Answer: d
The equation uses the middle number in the hundred’s place, the rightmost number in the tenth’s place and the left most letter in the unit’s place. So, the number to be used in the place of the question mark is 6.

Question 3:

Choose the group of mathematical signs from the given options that may replace the sign ‘ *’ in the following equation–
7 * 7 * 2 * 1 = 12
a) X – +
b) + – X
c) X + –
d) + X –
Answer: b

12 can be written as 7 + 7 – 2 x 1.
So, the answer is + – x which is option (b).
In all other options, the equation doesn’t match.

Question 4:
In a code language, ‘KINDLE’ is written as ‘ELDNIK’. How can EXOTIC be written in the same language ?
Answer: 4
The code uses the same letters as the original word but in an inverted fashion. So, EXOTIC is coded as CITOXE.

Question 5:
Answer: c
The code uses the letters in the alphabetical series in an inverted fashion. For example: A is used in the place of Z, B in the place of Y, etc. Also they are inverted. So, The last letter comes first in the code. So, I is replaced with R, K with P, M with N and O with L. The code is LNPR.

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Question 6:
A sequence is given in which one term (or more terms) is missing. From the given options, choose the correct one that can complete the sequence–
a) DHL
b) DLH
c) EIM
d) LPT
Answer: a
The letters strictly follow the alphabetical series. So, next set of letters will be DHL

Question 7:
Choose that odd one which is different from the rest three—
a) Typhoid
b) Cholera
c) Jaundice
Answer: c

Jaundice is itself not a disease. It is the yellowing of skin and eyes which is the symptom of an underlying liver condition. The others are diseases.

Question 8:
Who won Men’s singles title in the year of Wimbledon ?
a) Roger Federer
b) Rafael Nadal
c) N. D. Rodick
d) None of these

Question 9:
Which of the following states is at the top in cement production ?
a) Rajasthan
b) Tamilnadu
c) Bihar
d) None of these

Question 10:
Headquarters of South-Western Railway are located in–
a) Bengaluru
b) Hubli
c) Belgaum
d) Secunderabad
Answer: b

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Question 11:
Light year is—
a) Distance between the Earth and the Sun
b) Distance travelled by light in a year
c) Average distance between the Earth and the Moon
d) None of these
Answer: b

Question 12:
The following metal is used in storage batteries–
a) Iron
b) Copper
c) Zinc
d) Lead
Answer: d
Lead is most commonly used in storage batteries

Question 13:
In absence of atmosphere, the sky will appear–
a) Black
b) White
c) Blue
d) Red
Answer: a

Question 14:
Physical structure of an adult human being is based on–
a) 204 bones
b) 206 bones
c) 208 bones
d) 214 bones
Answer: b

Question 15:
An error in computer programming is termed as–
a) Bug
b) Bit
c) Wires
d) None of these
Answer: a

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Question 16:
The largest lake of Soft water of the world is—
a) Lake Superior
b) Lake Victoria
c) Hardaiswan
d) None of these
Answer: a

Question 17:
Which of the following is taken as crop ?
a) Coffee
b) Tea
c) Rubber
d) None of these
Answer: d

Question 18:
How many types of emergencies are there in Indian Constitution ?
a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Four
Answer: 3

Question 19:
Nita sold an article for Rs. 220 and earned a profit of 10%. At what cost should she sell to earn a profit of 30% ?
a) Rs. 220
b) Rs. 230
c) Rs. 260
d) Rs. 280
Answer: c

CP * 110/100 = 220
So, CP = 200
To get a profit of 30%
SP = CP * 130/ 100 = 200 * 130/ 100 = 260 Rs.

Question 20:
A seller sold 3/4 th of his goods at 24% profit. He sold rest part of the goods at cost price. What is percentage of his profit ?
a) 15
b) 18
c) 24
d) 32
Answer: b


Let there be 100 items worth 100 rupees total. So, the seller sells 75 at 75 * 124/100 = 93 rupees.
and 25 at 25 rupees.
Total profit = 93 + 25 – 100 = 18 rupees
Profit % = 18/100 = 18%

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Question 21:
There are 40% women workers in an office. 40% women and 60% men of that office voted for in my favour. What is the percentage of total votes in my favour ?
a) 24
b) 42
c) 50
d) 52
Answer: d
There are 40 women and 60 men in the group. 40 % of the women and 60% of the men = 40 * 40% + 60 * 60 % = 52

Question 22:
There is an article of Rs. 100. Its price is raised initially by 10% and then again by 10%. How many rupees have been increased ?
a) 20
b) 21
c) 110
d) 121
Answer: b
Cost of the article is 100 Rs. Initial increase = 10%
So, cost = 100 * 110/100 = 110 Rs
Second increase = 10 %
So, cost = 110 * 110/100 = 121
Total increase = 121 – 100 = 21 rupees

Question 23:
A man went to his office on cycle at the rate of 10 km/hr and reached late by 6 minutes. When he increased the speed by 2 km/hr, he reached 6 minutes before time. What is the distance between his office and his departure point ?
a) 6 km
b) 7 km
c) 12 km
d) 16 km
Answer: c

Let the distance be d.
D/10 = T+ 1/10
D/12 = T – 1/10
So, D = 12 kilometers.

Question 24:
100 kms is the distance between the stations A and B. One train departed from A towards B at the rate of 50 km/hr and from B towards A at the rate of 75 km/hr. Both the trains departed simultaneously. At what distance from station A, both the trains will cross one -another ?
a) 40 kms
b) 20 kms
c) 30 kms
d) None of these
Answer: a

Distance from A = 100 * 50 / (50 + 75) = 40 kms

Question 25:
10 persons can build a wall in 8 days. How many persons can build this wall in half day ?
a) 80
b) 100
c) 120
d) 160
Answer: d
10 people can build a wall in 8 days
80 people can build a wall in 1 day
160 people can build a wall in half day.

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Question 26:
A train of 150 metres crosses a railway bridge in 26 seconds at a speed of 90 km/hr. What is the length of this bridge ?
a) 500 metres
b) 60 metres
c) 650 metres
d) 550 metres
Answer: a
90 kmph = 90 * 5 /18 = 25 m/s
(150 + x ) / 26 = 25
So, x = 500 mts

Question 27:
Who is said to be the father of Kawwali/Qawwali ?
a) Amir Khusro
b) Moihaz-e-Shiraz
c) Ziauddin Barni
d) MilalShiraz
Answer: a

Question 28:
Dry ice is–
a) Ice – dust
b) Liquefied Nitrogen
c) Liquefied Hydrogen
d) Solid CO_{2}
Answer: d

Question 29:
Coins are studied in which of the following subjects ?
a) Archaeology
b) Historiography
c) Numismatics
d) Epigraphy
Answer: c

Question 30: Tulsidas was the poet of which of the following ?
(a)Ramcharit Manas (b) Adi Grantha (c) Soorsagar (d) Bhagwat Puran
Answer : a

Hope this RRB ALP Question paper pdf is useful for you. This for RRB ALP 2014 questions and answers PDF.

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