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Question 1: In the following question, select the related letters from the given alternatives.
Question 2: Find the option that should replace the (?) so that the second pair bears the same relationship as the first pair:
84:48::73: ?
a) 56
b) 16
c) 40
d) 36
e) 46
A family consists of 6 persons – Aruna, Bhanu, Chirag, Deepthi, Eswar and Farukh. All of them are related to each other in some way. There are 3 generations and 2 married couples in the family. The number of persons in each generation is 2. The profession of each one of them is different as well among doctor, engineer, teacher, lawyer, CA and singer. Also, all of them like a different colour among red, blue, orange, pink, green and yellow.
Lawyer is the son of teacher. Bhanu is Deepthi’s mother. Deepthi is married to the engineer. Farukh likes blue colour.
Teacher’s mother is married to the doctor. Doctor does not like pink colour. Doctor is the father-in-law of the Farukh.
The CA and the Lawyer are siblings. None of them like green colour. The singer is the grandmother of the CA. Neither the doctor nor the singer likes green colour.
Deepthi is related to Chirag the same way Aruna is related to Farukh. Aruna’s brother likes orange colour. Deepthi’s father likes red colour. Aruna is not a lawyer by profession and the doctor’s spouse does not like pink colour.
Question 3: How is the lawyer related to the person who likes yellow colour?
a) Granddaughter
b) Grandson
c) Son
d) Daughter
e) Sibling
Question 4: Who is married to the person who likes red colour?
a) Aruna
b) Lawyer
c) Doctor
d) Bhanu
e) Eswar
Directions(16 – 20) : Study the following instructions and answer the questions that follow:
A family consists of eight members – J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q across three generations. They all sat in a circular manner not necessarily in the same order. Four of them are male and remaining four are female. Some of them are facing North while others are facing South. None of the two immediate neighbours face the same direction. There are two married couples in the family. None of the third generation are married.
O sits second to the right of J. The husband of O sits to the immediate right of the person who is opposite to O. P is the father of K and they both sit opposite to each other. L and M are siblings and they both face opposite directions i.e., if L faces inside, M faces outside and if L faces outside, M faces inside. Q and N are siblings. J sits opposite to her brother-in-law. M is the nephew of Q and they are immediate neighbours of each other. There is only one son of K. P is not an immediate neighbour of O. Q is unmarried. J is an immediate neighbour of her father. O has only two children. N sits second to the right of his mother-in-law. L is an immediate neighbour of her grandmother. The person who is third to the right of K faces inside.
Question 5: Who sits opposite to sister of J?
a) P
b) J
c) L
d) N
e) None of these
Question 6: Who is third to the right of the person who is granddaughter of O?
a) P
b) J
c) M
d) N
e) None of these
Choose which of the conclusion(s) follow(s) based on the statements given:
Question 7: $ E \geq D$; $ A = C$; $ A > B$; $ F = E$; $ B < D$;
I: $ E > A$
II: $ F \leq C$
a) Only conclusion I is true.
b) Only conclusion II is true.
c) Either conclusion I or conclusion II is true.
d) Both the conclusions are true.
e) Neither of the conclusions is true.
Question 8: $ R = S$; $Q \geq P$; $S < T$; $ T > Q$;
I: $ T \geq P$
II: $ R \leq Q$
a) Only conclusion I is true.
b) Only conclusion II is true.
c) Either conclusion I or conclusion II is true.
d) Both the conclusions are true.
e) Neither of the conclusions is true.
Directions: Triangle($\blacktriangle$) represents 1 and Circle($\circ$) represents 0. If triangle appears in unit’s place, then its value is 1. If it appears in ten’s place, then its value is doubled and so on.
For example:
$\blacktriangle$ = 1
$\blacktriangle \circ \blacktriangle \blacktriangle$ = 8+0+2+1 = 11
$\circ \blacktriangle \blacktriangle$ = 0+2+1 = 3
Question 9: What will be the code for 18 in this language?
a) $\blacktriangle\circ\circ\circ\blacktriangle$
b) $\blacktriangle\circ\circ\blacktriangle\circ$
c) $\blacktriangle\circ\blacktriangle\circ\blacktriangle$
d) $\blacktriangle\circ\blacktriangle\circ\circ$
e) None of these
Question 10: What is the value of $\blacktriangle \blacktriangle\blacktriangle\circ$?
a) 13
b) 12
c) 11
d) 14
e) None of these
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Answer the following questions based on the flow chart provided:
Question 11: The program can be best described as
a) gives the quotient when a number is divided by 3
b) gives the remainder when a number is divided by 3.
c) gives the number that must be subtracted to make the given number divisible by 3
d) gives the number that has to be added to make the given number divisible by 3
e) gives the number that must be multiplied to make the given number a perfect square.
Question 12: If the program displays n+k as output instead of n-k, then what will be the output when k =5 will be
a) 10
b) 12
c) 2
d) 1
e) 11
Each of the questions below consist of a question and two statements. You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements is sufficient to answer the questions. Read both the statements and then choose the appropriate option.
Question 13: Who is the eldest among A, B, C, D, E?
I. C is neither the youngest nor the eldest and B is younger to only one person. B’s age is the average of C and D.
II. There are as many people as old as E as there are younger to him. The age of B is twice that of E.
a) The data in statement I alone is sufficient to answer the question but the data in statement II alone is not sufficient to answer the question
b) The data in statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question but the data in statement I alone is not sufficient to answer the question
c) The data in either of the statements is sufficient to answer the question
d) The data in both statements together is also not sufficient to answer the question
e) The data in both the statements is necessary to answer the question
Question 14: Which floor does R stay on a seven storeyed building, where the lowest floor is numbered 1 and the highest floor numbered 7?
I. Only two people live above S, who lives below R.
II. There are as many people above R as there are below T, both of whom live on prime numbered floors.
a) The data in statement I alone is sufficient to answer the question but the data in statement II alone is not sufficient to answer the question
b) The data in statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question but the data in statement I alone is not sufficient to answer the question
c) The data in either of the statements is sufficient to answer the question
d) The data in both statements together is also not sufficient to answer the question
e) The data in both the statements is necessary to answer the question
<p “=””>Below are given two passages followed by several possible inferences which can be drawn from the facts stated in the passages. You have to examine each inference separately in the context of the passage and decide upon its degree of truth or falsity.
Mark answer (1) if inference is “definitely true”, i.e., it properly follows from the statement of facts given.
Mark answer (2) if the inference is“probably true” though not “definitely true” in the light of the facts given.
Mark answer (3) if the “Data are inadequate”, i.e., from the facts given you cannot say whether the inference is likely to be true or false.
Mark answer (4) if the inference is “probably false” though not “definitely false” in the light of the facts given.
Mark answer (5) if the inference is “definitely false”, i.e., it cannot possibly be drawn from the facts given or it contradicts the given facts. <p “=””>PASSAGE II
In the initial years, trade policy in our country was primarily aimed at regulating imports having regard to the nascent stage of country’s development and the need to encourage domestic production through import substitution measures. However, with the onset of liberalisation the importance of globalisation through trade and making exports the engine of growth of economy has been recognised. Export promotion is now a continuous and sustained effort and specific steps in this direction have been taken and achievements have been made in recent years.
Question 15: Import used to affect domestic production in earlier years.
a) if inference is “definitely true”, i.e., it properly follows from the statement of facts given.
b) if the inference is “probably true” though not “definitely true” in the light of the facts given.
c) if the “Data are inadequate”, i.e., from the facts given you cannot say whether the inference is likely to be true or false.
d) if the inference is “probably false” though not “definitely false” in the light of the facts given.
e) if the inference is “definitely false”, i.e., it cannot possibly be drawn from the facts given.
Question 16: Before the implementation of the idea of liberalisation, our trade policy was not much in favour of free import-export.
a) if inference is “definitely true”, i.e., it properly follows from the statement of facts given.
b) if the inference is “probably true” though not “definitely true” in the light of the facts given.
c) if the “Data are inadequate”, i.e., from the facts given you cannot say whether the inference is likely to be true or false.
d) if the inference is “probably false” though not “definitely false” in the light of the facts given.
e) if the inference is “definitely false”, i.e., it cannot possibly be drawn from the facts given
Answer the following questions using the following instructions
Seven Lanes namely L,M,N,O,P,Q and R are present adjacent to each other separated by distances of 1km,2km,3km,4km,5km and 7m not necessarily in the same order.Given distances are between two adjacent lanes. All lane directions are taken from south to north. Distance between the lanes N and L is 7 km and also between Q and P is 7 km. O is the middlemost lane of the seven lanes. Distance between lanes O and Q is 3 km. There is only one lane between Q and P. M is the leftmost lane of the all lanes. L and Q have only 1 lane between them. R is towards the right of Q. Shortest distance between the lanes is present between O and L.
Question 17: What is the distance between the lanes O and M ?
a) 8 km
b) 10 km
c) 12 km
d) 14 km
e) 11 km
Question 18: What is the position of lane M with respect to Q ?
a) 4th to the right
b) 4th to the left
c) 2nd to the left
d) 3rd to the right
e) 3rd to the left
Question 19: If it is possible to form a meaningful word with the first, third, eighth and tenth letters of the word ‘ASSIGNMENT’, then what will be the fourth letter of that word?
(Select ‘X’ if no word can be formed and ‘Y’ if more than one word can be formed)
a) T
b) S
c) E
d) Y
e) X
Question 20: If it is possible to form a meaningful word with the third, fifth, eighth and ninth letters of the word ‘PERCENTAGE’ by using each letter only once, then what will be the fourth letter of that word? (Select ‘X’ if no word can be formed and ‘Y’ if more than one word can be formed)
a) G
b) R
c) E
d) Y
e) X
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Answers & Solutions:
1) Answer (C)
The logic followed here is (n + 9). Hence, the code for GAFT will be,
G + 9 = P, A + 9 =J, F + 9 = O, T + 9 = C.
Similarly, the code for WORS is,
W + 9 = F, O + 9 = X, R + 9 = A, S + 9 = B.
Hence, option C is the correct answer.
2) Answer (C)
$84 = 8^2 – 4^2 = 64 – 16 = 48$
Using the same logic,
$73 = 7^2 – 3^2 = 49 – 9 = 40$.
Therefore, option C is the right answer.
3) Answer (B)
There are 6 members, 3 generations and 2 married couples. There are 2 married couples and there are 2 members in each generation. Deepthi is married to the engineer and Deepthi’s mother is Bhanu. Therefore, the family structure must be as shown below.
Deepthi must belong to the second generation and Bhanu must belong to the first generation. Lawyer is teacher’s son and Doctor is the husband of teacher’s mother. Therefore, Deepthi must be the teacher and Bhanu must be Deepthi’s mother.
The singer is the grandmother of the CA. Therefore, Bhanu must be the singer. Farukh is the son-in-law of the doctor and likes blue colour. Therefore, Farukh must be the engineer and Deepthi’s husband. Deepthi is related to Chirag the same way Aruna is related to Farukh. Aruna must be the daughter of Farukh and hence, Chirag must be the father of Deepthi.
Aruna is not a lawyer by profession. Therefore, Aruna must be the CA and Eswar must be the lawyer.
Farukh likes blue colour. The CA, lawyer, doctor and the singer do not like green colour. Therefore, Deepthi must like green colour. The doctor and his spouse do not like pink colour. Aruna’s brother likes orange. Therefore, Aruna must like pink colour.
Deepthi’s father likes red colour. Therefore, Deepthi’s mother must like yellow colour.
The final arrangement is as follows:
Lawyer is the grandson of the person who likes yellow colour. Therefore, option B is the right answer.
4) Answer (D)
There are 6 members, 3 generations and 2 married couples. There are 2 married couples and there are 2 members in each generation. Deepthi is married to the engineer and Deepthi’s mother is Bhanu. Therefore, the family structure must be as shown below.
Deepthi must belong to the second generation and Bhanu must belong to the first generation. Lawyer is teacher’s son and Doctor is the husband of teacher’s mother. Therefore, Deepthi must be the teacher and Bhanu must be Deepthi’s mother.
The singer is the grandmother of the CA. Therefore, Bhanu must be the singer. Farukh is the son-in-law of the doctor and likes blue colour. Therefore, Farukh must be the engineer and Deepthi’s husband. Deepthi is related to Chirag the same way Aruna is related to Farukh. Aruna must be the daughter of Farukh and hence, Chirag must be the father of Deepthi.
Aruna is not a lawyer by profession. Therefore, Aruna must be the CA and Eswar must be the lawyer.
Farukh likes blue colour. The CA, lawyer, doctor and the singer do not like green colour. Therefore, Deepthi must like green colour. The doctor and his spouse do not like pink colour. Aruna’s brother likes orange. Therefore, Aruna must like pink colour.
Deepthi’s father likes red colour. Therefore, Deepthi’s mother must like yellow colour.
The final arrangement is as follows:
Bhanu is married to the person who likes red colour. Therefore, option D is the right answer.
5) Answer (A)
O sits second to the right of J. Here there are two possibilities. If O faces inside, then the persons to his right and left face outside and so on. If O faces outside, then the persons to his right and left faces inside and so on. The husband of O sits to the immediate right of the person who is opposite to O.
P is the father of K and they both sit opposite to each other. P is not an immediate neighbour of O. Assuming P is the wife of O in Possibilities I and II.
N sits second to the right of his mother-in-law. Hence, N should have a wife and his mother-in-law should have a husband. There is only one son of K. Hence, Three generations are K’s generation, K’s father(P)’s generation and K’s son’s generation.
M is the nephew of Q and they are immediate neighbours of each other. Q is unmarried and O has only two children. Hence, P is husband of O and N is husband of K. Then, Possibilities III and IV can be eliminated.
N sits second to the right of his mother-in-law. O is his mother-in-law.
J sits opposite to her brother-in-law. Hence, N is J’s brother-in-law. Then, K is N’s wife.
L is an immediate neighbour of her grandmother.
L and M are siblings and they both face opposite directions.
In Possibility-I, Since L is facing inside, M faces outside.
In Possibility-II, Since L is facing outside, M faces inside.
M and Q are immediate neighbours.
The person who is third to the right of K faces inside. Hence, Possibility-I can be eliminated.
Therefore, Final arrangement is as shown above.
K is sister of J. P sits opposite to K.
6) Answer (C)
O sits second to the right of J. Here there are two possibilities. If O faces inside, then the persons to his right and left face outside and so on. If O faces outside, then the persons to his right and left faces inside and so on. The husband of O sits to the immediate right of the person who is opposite to O.
P is the father of K and they both sit opposite to each other. P is not an immediate neighbour of O. Assuming P is the wife of O in Possibilities I and II.
N sits second to the right of his mother-in-law. Hence, N should have a wife and his mother-in-law should have a husband. There is only one son of K. Hence, Three generations are K’s generation, K’s father(P)’s generation and K’s son’s generation.
M is the nephew of Q and they are immediate neighbours of each other. Q is unmarried and O has only two children. Hence, P is husband of O and N is husband of K. Then, Possibilities III and IV can be eliminated.
N sits second to the right of his mother-in-law. O is his mother-in-law.
J sits opposite to her brother-in-law. Hence, N is J’s brother-in-law. Then, K is N’s wife.
L is an immediate neighbour of her grandmother.
L and M are siblings and they both face opposite directions.
In Possibility-I, Since L is facing inside, M faces outside.
In Possibility-II, Since L is facing outside, M faces inside.
M and Q are immediate neighbours.
The person who is third to the right of K faces inside. Hence, Possibility-I can be eliminated.
Therefore, Final arrangement is as shown above.
L is granddaughter of O. M is third to the right of O.
7) Answer (C)
The given statements can be combined and expressed as $ C = A > B < D \leq E = F$.
$F \leq C$ can be written as $ A \geq E$.
The 2 conclusions, state that $ A < E $ or $ A \geq C$.
One among these 2 conclusions must definitely follow.
Therefore, either conclusion I or conclusion II follows. Therefore, option C is the right answer.
8) Answer (E)
The given statements can be combined as $R = S < T > Q \geq P$.
$T$ is greater than $Q$. Therefore, $T$ is definitely greater than $P$. Conclusion I is false since it states that $T \geq P$.
No relationship can be established between $R$ and $Q$ since there is a change in the sign of the inequality. Therefore, conclusion II does not follow.
Neither of the conclusions follow. Therefore, option E is the right answer.
9) Answer (B)
18 can be written as 16+0+0+2+0 = $\blacktriangle\circ\circ\blacktriangle\circ$
10) Answer (D)
$\blacktriangle \blacktriangle\blacktriangle\circ$ = 8+4+2+0 = 14
11) Answer (D)
The logic can be explained as follows.
First, it is checked whether the input is less than 0. If it is not, then we increment ‘n’ by 3 and recheck whether the given number is less than or equal to ‘n’. The process is repeated till ‘n’ becomes equal to or greater than the input.
Finally, the input is subtracted from ‘n’. Thus, we get the number that must be added to make the given number divisible by 3.
Hence, option D is the right answer.
12) Answer (E)
The logic can be explained as follows.
First, it is checked whether the input is less than 0. If it is not, then we increment ‘n’ by 3 and recheck whether the given number is less than or equal to ‘n’. The process is repeated till ‘n’ becomes equal to or greater than the input.
Finally, the input is subtracted from ‘n’. Thus, we get the number that must be added to make the given number divisible by 3.
So, when k=5, n=6. If n+k is displayed as the output, then 5+6 = 11 will be the output.
13) Answer (A)
From I, B is younger only to one person. B’s age is the average of C and D. D is the eldest as C is neither the youngest nor the eldest.
II – There are as many people as old as E as there are younger to him. The age of B is twice that of E.
Nothing can be concluded from II.
14) Answer (B)
From II,
We can conclude that only such possibility is that R lives on 5 and T on 3.
Thus, option B is the correct answer.
15) Answer (A)
The inference is repetition of the phrase : encourage domestic production through import substitution measures.
Thus, the inference is “definitely true”.
=> Ans – (A)
16) Answer (A)
The word ‘regulating imports’ makes the inference that before the implementation of the idea of liberalisation, the trade policy was not much in favour of free import-export definitely true
Thus, the inference is “definitely true”.
=> Ans – (A)
17) Answer (B)
Given all the lanes are running from south to north so they are facing north.
Given N and L are separated by 7 km and also Q and P are separated by 7 km but P and Q are not adjacent to each other since they have 1 lane between them so N and L are adjacent lanes separated by a distance of 7km.
O is the 4th lane from any side as it is mentioned as middle most lane. M is the 1st lane from left as given in the question. Given L and Q are separated by only 1 lane so by using the above conditions we have the below cases as shown in the figure

From the above four possibilities 4 and 2 are not possible because R is to the right of Q but no slot is empty towards the right of Q and distance between the lanes O and Q is 3 km and in possibility 2 we have more than 3 km between them and so possible cases are 1 and 3

Distance between Q and P is 7 km and so in possibility case 3 we can slot P in 2nd from left but adjacent lanes having 7km are N and l and so not possible and the other place is first from right but if we slot P in that place distance between Q and P will not be 7 and it will be greater than 7 and so possibility case 3 is not possible only case possible is 1 and so the required arrangement is shown in the below figure

Since distance between QP is 7km QR and RP should be 2km and 5km or 5km and 2km.

Distance between the lanes M and O is 4+7+1=12 km
18) Answer (B)
Given all the lanes are running from south to north so they are facing north.
Given N and L are separated by 7 km and also Q and P are separated by 7 km but P and Q are not adjacent to each other since they have 1 lane between them so N and L are adjacent lanes separated by a distance of 7km.
O is the 4th lane from any side as it is mentioned as middle most lane. M is the 1st lane from left as given in the question. Given L and Q are separated by only 1 lane so by using the above conditions we have the below cases as shown in the figure

From the above four possibilities 4 and 2 are not possible because R is to the right of Q but no slot is empty towards the right of Q and distance between the lanes O and Q is 3 km and in possibility 2 we have more than 3 km between them and so possible cases are 1 and 3

Distance between Q and P is 7 km and so in possibility case 3 we can slot P in 2nd from left but adjacent lanes having 7km are N and l and so not possible and the other place is first from right but if we slot P in that place distance between Q and P will not be 7 and it will be greater than 7 and so possibility case 3 is not possible only case possible is 1 and so the required arrangement is shown in the below figure

Since distance between QP is 7km QR and RP should be 2km and 5km or 5km and 2km.

So the required answer is 4th to the left
19) Answer (D)
1st, 3rd, 8th and 10th letters of the word ASSIGNMENT are A, S, E, T.
SEAT, EAST and EATS can be formed using A, S, E, T.
Hence, Option D is the correct answer.
20) Answer (D)
3rd, 5th, 8th and 9th letters of the word PERCENTAGE are R, E, A, G.
GEAR and RAGE can be formed using R, E, A, G.
Hence, Option D is the correct answer.