Phrase Replacement Questions For SSC Stenographer

phrase replacement questions for ssc stenographer
phrase replacement questions for ssc stenographer

Phrase Replacement Questions For SSC Stenographer

SSC Stenographer Phrase Replacement Questions and Answers download PDF based on previous year question papers of SSC exams. 20 Very important Phrase Replacement Questions for Stenographer

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In the following questions, a sentence/ part of the sentence is printed in bold. Below are given alternatives to the bold sentence/part of the sentence, which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case
no improvement is needed, your answer is No improvement.

Question 1: If I will get an opportunity, I shall attend the seminar.

a) get

b) got

c) No Improvement

d) shall get

Question 2: Both the teams played the game fairly.

a) No Improvement

b) played a fair game

c) played fairly the game

d) fairly played the game

Question 3: She could not help but laugh.

a) but laughing

b) laughter

c) No Improvement

d) laughing

Question 4: We met yesterday, haven’t we ?

a) didn’t we ?

b) No Improvement

c) hadn’t we ?

d) isn’t it ?

Question 5: I took my mother some grapes when she was in hospital.

a) I took for my mother some grapes.

b) I brought my mother some grapes

c) I took some grapes for my mother

d) No Improvement

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Question 6: The others shook their heads and made vague noises of approval.

a) hung

b) turned around

c) No Improvement

d) nodded

Question 7: She insisted on she was innocent.

a) insisted on that

b) No Improvement

c) insisted that

d) insisted with


Question 8: The world is being faced with a crisis

a) confronted

b) in front of

c) No Improvement

d) facing

Question 9: You must endure what you cannot cure.

a) accept

b) suffer

c) prevail

d) No Improvement


Question 10: He does not laugh, nor he smiles.

a) nor he does smile

b) neither he does smile

c) nor does he smile

d) No Improvement


In the following questions, a sentence/ part of the sentence is printed in bold. Below are given alternatives to the bold sentence/ part of the sentence at a:, b: and c: which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case no improvement is needed, your answer is d.

Question 11: We do not believe in a dual policy of the company.

a) in this dual

b) in these dual

c) on these dual

d) No improvement

Question 12: This news is too good to be true.

a) cannot be true

b) so good that it should be true

c) No improvement

d) so good that it cannot be true

Question 13: The notorious criminal went to the police to go to prison.

a) submitted to the police

b) surrendered himself before the police

c) No improvement

d) gave himself tip for the police

Question 14: If he has time he will telephone.

a) could

b) might

c) would

d) No improvement

Question 15: He met European lady at the conference who works for an NGO.

a) European lady who works for an NGO at the conference

b) No improvement

c) a European lady who works for an NGO, at the conference

d) an European lady at the conference who works for an NGO


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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (A)

The correct answer is option -A

The above sentence is showing probable or likely conditions.

So order of the sentence will be

Simple present tense , modal auxiliary verb.

|                                        |

1st part of sentence.     2nd part of sentence

The correct sentence will be

If I get an opportunity,I shall attend the seminar.

2) Answer (B)

The correct answer is option -B

Here,`fair’ is an adjective which qualifies the noun `game’.

Usage of `fairly’ is wrong here.

Fairly – is an adverb which will qualify verb `played’.

Since in sentence,`the game -noun is used.

To qualify that we will use adjective.

If we look at the context/meaning usage of Adjective `fair’ is correct.

Ex- Both the teams played fairly.

Here it qualifies verb,so we use fairly (adverb)

Meaning-both the teams played in a fair manner.

Ex- Both the teams played a fair game.

Meaning -both the teams played a good,pure game.(no cheating,breaking of rules etc).


3) Answer (C)

The given sentence is correct.

Here the sentence implies that she couldn’t help but can’t resist herself from laughing.

The 1st option but laughing –

Is incorrect the given sentence,`help’ is used as a noun so we have to use same form of the verb after but.

2nd Option-

Laughter – though it is a noun ,meaning is different.It means the sound of laughing.

3rd option laughing

It is the present participle of `laugh’

4) Answer (A)

The correct answer is option -A.

The given question is of question tag.

The sentence is in simple past tense .

While making the question tag of simple past tense,we use auxiliary verb `did’.

As the given sentence is in negative form, questions l tag will be positive.



5) Answer (C)

The correct answer is option -C

Some grapes is a direct object which should be placed after verb.

Some grapes -I took some grapes, not my mother.

So it should be placed after the verb to which it qualifies.

Order of the sentence should be I took some grapes for my mother

Ex- I bought for my friend some books.

It should be I bought some books for my friend.

6) Answer (D)

The correct answer is option -D.

Shook (past form of shake)-shocked & upset by an unpleasant experience.

The correct word should be- nodded

Nodded-(past & past participle of nod)to move your head down and then up, sometimes several times, especially to show agreement, approval, or greeting.

If we look at the context,the correct word should be nodded.

7) Answer (C)

The correct answer is option -C

Insisted on -To ask for something,to request someone.demand something forcefully,

Or to go on,follow through.

Insisted that – we use insisted that when no verb comes immediately after (insisted that)

Insisted that will be followed by pronoun.

Here in this sentence -It is followed by pronoun `She’.

Insisted on usually preced the verb.

For ex- Shyam insisted on coming to Pune.

Here `insisted on’  followed by `coming'(present participle of come).

8) Answer (D)

The correct answer is option -D

The sentence seems to imply a general statement that world is facing a crisis.

The given sentence is in the past continuous tense (in passive form).

Here we want to say the current happening.

Present continuous tense -It is used to show an action happening at the time of speaking.

It is also used to denote temporary action not necessary happening at the moment of speaking.

9) Answer (D)

The correct answer is -D

The given sentence is correct.

Endure -to tolerate,to continue,carry on.

Prevail -to be superior in strength, dominance, influence,to be current widespread,to succeed in persuading.

Accept – to receive with a consent,to admit,to agree,to admit

Suffer-to feel pain,to undergo hardship.

Here sentence implies that one must go through or tolerate which can’t be cured.

10) Answer (C)

The correct answer is option -C

The quantifiers Like ‘neither nor, either or ‘ should follow the same grammatical usage i. e., The form of tense used with neither should also be used with nor.

In the given sentence first part denotes `does + verb ‘.Thus, the second part should be in the nor `does + verb’ form. So, nor does he is the correct answer.

11) Answer (A)

The correct answer is option -A.

`This’ is a demonstrative pronoun.It is used to point out the object to which they refer to.

In sentence it already mentioning about policy.So to indicate the `Policy’ (definite thing) we must use `This’.

Article `A’ we use to refer indefinite person or thing spoken of.

Policy -It is singular form.So usage of `these’ will be incorrect.So option B and C will get eliminated.

12) Answer (C)

The given sentence is correct.

The meaning of phrase `too good to be true’ -so good  that you cannot believe that such a situation is possible or can continue.


13) Answer (B)

The correct answer is option -B

Surrendered himself before the Police -means he hand over himself to the Police.

Himself -here act as a reflexive pronoun.

Reflexive pronoun -If the action of the subject reflects upon the doer,it is called as reflexive pronoun.

14) Answer (D)

Option D is the correct answer.

In if clause simple present tense is used so in main clause simple future tense should be used.

Hence,  the given sentence is correct And no improvement is required.

15) Answer (C)

The Correct answer is option -C.

The relative pronoun (who,whom,whose,that) must be used after the antecedent to which it is referring.

Ex- This is the girl whose name is Anita.

Here the girl is an antecedent. Whose is a relative pronoun which is used after the antecedent `She’.

Article `A’ should be used before European lady.

Article A is used to represent the person or thing which are indefinite.

Here we will not use article`an’ because we use `an’ after words with vowel sounds.

European it sounds like yuropean.

We don’t use article `an’ simply because any word starts with vowel it should sound like a vowel.

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