Circular Seating Arrangement Questions For IBPS Clerk PDF

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Circular Seating Arrangement Questions For IBPS Clerk PDF

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12 friends are sitting in two parallel rows such that each row contains 6 equally spaced chairs and each person faces one person. P, Q, R, S, T and U, not necessarily in the same order, are sitting in the bottom row facing north. A, B, C, D, E and F, not necessarily in the same order, are sitting in the top row facing south.
Further, it is known that:
1. T, who sits to the immediate left of P, sits opposite A.
2. The number of people between A and F is same as the number of people between E and C.
3. There are three people between P and R.
4. C and U do not sit opposite each other.
5. E sits to the immediate left of A.
6. R, who sits second to the right of U, sits opposite B.
7. D and Q do not sit opposite each other.

Question 1: Find the odd one based on the seating arrangement.

a) A

b) F

c) T

d) B

e) R


12 friends are sitting in two parallel rows such that each row contains 6 equally spaced chairs and each person faces one person. P, Q, R, S, T and U, not necessarily in the same order, are sitting in the top row facing south. A, B, C, D, E and F, not necessarily in the same order, are sitting in the bottom row facing north.
Further, it is known that:
1. S and B sit opposite each other.
2. E sits third to the right of C and U sits third to the right of S.
3. At least three people sit to the left of R.
4. P, who sits at one of the ends, sits to the left of S.
5. A sits opposite the person sitting to the immediate left of U.
6. D and A sit next to each other, and neither of them sit at the ends.
7. The number of people between T and R is same as the number of people between A and F.

Question 2: Find the odd pair based on the seating arrangement.

a) QT

b) ST

c) CD

d) DE

e) UQ


Six friends Arjun, Bala, Charan, Divya, Esha and Farhan are sitting in a horizontal row. Exactly 3 of them are facing north. Divya does not sit at any of the ends. Both the neighbors of Esha face North. Farhan sits second to the left of Arjun. Divya sits third to the right of Esha. Both the neighbors of Bala face south.

Question 3: Four of the five pairs are alike based on the seating arrangement, find the odd one.

a) A, F

b) D, E

c) F, C

d) E, B

e) F, D

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Study the following information to answer the given questions: Eight people are sitting in two parallel rows containing four people each, in such a way that there is an equal distance between adjacent persons. In row-1 P, Q, R and S are seated (but not necessarily in the same order) and all of them are facing south. In row-2 A, B, C and D are seated (but not necessarily in the same order) and all of them are facing north. Therefore, in the given seating arrangement each member seated in a row faces another member of the other row. R sits second to the right of P. A is an immediate neighbour of the person who faces R. Q sits second to left of the person who faces a. Only one person sits between B and c. C does not face P. C does not sit at any of the extreme ends of the line.

Question 4: Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on the given seating arrangement and thus form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?

a) A

b) P

c) R

d) B

e) S


Study the following information to answer the given question.b: C, D, E, F, G, H and I are seated in a straight line facing North but not necessarily in the same order. Only two people sit between B and I. B sits at one of the extreme ends of the line: G sits second to the right of I. E sits third to the left of H. H is not an immediate neighbour of G. D sits to the immediate left of F. Neither D nor F is an immediate neighbour of H. D does not sit at any of the extreme ends of the line.

Question 5: Which of the following is true with respect to E as per the given seatingarrangement?

a) E sits to immediate left to G.

b) Bosh I and H are immediate neighbours of E.

c) Only two people sit to the right of E.

d) None of the given options is true.

e) Only one person sit between E and B.


Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below :
Eight persons are sitting in two parallel rows containing four persons each, in such a way that there is an equal distance between adjacent persons. In row-1, P, Q, R and S are seated and all of them are facing south. In row-2, A, B, C and D are seated and all of them are facing north. Therefore, in the given seating arrangement each person seated in a row faces another person of the other row. Each of them belongs to different places, viz., Delhi, Jaipur, Patna, Pune, Mumbai, Chennai, Shillong and Surat, but not necessarily in the same order.
The person from Delhi is second to the right of the person who faces C. The immediate neighbour of person from Delhi faces the person from Patna. Only one person sits between person from Patna and B. One who faces B is second to the left of P. One who is immediate neighbour of B faces person from Jaipur. A person facing the person from Jaipur is second to the right of the person from Pune. There is only one person between the person from Jaipur and S. R faces the person from Surat. R is neither from Jaipur nor Mumbai. The person who is immediate neighbour of D is from Shillong. D is not an immediate neighbour of B.

Question 6: Four of the followingfive are alike in a certain way based on the above seating arrangement and hence they form a group. Which one of the following does not belong to that group?

a) R

b) S

c) C

d) A

e) B

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Read the following information carefully and answer the questions which follow.
There are 9 people A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I seated (not necessarily in the same order) on chairs arranged in a straight line and all facing in the same direction. There are 6 people seating between B and G. Two people sit between D and F such that B is one among the two who also sits next to D. H sits 5 places to the left of D. There are more people to the left of C than to his right. I doesn’t sit next to H.

Question 7: Seating position of how many people can be determined uniquely Q ?

a) 4

b) 5

c) 6

d) 7

e) All


Read the following and answer the questions.

Twelve people are sitting in two parallel rows, each containing six persons. They sit in such a way that there is equal space between adjacent members. A, B, C, D, E and F sit in row 1 (not necessarily in the same order) and face north. P, Q, R, S, T and U sit in row 2 and face south (not necessarily in the same order). Each member in a row faces another member of the other row.

1. A does not sit at any of the ends.
2. Exactly three people sit between Q and T
3. Exactly two people sit between E and C.
4. T does not sit at any of the ends.
5. P does not sit opposite E.
6. R sits to the immediate right of U.
7. The person sitting opposite F sits to the immediate right of T.
8. U sits opposite C.
9. A and D are immediate neighbours.
10. U sits to the left of Q. (not necessarily immediate)

Question 8: Four of the five are alike based on the seating arrangement and hence form a group, find the odd one.

a) P,U

b) A, D

c) S,T

d) F,B

e) C, E


Read the following and answer the questions.

Eight friends – A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H, not necessarily in the same order sit around a square table. Four of the friends sit at the corners, while the other four sit at the middle of each side. The ones sitting in the middle face away from the center while those sitting in the corners face the center.

1. G sits at one of the corners.
2. Both the neighbours of D face away from the center.
3. Both the neighbours of B face the center.
4. F sits to the immediate right of D.
5. H sits third to the left of E.
6. D does not sit opposite G.
7. B sits second to the right of F.
8. A and F sit opposite each other.

Question 9: How many seating arrangements are possible?

a) 1

b) 2

c) 3

d) 4

e) 5


Study the given information carefully and answer the given questions :
Eight people – A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting in a straight line facing North not necessarily in the same order. F is sitting fifth to the right of A. D is sitting fifth to the right of E. E is to the immediate right of A. H is third to the left of D. B is third to the right of G. G is an immediate neighbour of A.

Question 10: If all eight persons are asked to sit in an alphabetical order from right to left, the position of how many will remain unchanged as compared to their original seating position ?

a) Three

b) More than three

c) One

d) Two

e) None

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Question 11: Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on their seating positions in the above arrangement and so form a group. Which one does not belong to the group ?

a) HD

b) BE

c) EC

d) AH

e) GB


Twelve people are sitting in two parallel rows, each containing six persons. They sit in such a way that there is equal space between adjacent members. A, B, C, D, E and F sit in row 1 (not necessarily in the same order) and face north. P, Q, R, S, T and U sit in row 2 and face south (not necessarily in the same order). Each member in a row faces another member of the other row.
1. D and Q do not face each other.
2. S sits second to the right of P.
3. U and R sit adjacent to each other.
4. C sits second to the right of A.
5. Only three people sit between D and F.
6. T faces the immediate neighbor of B.
7. R faces C and does not sit at the end.
8. S sits at one of the ends.
9. U faces the immediate neighbor of A.

Question 12: Four of the five are alike based on the seating arrangement, find the odd one out.

a) S

b) B

c) A

d) F

e) Q


Eight friends – A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H, not necessarily in the same order sit around a square table. Four of the friends sit at the corners, while the other four sit at the middle of each side. The ones sitting in the corners face away from the center while those sitting in the middle face the center.
1. A sits at one of the corners.
2. B sits to the immediate right of F.
3. G and C sit opposite each other.
4. Both the immediate neighbors of H face the center.
5. E sits third to the right of B.
6. C and E are neighbors.
7. H sits second to the right of F.
8. A is not a neighbor of E.

Question 13: Four of the five are alike based on the seating arrangement, find the odd one.

a) B

b) E

c) D

d) C

e) G


Study the given information carefully and answer the given questions : J, K, L, M, N and O are sitting in a straight line facing North, not necessarily in the same order.
• J is sitting fourth to the left of O and O is not sitting at the extreme end of the line.
• M is sitting third to the right of N.
• K is not an immediate neighbour of J.

Question 14: Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on their seating positions in the above arrangement and so limn a group. Which one does not belong to the group?

a) LJ

b) OM

c) KN

d) OK

e) NJ

Question 15: If all the persons are made to sit in an alphabetical order from left to right, the positions of how many will remain unchanged as compared to their original seating position?

a) One

b) Two

c) Three

d) More than three

e) None


Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions. H, J, K, L, M and P are sitting in a straight line (not necessarily in the same order) facing North.
(a) H sits third to the left of P.
(b) P does not sit at an extreme end of the line.
(c) Only one person sits between M and K.
(d) K is not an immediate neighbour of H.
(e) J is not an immediate neighbour of H or M.

Question 16: Four of the following fire are alike in a certain way based on their seating positions in the above arrangement and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?

a) PL

b) MP

c) JP

d) KM

e) MH

Question 17: If all the persons are made to sit in alphabetical order from left to right, the positions of how many will remain unchanged as compared to the original seating positions?

a) None

b) One

c) Two

d) Three

e) Four


Study the following information to answer the given questions
Seven friends — L, M. N, 0. P, Q and R are sitting in a straight line facing North, not necessarily in the same order. M sits fifth to the right of 0. P sits third to the right of L. Both L and P do not sit at the extreme ends of the line. Q and R are immediate neighbours of each other. N sits third to the left of Q.

Question 18: Four of the following live :ire alike in a certain way based on their seating positions in die above arrangement and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to the group ?

a) MP

b) RQ

c) ON

d) LN

e) QL


Seven people – Arun, Bunty, Mohit, Karan, Divya, Tarun and Karthik are sitting in seven equally spaced chairs, not necessarily in the same order. All of them are facing north.
Further, it is known that:
1. Arun and Tarun are neighbors.
2. There is at least one person to the right of Karthik.
3. Karan sits second to the right of Tarun.
4. Divya, who is sitting at the extreme, is sitting fourth to the left of Mohit.
5. Arun does not sit next to karan.

Question 19: Four of the five pairs are alike based on the seating arrangement and hence form a group. Find the odd one out.

a) Tarun, Karan

b) Divya, Arun

c) Karthik, Mohit

d) Arun, Mohit

e) Mohit, Bunty


Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.

Seven friends P, Q, R, S, T, U and V are sitting in a straight line facing the north direction. Further it is known that:
1) V is second to the right of T
2) P is third to the left of R
3) T is to the right of U
4) Q is third to the left of U

Question 20: How many different seating arrangements are possible?

a) 1

b) 2

c) 3

d) 4

e) 5

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (B)

Let’s first number the seats before solving the problem.

We know that three people sit between P and R. This, gives us two possibilities P sits to the left of R or P sits to the right of R.

We also know that R sits second to the right of U. Hence, P has to sit to the left of R.
P can either sit at 7 or at 8. Since T sits to the immediate left of P, P can only sit at 8.
R will sit at 12. T will sit at 7. U will sit at 10.
T sits opposite A. Hence, A sits at 1.
R sits opposite B. Hence, B should sit at 6.
E sits to the immediate left of A. Hence, E should sit at 2.
The number of people between A and F is same as those between E and C. Also, C and U do not sit opposite each other. Hence, C has to sit at 5 and F at 4. D will occupy the only remaining seat – 3.
Since Q does not sit opposite D, Q will sit at 11 and S at 9.

The final arrangement:


2) Answer (D)

Let’s start by numbering the seats.

We know that E sits third to the right of C. Hence, C can sit at 7, 8 or 9.

Also, U sits third to the right of S. Hence, S can sit at 4, 5 or 6.

Since P sits to the left of S and at one of the ends, S cannot sit at 6.

S and B sit opposite each other and A and D sit next to each other. Hence, C has to sit at 7 and S at 5. Every other combination will not satisfy the fact that neither A nor D sit at any of the ends.

F has only one place left, which is 12.

If S sits at 5, U sits at 2.

A sits opposite the person sitting to the immediate left of U. Hence, A sits at 9 and D at 8.

The number of people between T and R is same as the number of people between A and F. The number of people sitting between A and F is 2. Hence, R and T have to sit at 1 and 4 in any order.

At least 3 people sit to the left of R. Hence, R sits at 1 and T at 4.

Q sits at the only remaining place 3.

The arrangement will look like this:

All the pairs except DE sit next to each other.

3) Answer (A)

Given, exactly 3 of them face south and 3 of them face north.

Divya sits third to the right of Esha and Divya does not sit at any of the ends. Thus, two cases are possible.
Case 1: Esha faces North, sits at 2 and Divya sits at 5.
Since, both the neighbors of Esha face North, the persons sitting at 1 and 3 should face North.
Also, both the neighbors of Bala face South. There is no place where Bala can sit in such a way that both his neighbors are facing South.
Hence, this case is not possible.


Case 2: Esha faces South, sits at 5 and Divya sits at 2.
Since, both the neighbors of Esha face North, the persons sitting at 4 and 6 should face North.
Also, both the neighbors of Bala face South. The only possibility is Bala should sit at 4. This implies people sitting at 5 and 3 face South.
Farhan sits second to the left of Arjun. The only possibility is Arjun sits at 1, facing south and Farhan sits at 3. Charan will occupy the only vacant place 6. Since 3 of them face North Divya faces North.

In all pairs except A, one of them faces north and the other faces south.

Hence, option A is the right choice.

4) Answer (C)

R sits second to the right of P, => Let P sits at extreme left end of row-1, who are facing south.

A is an immediate neighbour of the person who faces R. Q sits second to left of the person who faces A,

=> A sits to the immediate left end of row-2, who are facing north, and Q sits between R and P.

The vacant position in row-1, i.e. extreme right end is taken by S.

Only one person sit between B and C, => D sits opposite Q.

Since, C does not sit opposite P, => C sits to the immediate right of A and B at extreme right end.

Among the given options, A,P,B and S sit at extreme ends but R doesn’t.

=> Ans – (C)

5) Answer (A)

B sits at one of the extreme ends of the line, => Let B sits at left end of the line.

Only two people sit between B and I, => I sits third to the right of B.

G sits second to the right of I, => G sits 3rd from the right end.

H is not an immediate neighbour of G and E sits third to the left of H, => H sits at the right end and E sits to the immediate left of G.

D sits to the immediate left of F, => D sits to the immediate right of B and C to the immediate left of H.

The only true statement is that E sits to immediate left to G.

=> Ans – (A)

6) Answer (C)

The person from Delhi is second to the right of the person who faces C, => Let the person from Delhi is at the extreme right end of Row-1, thus C will be second from right in Row-2.

The immediate neighbour of person from Delhi faces the person from Patna, => The person from Patna sits to the immediate left of C.

Only one person sits between person from Patna and B, => B sits to the immediate right of C.

One who faces B is second to the left of P, => P sits to the immediate left of person from Delhi.

One who is immediate neighbour of B faces person from Jaipur, => C faces person from Jaipur.

A person facing the person from Jaipur is second to the right of the person from Pune, => Person from Pune is at extreme left end of Row-2.

There is only one person between the person from Jaipur and S, => S is at exreme right end of Row-1.

R faces the person from Surat and R is not from Jaipur, => R faces B, who is from Surat.

The person who is immediate neighbour of D is from Shillong, => D belongs to Patna and C to Shillong.

Also, R is not from Mumbai, => P is from Mumbai.

S, R, A and B are sitting at the extreme ends of the two rows, hence C is the odd one.

=> Ans – (C)

7) Answer (D)

6 people sit between B and G, so, any one of B or G will sit on the extreme position. Further it is known that between D and F there are 2 people and B is one among then who sits next to D. So B is not in the extreme and D sits on one extreme chair and G sits on the other extreme. Also H sits 5 places to the left of left of D. Thus we get arrangement as follows.

Also we know that there are more people to the left of C than to his right. I doesn’t sit next to H. So we get final arrangement as follows.

Thus, option D is the correct choice.

8) Answer (E)

From 2, we know that exactly three people sit between Q and T. From 4, T does not sit at any of the ends. Also, from 10, U sits to the left of Q. Therefore, Q sits at 7 and T at 11.

From 7, F sits at 4.
From 6, U sits to the immediate right of U. From 8, U sits opposite C. Thus, the only possible way is U sits at 9 and R at 8.
C will sit at 3.
From 3, exactly two people sit between E and C, the only possibility is E sits at 6.
From 9, A and D are immediate neighbours and A does not sit at any end (from 1), thus, A sits at 2 and D at 1.
B has to sit at 5.

From 5, P does not sit opposite E, thus P sits at 10.
S will occupy the only vacant place 12.

The final arrangement:


Hence option E is the right choice.

9) Answer (B)

From 1, we know that G sits at one of the corners, so let’s fix G at 1.

From 2 and 6, we know that D sits at one of the corners but does not sit opposite G.
D can sit at either 3 or 7.

If D sits at 7:
From 4, F sits at 6. From 8, A sits opposite F, so A sits at 2.
From 7, B sits second to the right of F, thus B sits at 8.
From 5, H sits third to the left of E, but the only vacant places are 3, 4 and 5. There is no way to place H and E, thus, this case is not possible.

If D sits at 3:
From 4, F sits to the immediate right of D, thus, F sits at 2.
From 8, A sits opposite A, so A sits at 6.
From 5, H sits third to the left of E, there are two ways possible – E sits at 5 and H at 8 or E at 8 and H at 5.
From 7, B sits at 4.
C will occupy the only vacant place 7.

Since H and E can interchange their positions, two arrangements are possible. Option B is the correct answer.

10) Answer (C)

E is to the immediate right of A and G is an immediate neighbour of A, => G is to the immediate left of A.

D is sitting fifth to the right of E and F is sitting fifth to the right of A, => G is sitting at extreme left end while D is sitting at extreme right end.

B is third to the right of G, => B sits to the immediate right of E.

H is third to the left of D, => H sits to the immediate right of B and the vacant place, i.e. between H and F is filled by C.

If all eight persons are asked to sit in an alphabetical order from right to left, the position of only C will remain unchanged as compared to their original seating position.

=> Ans – (C)

11) Answer (B)

E is to the immediate right of A and G is an immediate neighbour of A, => G is to the immediate left of A.

D is sitting fifth to the right of E and F is sitting fifth to the right of A, => G is sitting at extreme left end while D is sitting at extreme right end.

B is third to the right of G, => B sits to the immediate right of E.

H is third to the left of D, => H sits to the immediate right of B and the vacant place, i.e. between H and F is filled by C.

Apart from B and E, there are 2 persons sitting between each of the mentioned pairs.

=> Ans – (B)

12) Answer (C)

From 2 and 8, we know that S should sit at 7 and P should sit at 9.

From 3, 9 and 4, we know that C sits second to the right of A. R faces C and does not sit at an end.
U and R sit adjacent each other.
R can sit at 10 or 11.

If R sits at 10, U will sit at 11.
A has to sit at 4 and C has to sit at 6, but this is not possible as R and C face each other.

If R sits at 11,
U will sit at 10. (U cannot sit at 12 as A will then have to sit at 5 and C will have no place)
C will sit at 5 and A will sit at 3.

From 6, T faces the immediate neighbor of B, hence, T has to sit at 8 and B at 1.

Q will occupy the only vacant place 12.

From 5 and 1, D sits at 2 and F at 6.
E will occupy the only remaining place 4.

Final arrangement:

Except A, all sit at the ends.

13) Answer (B)

From 1, A sits at one of the corners. Let’s fix A at 1.

From 5, E sits third to the right of B. From 8, A is not a neighbor of E. Thus, B can sit at 2, 3, 6.

If B sits at 2, E should sit at 7.
From 4, H sits at a corner and from 7, H should sit at 5 and F at 3.
But, from 2, B sits to the immediate right of F, which is not possible, hence, B cannot sit at 2.

If B sits at 3, E should sit at 6.
From 3, G and C sit opposite each other, the only possibility is 4, 8 in any order.
From 6, C and E are neighbors, this is not possible if C sits at 4 or 8.
Hence, B cannot sit at 3.

If B sits at 6, E should sit at 3.
From 3 and 6, G should sit at 8 and C should sit at 4.
From 7 and 4, H should sit at 7 and F should sit at 5.

D will occupy the only vacant place 2.

The final arrangement:

All except E, sit in the middle.

14) Answer (E)

J is sitting fourth to the left of O and O is not sitting at the extreme end of the line, => J is sitting at the extreme left end and O sits 2nd from the right end.

M is sitting third to the right of N, => M sits at extreme right end and N sits 2nd to the right of J.

K is not an immediate neighbour of J, => K sits between N and O, thus L sits to the immediate right of J.

Apart from NJ, all the given pairs are sitting adjacent to each other.

=> Ans – (E)

15) Answer (A)

J is sitting fourth to the left of O and O is not sitting at the extreme end of the line, => J is sitting at the extreme left end and O sits 2nd from the right end.

M is sitting third to the right of N, => M sits at extreme right end and N sits 2nd to the right of J.

K is not an immediate neighbour of J, => K sits between N and O, thus L sits to the immediate right of J.

If all the persons are made to sit in an alphabetical order from left to right, the position of only J will remain unchanged as compared to their original seating position.

=> Ans – (A)

16) Answer (B)

Given that

H sits third to the left of P. So possible cases are

H _ _ P _ _

_ H _ _ P _

_ _ H _ _ P

Now it is given that ,P does not sit at an extreme end of the line and Only one person sits between M and K. and K is not the immediate neighbour of H, So possible cases are:

H _ K P M _

H _ M P K _


_ H _ K P M

_ H _ M P K

Now it is given that ,J is not an immediate neighbour of H or M. So,

H L M P K J – Only possible arrangement

17) Answer (B)

Given that

H sits third to the left of P. So possible cases are

H _ _ P _ _

_ H _ _ P _

_ _ H _ _ P

Now it is given that ,P does not sit at an extreme end of the line and Only one person sits between M and K. and K is not the immediate neighbour of H, So possible cases are:

H _ K P M _

H _ M P K _


_ H _ K P M

_ H _ M P K

Now it is given that ,J is not an immediate neighbour of H or M. So,

H L M P K J – Only possible arrangement

Initial Arrangement – H L M P K J

Alphabetical Order- H J K L M P



18) Answer (D)

Since, all are facing North, and M sits fifth to the right of O. => There are 4 people sitting between O and M.

Q and R are adjacent, and L, P cannot be at ends.

The arrangement will be :

The relationship is all except L & N are sitting adjacent to each other.

Ans – (D)

19) Answer (C)

Let us number their seats from left to right, 1 to 7.
From 4, Divya sits fourth to the left of Mohit. Hence, Divya will sit at 1 and Mohit will sit at 5.

From 3, Karan sits second to the right of Tarun. Hence, Tarun can sit at 2 and Karan can sit at 4 or Tarun can sit at 4 and karan can sit at 6.

If Tarun sits at 2 and Karan sits at 4, Arun will sit at 3 (from 1). But, this is not possible as Arun can’t sit next to Karan (from 5).

If Tarun sits at 4 and Karan sits at 6, Arun will sit at 3 (from 1). Since, at least one person sits to the right of Karthik, he cannot sit at the right end. Hence, Karthik will sit at 2 and Bunty will occupy the only vacant seat – 7.

In all the pairs, except Karthik, Mohit, the second person sits second to the right of the first person.

20) Answer (A)

Let us number the seating positions 1 to 7 from left to right as shown.
From statements 4 and 1 we know that Q is third to the left of U and V is second to the right of T.
But from statement 3 we know that T is to the right of U.
This is possible only when (Q, U, T, V) are sitting in positions (1, 4, 5, 7) in that order.
Now from statement 2 we know that P is third to the left of R. This means that P and R must be sitting in positions 3 and 6 respectively.
Now the only remaining person S must be sitting in position 2.
Hence the seating arrangement will be as shown below.

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