Active and Passive Voice Questions for IIFT PDF

Active and Passive Voice Questions for IIFT PDF
Active and Passive Voice Questions for IIFT PDF

Active and Passive Voice Questions for IIFT PDF

Download important IIFT Active and Passive Voice Questions PDF based on previously asked questions in IIFT and other MBA exams. Practice Active and Passive Voice Questions and answers for IIFT and otherĀ  exams.

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A sentence has been given in Active/Passive Voice. Out of the four given alternatives, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Passive/Active Voice.

Question 1:Ā The carpenter is making furniture.

a)Ā The furniture is being made by the carpenter.

b)Ā The furniture was made by the carpenter.

c)Ā The furniture was being made by the carpenter.

d)Ā The furniture will be be made by the carpenter.

Question 2:Ā Do you expect your parents to come from Dubai today?

a)Ā Did your parents come today from Dubai?

b)Ā Where your parents expected to come from Dubai today?

c)Ā Are you expecting your parents to come from Dubai today?

d)Ā Do your parents expected to come today from Dubai?

Question 3:Ā The youngsters lined the cafe.

a)Ā The cafe is lined by the youngsters.

b)Ā The cafe was lined by the youngsters.

c)Ā The cafe lined by the youngsters.

d)Ā The cafe is lined.

Question 4:Ā The workers are building the house.

a)Ā The house was being built by the workers.

b)Ā The house was built by the workers.

c)Ā The house is built by the workers.

d)Ā The house is being built by the workers.

Question 5:Ā The travel agent is making all the reservations.

a)Ā All the reservations is made by the travel agent.

b)Ā All the reserving will be made by the travel agent.

c)Ā All the reservations are being made by the travel agent.

d)Ā All the reserving is made by the travel agent.

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Question 6:Ā Mariam was writing a note to her boss.

a)Ā A note was written to her boss by Mariam.

b)Ā A note was wrote by Mariam to her boss.

c)Ā A note was being written by Mariam to her boss.

d)Ā A note was written by Mariam to her boss.

Question 7:Ā Saima mailed her application for a new job.

a)Ā The application for a new job had been mailed by Saima.

b)Ā The application for a new job has been mailed by Saima.

c)Ā The application for her new job has been mailed by Saima.

d)Ā The application for a new job was mailed by Saima.

Question 8:Ā The teacher will give you instructions.

a)Ā Instructions would be given to you by the teacher.

b)Ā Instructions will have been given to you by the teacher.

c)Ā Instructions will be given to you by the teacher.

d)Ā Instructions were given to you by the teacher.

Question 9:Ā They lock the door every night.

a)Ā The door was being locked every night by them.

b)Ā The door has been locked every night by them.

c)Ā The door had been locked every night by them.

d)Ā The door is locked every night by them.

Question 10:Ā We serve hot meals till 10.30 guests can order, coffee and sandwiches up to 11.30.

a)Ā Hot meals are serving till 10.30 ; coffee and sandwiches are ordering by guests till 11.30.

b)Ā Hot meals are being served till 10.30 coffee and sandwiches are being ordered till 11-30.

c)Ā Hot meals are served till 10.30; coffee and sandwiches may be ordered till 11.30.

d)Ā Hot meals will be served till 10.30; coffee and sandwiches will be ordered upto 11.30.

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Answers & Solutions:

1)Ā AnswerĀ (A)

2)Ā AnswerĀ (C)

Are you expecting your parents to come from Dubai today?

3)Ā AnswerĀ (B)

4)Ā AnswerĀ (D)

5)Ā AnswerĀ (C)

6)Ā AnswerĀ (C)

7)Ā AnswerĀ (D)

8)Ā AnswerĀ (A)

9)Ā AnswerĀ (D)

10)Ā AnswerĀ (C)

The correct answer is option number -C

The given sentence is in active voice.

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We hope this Active and Passive Voice questions and answers for IIFT PDF will be helpful to you.




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