Para Jumbles Questions for SBI Clerk Set-3 PDF

Para Jumbles Questions for SBI Clerk Set-3 PDF
Para Jumbles Questions for SBI Clerk Set-3 PDF

Para Jumbles Questions for SBI Clerk Set-3 PDF

Download SBI Clerk Para Jumbles Questions & Answers Set-3 PDF for SBI Clerk Prelims and Mains exam. Very Important SBI Clerk Para Jumbles Questions with solutions.

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Direction : Rearrange the following sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E) and (F) to make a meaningful paragraph and then answer the questions which follow

(A) While these disadvantages of bio fuels are serious, they are the only alternate energy source of the future and the sooner we find solutions to these problems the faster we will be able to solve the problems wo are now facing with gasoline.

(B) This fuel can also help to stimulate jobs locally since they are also much safer to handle thaw gasoline and can thus have the potential to turnaround a global economy.

(C) These include dependence on fossil fuels for the machinery required to produce biofuel which ends up polluting as much as the burning of fossil fuels on roads and exorbitant cost of biofuels which makes it very difficult for the common man to switch to this option.

(D) This turnaround can potentially help to bring world peace and end the need to depend on foreign countries for energy requirements.

(E) Biofuels are made from plant sources and since these sources are available in abundance and can be reproduced on a massive scale they form an energy source that is potentially unlimited.

(F) However everything is not as green with the biofuels as it seems as there are numerous disadvantages involved which at times overshadow their positive impact.

Question 1: Which of the following sentence should be the FIFTH after rearrangement ?

a) A

b) B

c) C

d) E

e) F

Question 2: Which of the following sentence should be the THIRD after rearrangement ?

a) A

b) B

c) C

d) D

e) E

Question 3: Which of the following sentence should be the FIRST after rearrangement ?

a) A

b) B

c) C

d) D

e) E

Question 4: Which of the following sentence should be the SIXTH (LAST) after rearrangement ?

a) A

b) C

c) D

d) E

e) F

Question 5: Which of the following sentence should be the SECOND after rearrangement ?

a) A

b) B

c) D

d) E

e) F

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Directions: Rearrange the following six sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E) and (F) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph and then answer the questions given below.

(A) The group desired to enhance the learning experience in schools with an interactive digital medium that could be used within and outside the class-room.

(B) Then the teacher can act on the downloaded data rather than collect it from each and every student and thereby save his time and effort.

(C) Edutor, decided the group of engineers, all alumni of the Indian Institute of Technology, when they founded Edutor Technologies in August 2009.

(D) They can even take tests and submit them digitally using the same tablets and the teachers in turn can download, the tests using the company’s cloud services.

(E) With this desire they created a solution that digitises school text books and other learning material so that students no longer need to carry as many books to school and back as before, but can access their study material on their touch-screen tablets.

(F) A mechanic works on motors and an accountant has his computer. Likewise, if a student has to work on a machine of device, what should it be called?

Question 6: Which of the following sentences should be the FIRST after rearrangement?

a) F

b) D

c) A

d) C

e) E

Question 7: Which of the following sentences should be the THIRD after rearrangement?

a) A

b) B

c) D

d) E

e) F

Question 8: Which of the following sentences should be the SIXTH (LAST) after rearrangement?

a) A

b) F

c) E

d) B

e) D

Question 9: Which of the following sentences should be the FOURTH after rearrangement?

a) A

b) F

c) E

d) B

e) C

Question 10: Which of the following sentences should be the FIFTH after rearrangement?

a) A

b) D

c) C

d) E

e) F

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (C)

The correct order of sentences is as follows: EBDFCA. E opens the paragraph with an introduction to biofuels. B talks about the advantages of these fuels. The use of the words “this turnaround” in sentence D is a reference to the turnaround talked about in sentence B. So, D follows B. The next sentence is F, which is followed by C and then A is the concluding statement.

So, statement C is the fifth sentence.

2) Answer (D)

The correct order of sentences is as follows: EBDFCA. E opens the paragraph with an introduction to biofuels. B talks about the advantages of these fuels. The use of the words “this turnaround” in sentence D is a reference to the turnaround talked about in sentence B. So, D follows B. The next sentence is F, which is followed by C and then A is the concluding statement.

D is the third sentence after rearrangement.

3) Answer (E)

The correct order of sentences is as follows: EBDFCA. E opens the paragraph with an introduction to biofuels. B talks about the advantages of these fuels. The use of the words “this turnaround” in sentence D is a reference to the turnaround talked about in sentence B. So, D follows B. The next sentence is F, which is followed by C and then A is the concluding statement.

E is the first statement after rearrangement.

4) Answer (A)

The correct order of sentences is as follows: EBDFCA. E opens the paragraph with an introduction to biofuels. B talks about the advantages of these fuels. The use of the words “this turnaround” in sentence D is a reference to the turnaround talked about in sentence B. So, D follows B. The next sentence is F, which is followed by C and then A is the concluding statement.

A is the last sentence after rearrangement.

5) Answer (B)

The correct order of sentences is as follows: EBDFCA. E opens the paragraph with an introduction to biofuels. B talks about the advantages of these fuels. The use of the words “this turnaround” in sentence D is a reference to the turnaround talked about in sentence B. So, D follows B. The next sentence is F, which is followed by C and then A is the concluding statement.

B is the second sentence after rearrangement.

6) Answer (A)

The correct order of sentence is: FCAEDB. F is the opening sentence and it introduces the idea. This is followed by C which talks about the name of the company. This is followed by sentence A which explains the genesis of the idea. E follows A and explains what the software is capable of performing. D continues to talk about the features. The concluding sentence is B, which talks about how teachers can benefit from this software.

So, F is the first sentence after rearrangement.

7) Answer (A)

The correct order of sentence is: FCAEDB. F is the opening sentence and it introduces the idea. This is followed by C which talks about the name of the company. This is followed by sentence A which explains the genesis of the idea. E follows A and explains what the software is capable of performing. D continues to talk about the features. The concluding sentence is B, which talks about how teachers can benefit from this software.

So, A is the third sentence after rearrangement.

8) Answer (D)

The correct order of sentence is: FCAEDB. F is the opening sentence and it introduces the idea. This is followed by C which talks about the name of the company. This is followed by sentence A which explains the genesis of the idea. E follows A and explains what the software is capable of performing. D continues to talk about the features. The concluding sentence is B, which talks about how teachers can benefit from this software.

So, B is the last sentence after rearrangement.

9) Answer (C)

The correct order of sentence is: FCAEDB. F is the opening sentence and it introduces the idea. This is followed by C which talks about the name of the company. This is followed by sentence A which explains the genesis of the idea. E follows A and explains what the software is capable of performing. D continues to talk about the features. The concluding sentence is B, which talks about how teachers can benefit from this software.

So, E is the fourth sentence after rearrangement.

10) Answer (B)

The correct order of sentence is: FCAEDB. F is the opening sentence and it introduces the idea. This is followed by C which talks about the name of the company. This is followed by sentence A which explains the genesis of the idea. E follows A and explains what the software is capable of performing. D continues to talk about the features. The concluding sentence is B, which talks about how teachers can benefit from this software.

So, D is the fifth sentence after rearrangement.

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