Order and Ranking questions for RRB Group D

Order and Ranking questions for RRB Group D
Order and Ranking questions for RRB Group D

Order and Ranking questions for RRB Group D

Download Top-10 RRB Group-D Order and Ranking questions  PDF. RRB Group – D Order and Ranking questions based on asked questions in previous exam papers very important for the Railway Group-D exam.

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Question 1: In a row of trucks, Ashok is at 17th position from the left end. Bharat is 19 places to the right from Ashok and is at the exact centre of the row. How many trucks are there to the right of Ashok truck?

a) 53

b) 54

c) 52

d) 19

Question 2: Five girls took part in a race. Rajni finished before Mahika but behind Garima. Ashmita finished before Sanchali but behind Mahika. Who came second in the race?

a) Sanchali

b) Mahika

c) Rajni

d) Garima

Question 3: X’s rank was 12 from the top. If the total number of students in the class was 16, then X’s rank from the bottom of the class is:

a) 5

b) 6

c) 4

d) 7

Question 4: 22 boys are standing in front of Kunal in a queue. 12 boys are standing to the back of Rohit in the same queue. If total number of boys is 30 then the number of boys standing in between Kunal and Rohit is

a) 3

b) 4

c) 6

d) 5

Question 5: 32 boys are standing in front of X in a queue. Y is standing in the 19th position from the back in the same queue.If total number of boys is 45 then the number of boys standing in between X and Y is

a) 3

b) 5

c) 6

d) 4

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Question 6: Ram is fifth rank from both sides (Left & Right), the no. of students in the class is

a) 10

b) 9

c) 12

d) None

Question 7: Five persons (R, S, T, U and V) are in a queue facing a reservation counter. Immediately behind S is U. T is standing between R and V. In between R and U, no one is there. Then, where is S standing in the queue ?

a) Last but one

b) First

c) Second

d) Last

Question 8: Five boys J, K, L, M and T are standing in a queue one after the other (not necessarily in the same order). There is only one boy between K and J. There is only one boy between K and L. There are four boys behind J. T is three places ahead of L. How many boys are ahead of M ?

a) 3

b) 0

c) 2

d) 1

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Question 9: There are 25 students in a queue. Ravi is standing 12th from the back. What is his position from the front?

a) 11th

b) 12th

c) 13th

d) 14th

Question 10: Harsha is standing in a queue, tenth from behind. There are 40 students in the queue including Harsha. What is Harsha’s position from the front?

a) 28th

b) 29th

c) 30th

d) 31st

Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (B)

Ashok’s position from left end = 17th

Bharat’s place from left end = 17+19 = 36th

Also, Bharat’s place from right end = 36th

=> Total number of trucks = $(36+36)-1 = 72-1 = 71$

$\therefore$ Number of trucks to the right of Ashok truck = $71-17=54$

=> Ans – (B)

2) Answer (C)

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3) Answer (A)

given total student=16

from TOP X rank=12

4 student below rank than X

so X rank from bottom is 4+1=5

4) Answer (B)

22 boys are standing in front of Kunal in a Queue 12 boys are standing to the back of Rohit
Total boys = 30.
So, rank of Kunal in the queue is 22+1 = 23
Rank of Rohit in the queue is 30 – 12 = 18
Hence, the number of boys between Rohit and Kunal in the queue is 23 – 18 – 1 = 4

5) Answer (B)

There are 32 boys ahead of X and 26 ahead of Y. Since Y is also ahead of X, there are 31 other boys ahead of X. ie there are 5 boys between X and Y.

6) Answer (B)

Ram is the fifth rank from both sides means there are 4 people to the left as well as to the right of Ram.

Thus, the number of people including Ram is = 4 + 4 + 1=9.

7) Answer (B)

U is standing immediately behind S and there is no one between R and U

=> ‘S U R’ are standing in that order.

Also, T is standing between R & V.

=> The position of the five persons from left to right is :


=> S is at first position.

8) Answer (A)

using the statement

There are four boys behind J

T is three places ahead of L

There is only one boy between K and J and There is only one boy between K and L

completing the queue

There are 3 boys ahead of M

9) Answer (D)

Ravi is standing 12th from the back. So, there are 13 students ahead of him. So, Ravi’s position is 14th from the front.

10) Answer (D)

There are 40 students in all including Harsha. There are 9 students behind Harsha. So, there are 40 – 9 – 1(Harsha) = 30 students ahead of him. So, his position from the front is 31st.


We hope this Order and Ranking questions PDF for RRB Group-D Exam will be highly useful for your preparation.


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