Numerical Ability Questions for RBI Assistant Exam

Numerical ability questions for rbi assistant exam
Numerical ability questions for rbi assistant exam

Numerical Ability quantitative aptitude maths important questions and answers are given below. The speed of solving the questions is very important in solving this questions in RBI Assistant exam. Simplification, approximation, knowledge on basic maths is very useful in solving this Banking exam questions.

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Numerical Ability Questions for RBI Assistant Exam:

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What will come in place of question mark (?) in the following questions?

Question 1:

3463 × 295 – 18611 = ? + 5883

A. 997091

B. 997071

C. 997090

D. 999070

E. None of these

Question 2:

(23.1)2 + (48.6)2 – (39.8)2 = ? + 1147.69

A. (13.6)2

B. $$\sqrt{12.8}$$

C. 163.84

D. 12.8

E. None of these

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Question 3:

$$\frac{28}{65}$$ x $$\frac{195}{308}$$ ÷ $$\frac{39}{44}$$ + $$\frac{5}{26}$$ = ?

A. $$\frac{1}{3}$$

B. $$0.75$$

C. 1$$\frac{1}{2}$$

D. $$\frac{1}{2}$$

E. None of these

Question 4:

[(3$$\sqrt{8}$$+ $$\sqrt{8}$$ ) (8$$\sqrt{8}$$ + 7$$\sqrt{8}$$ )] – 98 = ?

A. 2$$\sqrt{8}$$

B. 8$$\sqrt{8}$$

C. 382

D. 386

E. None of these


Question 5:

$$\sqrt{11449}$$x$$\sqrt{6241}$$ – (54)2 = $$\sqrt{?}$$ + (74)2

A. 3844

B. 3721​

C. 3481

D. 3638

E. None of these

Question 6:

7.69% of 130 + 6.66% of 150 = ?

A. 20

B. 21

C. 22

D. 23

E. 24

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Question 7:

5.88% of 85 + 5% of 200 = ?

A. 13

B. 15

C. 16

D. 17

E. 18

Question 8:


A. 89.2

B. 82.2

C. 89.9

D. 79.2

E. None of these 

Question 9:

22% of 364-?=23

A. 50.02

B. 57.08

C. 53.16

D. 59.14

E. None of these 

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Question 10:

255.4 + 542.3 – ? = 1014.3 – 499.4

A. 271.5

B. 290.5

C. 220.10

D. 244.8

E. 282.8

Solutions for RBI Assistant Numerical Ability questions:

1) Answer (A)

3463 × 295 = 1021585
1021585 – 18611 = 1002974
1002974 – 5883 = 997091

2) Answer (C)

(23.1)2 = 533.61
(48.6 )2 = 2361.96
(39.8)2 = 1584.04 
533.61 + 2361.96 – 1584.04 = 1311.53
1311.53 – 1147.69 = 163.84

3) Answer (D)

We solve the problem as per BODMAS rule
$$\frac{195}{308}$$ ÷ $$\frac{39}{44}$$ = $$\frac{5}{7}$$
$$\frac{28}{65}$$ x $$\frac{5}{7}$$ = $$\frac{4}{13}$$
$$\frac{4}{13}$$ + $$\frac{5}{26}$$ = $$\frac{13}{26}$$ = $$\frac{1}{2}$$

4) Answer (C)

[ $$\sqrt{8}$$ (3 +1) x $$\sqrt{8}$$(8 + 7)] – 98
= [4$$\sqrt{8}$$ x 15 x $$\sqrt{8}$$ ] – 98
= [60 x $$\sqrt{8}$$] – 98
= 480 – 98 = 382

5) Answer (B)

$$\sqrt{11449}$$ x $$\sqrt{6241}$$ – (54)2 – (74)2 = $$\sqrt{?}$$
$$\sqrt{?}$$ = [107 x 79] – 2916 – 5476
= 8453 – 2916 – 5476 = 61
$$\sqrt{?}$$= (61)2 = 3721

6) Answer (A)

10+10 = 20 (7.69% = 1/13 and 6.66%=1/15)

7) Answer (B)

5+10 = 15 (5.88% = 1/17 )

8) Answer (E)

623.15-218.82-321.43= 404.33 – 321.43 = 82.9
But none of the options match the answer.
Therefore, the correct option is option E.

9) Answer (B)

Let the number to be used in the place of the question mark be equal to ‘xx
So, 22% of 364 – xx = 23
Or, 80.08 – xx = 23
So, xx = 80.08 – 23 = 57.08

10) Answer (E)

Let the unknown number be x.
255.4 + 542.3 – x = 1014.3 – 499.4
797.7 – x = 514.9
x = 282.8
Option E is the correct answer.

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