Mixture And Alligation Questions For SSC CGL PDF

mixture and alligation questions for ssc cgl pdf
mixture and alligation questions for ssc cgl pdf

Mixture And Alligation Questions For SSC CGL PDF

Download SSC CGL Mixture and Alligation questions with answers PDF based on previous papers very useful for SSC CGL exams. 11 Very important Mixture and Alligation on objective questions (MCQ’s) for SSC exams.

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Question 1: A dishonest milkman mix water with milk, which costs Rs.35 per litre, to make a profit of 30%. If he sells the resulting mixture at Rs. 39 per litre find out what is the ratio of water and milk in the mixture sold by him ?(Water is available without any cost)

a) 1:3

b) 1:5

c) 1:4

d) 1:2

e) 1:6

Question 2: Solution A has alcohol and water in the ratio 3:1. Solution B has water and alcohol in the ratio 2:3. In what ratio must A and B be mixed such that the ratio of alcohol and water in the resultant solution is 7:3?

a) 1:2

b) 2:1

c) 1:6

d) 6:1

e) 4:3

Question 3: In what ratio must 5% concentrated acid be mixed with 40% concentrated acid to get 25% concentrated acid?

a) 1:2

b) 2:5

c) 4:3

d) 3:4

e) Cannot be determined

Question 4: A shopkeeper buys rice of variety A at Rs 75 per kg and rice B at Rs 100 per kg. In what ratio should he mix the two varieties so that he can sell the resultant mixture at Rs 100 per kg and make 25% profit?

a) 4 : 1

b) 5 : 1

c) 6 : 1

d) 5 : 2

e) None of these

Question 5: Solutions A and B have concentrations of Sulphuric acid as 20% and 50% respectively. In what ratio must A and B be mixed to get a solution of concentration 40%?

a) 1:1

b) 1:2

c) 2:1

d) 2:3

e) 3:2

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Question 6: In what ratio should two varieties of rice costing Rs. 4 and Rs. 10 respectively be mixed such that the resultant mixture costs Rs. 8 per kg?

a) 1:1

b) 1:2

c) 1:3

d) 2:3

e) 2:1

Question 7: A chemistry student has 95% concentrated acid (A) and 20% concentrated acid (B). In what ratio should she mix A and B to form an acid with 45% concentration?

a) 1:2

b) 1:3

c) 2:3

d) 5:17

e) None of these

Question 8: A 40-liter solution of 60% alcohol is mixed with ‘a’ liters of pure alcohol. If the resultant solution is 75% alcohol, find the value of ‘a’?

a) 25 liters

b) 20 liters

c) 30 liters

d) Cannot be determined

e) None of the above

Question 9: A shopkeeper sells a part of his 100 kg rice at 10% profit and the remaining part at 20% profit. On the whole, he gains a profit of 14%. What quantity of rice does he sell at a profit of 10%?

a) 60 kg

b) 40 kg

c) 70 kg

d) 30 kg

e) None of the above

Question 10: A shopkeeper has two varieties of rice: rice A which costs Rs 45 per kg and rice B which costs Rs 30 per kg. In what ratio should he mix A and B to be able to make a profit of 12.5% when he sells the rice at Rs 45 per kg?

a) 2:1

b) 5:2

c) 3:1

d) 1:2

e) None of these

Question 11: In what ratio should you mix a solution of 30% concentration acid with a 10% concentration acid to get a solution with 15% concentration of acid?

a) 1:4

b) 1:3

c) 1:2.5

d) 1:5

e) None of the above

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (E)

Selling price of mixture = 39 per litre
To gain 30% on this mixture this mixture should cost him = $\frac{100}{100+30} * 39$  = 30 per litre

By the rule of alligation



Hence the milkman should mix water and milk in the ratio of 1 : 6 in order to gain 30% profit.

2) Answer (B)

Using alligation formula, we get

Hence, the required ratio is 2:1

Alternative solution:
Let the quantity of A be m and the quantity of B be n.
Given, the resultant mixture has alcohol to water ratio of 7 : 3, which implies alcohol to solution ratio of 7 : 10.

$\frac{\frac{3m}{4}+ \frac{3n}{5}}{m + n} = \frac{7}{10}$

14m + 14n = 15m + 12n

m : n = 2 : 1


3) Answer (D)

We use the alligation method

The ratio is 15:20 or 3:4.

4) Answer (A)

Let the cost price of mixture be x. Hence,
(100-x)/x = 25%
100 – x = 0.25x
x = 80

Hence, by alligation formula
20________5 __

i.e. 20: 5 or 4:1 ratio

5) Answer (B)

By applying the formula of alligation we get,
20 50
\ /
/ \
10 20

Thus the solutions A and B must be mixed in the ratio 10:20 = 1:2.

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6) Answer (B)

This can be done using the concept of alligations.
4 10
\ /
/ \
2 4

Hence the required ratio is 2:4 or 1:2.

7) Answer (A)

By alligation rule
95%      20%
\ /
/ \
25      50
1   :   2

8) Answer (E)

Using the rule of alligation,

A = 60%, B = 100% and C = 75%, where A is the original solution containing 60% alcohol, B is pure alcohol and C is the resultant solution containing 75% alcohol.

So, the required ratio is (100 – 75) : (75 – 60) = 25 : 15 = 5 : 3
So, A and B have to be mixed in the ratio 5 : 3
Since A = 40 liters, B = 24 liters
So, a = 24 liters

9) Answer (A)

Using the rule of alligation,
A = 10%, B = 20% and C = 14%
So, required ratio of A : B = (20 – 14) : (14 – 10) = 6 : 4 = 3 : 2
So, quantity of rice sold at 10% profit = 3/5 * 100 kg = 60 kg

10) Answer (A)

Let’s first determine the cost price of the mixture. Let it be x.
Hence, (45-x)/x = 12.5%
45 = 1.125x
x= 40
Now we use the rule of alligation
45 30
\ /
/ \

10 : 5
2 : 1
Hence, we mix A and B in the ratio 2:1 to get the required mixture.

11) Answer (B)

Using alligation formula,
30%   10%
\   /
/   \
5%   :   15%
1   :   3
Hence, the solutions should be mixed in the ratio 1:3.

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