Missing number questions for IBPS Clerk PDF

Missing number questions for IBPS Clerk PDF
Missing number questions for IBPS Clerk PDF

Missing number questions for IBPS Clerk PDF

Download Top-15 Banking Exams Missing number questions PDF. Banking Exams Missing number questions based on asked questions in previous exam papers very important for the Banking  exams.

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What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following number series ?

Question 1: 353 354 351 356 349 ?

a) 348

b) 358

c) 338

d) 385

e) 340

Question 2: 1 5 13 29 ? 125 253

a) 83

b) 69

c) 61

d) 65

e) 81

Question 3: 45 57 81 117 165 ?

a) 235

b) 215

c) 205

d) 245

e) 225

Question 4: 17 18 26 53 117 ? 458

a) 342

b) 142

c) 257

d) 262

e) 242

Question 5: $\frac{1}{4}, \frac{1}{2}, \frac{3}{4}, 1, 1\frac{1}{4}, 1\frac{1}{2}, 1 \frac{3}{4}, ?$

a) $2$

b) $4$

c) $6$

d) $1\frac{1}{5}$

e) $1\frac{2}{3}$


What should come in place of question mark (?) in the following numbers series

Question 6: 12, 6.5, 7.5, 12.75, 27.5, 71.25, ?

a) 225.5

b) 216.75

c) 275

d) 236.75

e) 249.75

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Question 7: 16, 24, 36, 54, 81, 121.5 ?

a) 182.25

b) 174.85

c) 190.65

d) 166.55

e) 158.95

Question 8: 12, 12, 18, 45, 180, 1170, ?

a) 13485

b) 14675

c) 15890

d) 16756

e) 12285

Question 9: 22, 23, 27, 36, 52, 77, ?

a) 111

b) 109

c) 113

d) 117

e) 115

Question 10: 16, 14, 24, 66, 256, 1270, ?

a) 8564

b) 5672

c) 4561

d) 7608

e) 6340

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In each of these question a number series is given.In each series only one number is wrong.Find out the wrong numbers

Question 11: 3601, 3602, 1803, 604, 154, 36, 12

a) 3602

b) 1803

c) 604

d) 154

e) 36

Question 12: 4, 12, 42, 196, 1005, 6066, 42511

a) 12

b) 42

c) 1005

d) 196

e) 6066

Question 13: 2, 8, 12, 20, 30, 42, 56

a) 8

b) 42

c) 30

d) 20

e) 12

Question 14: 32, 16, 24, 65, 210, 945, 5197.5

a) 945

b) 16

c) 24

d) 210

e) 65

Question 15: 7, 13, 25, 49, 97, 194, 385

a) 13

b) 49

c) 97

d) 194

e) 25

Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (B)

There are two arithmetic progression series,

With 353,351,349… having a difference of -2

and 354, 356… having a difference of 2

Hence, the required term is 358

2) Answer (C)

The generalized formula for nth term is, previous term + 2^n

Here the required term is 5th in the series.

Hence, 29 + 2^5 = 61

3) Answer (E)

For the series the nth term is ‘last term + 12*(n-1)’

In the series, we are required to find, 6th term.

Hence, 6th term is 165+12*(5) = 225.

4) Answer (E)

Here, each sucessive nth term is ‘previous term + (n-1)³’

We are supposed to find 6th term.

Hence, 6th term = 117 + (6-1)^3 = 117 + 125 = 242

5) Answer (A)

The given series is Arithmetic Progression with common difference $\frac{1}{4}$.

Hence, the next term will be $1\frac{3}{4}$ + $\frac{1}{4}$ = 2

6) Answer (B)

The given series is based on the following sequence,

(12+1)*0.5 = 6.5

(6.5+1)*1 = 7.5


(12.75+1)*2 = 27.5

(27.5+1)*2.5 = 71.25

(71.25+1)*3 = 216.75

7) Answer (A)

Each number in the series is 1.5 times the preceding number.

Hence, 16*1.5 = 24

24*1.5 = 36

36*1.5 = 54


81*1.5 = 121.5

So, the next number is 121.5*1.5 = 182.25

8) Answer (E)

The ratio between preceding terms of the sequence are in a fibonacci sequence.

For example, 12/12 = 1

18/12 = 1.5

45/18 = 2.5 (which is 1+1.5)

180/45 = 4 (which is 1.5+2.5)

1170/180 = 6.5 (which is 2.5+4)

Hence, the next ratio would be 4+6.5=10.5

And the required number is 1170*10.5 = 12285

9) Answer (C)

The difference between consecutive terms of the series is a perfect square.

For example,

23-22 = 1

27-23 = 4

36-27 = 9

52-36 = 16

77-52 = 25

Hence, the next difference between the numbers will be 36 and the required number is 77+36 = 113

10) Answer (D)

The given terms are in the following series,

14 = 16*1 – 2*1

24 = 14*2 – 2*2

66 = 24*3 – 2*3

256 = 66*4 – 2*4

1270 = 66*5 – 2*5

Hence, the next term equals 1270*6 – 2*6 = 7608

11) Answer (D)

In the given series, nth term is obtained by – (Previous term/(n-1) ) +(n-1).

Hence the 5th term should be (604/4)+4 = 155.

However 5th term is given as 154.
Hence, 154 is wrong term in the given series.

12) Answer (B)

In this question, the nth term is obtained by (previous term*n + n^2).

Hence, after 12, the number would be (12*3+9)= 45

Therefore, the correct option is 45.

13) Answer (A)

Here the consecutive difference between the terms is incremented by 2 for the series.

Hence, after 2, the number should be 6.

14) Answer (E)

Here the sucessive numbers are multiplied by  .5,….

Hence, in place of 65 the number should be 24*2.5=60.

Therefore, the incorrect number for series is 65.

15) Answer (D)

Here, in this series, the nth term is (previous term + 6*2n-2 )

Hence, in place of 194 the term should be (97+6*24) = 193

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