MAH-CET Vocabulary Questions PDF [Most Important]

_Vocabulary Questions

Most Important Questions of Vocabulary for MAH-CET

Here you can download a free Vocabulary questions PDF with answers for MAH MBA CET 2022 by Cracku. These are some tricky questions in the MAH MBA CET 2022 exam that you need to find the Vocabulary of answers for the given questions. These questions will help you to make practice and solve the Vocabulary questions in the MAH MBA CET exam. Utilize this best PDF practice set which is included answers in detail. Click on the below link to download the Vocabulary MCQ PDF for MBA-CET 2022 for free.

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Each question contains a sentence with a blank. Below the sentence, 4 words are given out of which 2 can be used to fill the blank meaningfully. Choose the option that contains the words that can be used to fill the blank:

Question 1: Pope Thomas decided to ______________ Mother Teresa to honour her contributions to the mankind.

a) A-B

b) B-C

c) A-D

d) C-D

e) B-D

1) Answer (E)


From the sentence, it is clear that the word used must contain a positive connotation.
’Ostracize’ and ‘repudiate’ means to outcast someone. Therefore, we can eliminate these words.

’Canonize’ means to officially declare someone as a saint. ‘Beatify’ means to declare someone as holy and blessed. Therefore, both of these words can fill the blanks. Both B and D can fill the blanks. Therefore, option E is the right answer.

Question 2: Preethika dropped by my house during her European _____________.
(A) souvenir
(B) sojourn
(C) tarriance
(D) serendipity

a) A-B

b) B-C

c) A-C

d) A-D

e) C-D

2) Answer (B)


From the sentence, it is clear that the missing word must give the meaning of ‘tour’ or ‘visit’.
Souvenir means an object used as a reminder of a place.
Sojourn means a short tour.
Tarriance also means a short tour.
Serendipity means a happy accident.

Both ‘sojourn’ and ‘tarriance’ can be used to fill the blank. Therefore, option B is the right answer.

Question 3: When the news was out, Chirag could not __________ the fact that the love of his life was no more.
(B) burp
(C) digest
(D) inject

a) B-C

b) A-B

c) B-D

d) A-C

e) C-D

3) Answer (D)


’Stomach’ or ‘digest’ means ‘to accept’. Therefore, both A and C can be used to fill the blank. Therefore, option D is the right answer.

Question 4: The candidate assured that he will allocate funds to ______________ the dilapidated temple once he gets elected.
(A) relinquish
(B) revamp
(C) renovate
(D) reminiscent

a) B-C

b) A-B

c) B-D

d) A-C

e) C-D

4) Answer (A)


From the sentence, it can be inferred that the temple is in a dilapidated (worn out) stage. Therefore, the word used to fill must address this issue (like renovating).

Clearly, renovate can take up the blank.
Relinquish means to give up voluntarily. This word cannot be used to fill the blank as it does not fit in with the context of the sentence.
Reminiscent means to remember. Therefore, we can eliminate this word too.
Revamp means to renovate. Therefore, renovate and revamp can fill the blank. Therefore, option A is the right answer.

Question 5: Raghu tried donating some money to the charity to __________ his guilt of having committed a crime.
(A) masquerade
(B) assuage
(C) exacerbate
(D) alleviate

a) B-C

b) A-B

c) B-D

d) A-D

e) C-D

5) Answer (C)


From the sentence, it is clear that Raghu donated money to reduce his guilt.
Assuage and alleviate means to reduce.
Exacerbate means to increase.
Masquerade means to be an imposter.

As we can see, only Assuage and alleviate can fill the blank (B and D). Therefore, option C is the right answer.

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Question 6: If each of the vowel in the word OVEN is changed to previous letter in the English alphabet and the consonants are changed to next letter of the English alphabet. How many meaningful words can be formed with the new letters using each letter only once in each word ?

a) None

b) One

c) Two

d) Three

e) More than three

6) Answer (B)


The word after the change is NWDO. The word that can be formed from this is DOWN. Option b) is the correct answer.


In each of the following question four words are given of which two words are most nearly the same or opposite in the meaning Find the two words which are most nearly the same or opposite in meaning and indicate the number of the correct letter combination

Question 7: (A)pertinent (B)impolite
(C)irrelevant (D)insecure

a) A-C

b) B-D

c) C-D

d) A-D

e) B-C

7) Answer (A)


The meanings of given words are:
(A)pertinent – important
(B)impolite – not good mannered
(C)irrelevant – unimportant
(D)insecure – not secure

Pertinent and irrelevant are opposite in the meaning. Option A is correct.

Question 8: (A)imprison (B)torture
(C)excruciate (D)extract

a) B-D

b) B-C

c) A-B

d) C-D

e) A-C

8) Answer (B)


(A)imprison – confine
(B)torture – intentionally causing agony
(C)excruciate – inflict intense pain
(D)extract – draw out|
Excruciate and torture have same meaning.
Option B is correct.

Question 9: (A)appalling (B)sinister
(C)perturbed (D)threatening

a) A-B

b) B-D

c) A-C

d) A-D

e) D-C

9) Answer (A)


(A)appalling –  awful
(B)sinister – ominous
(C)perturbed – disturbed
(D)threatening – menancing
Appalling and Sinister mean one and same thing.
Option A is correct.

Question 10: (A)superficial (B)superfluous
(C)enlightened (D)surplus

a) A-C

b) A-B

c) B-C

d) B-D

e) A-D

10) Answer (D)


The meaning of the words are-
(A)superficial – shallow
(B)superfluous – excess, surplus
(C)enlightened – knowledgeable
(D)surplus – excess

Superficial and surplus mean one and some thing.
Option D is correct.

Question 11: (A) instigate (B) enquire
(C) construe (D) interpret

a) A-C

b) A-B

c) C-D

d) B-D

e) A-D

11) Answer (C)


The meaning of the words are:
instigate – incite, provoke
enquire – ask
construe- intrepret, explain
intrepret – explain, expound
Hence. intrepret and construe are similar in meaning.
Option C is correct.

Question 12: How many meaningful English words can be made from the letters ADER using each letter only once in each word ?

a) None

b) One

c) Two

d) Three

e) Four

12) Answer (D)


Using the letter of the words A,R, E and D we can frm three words – DARE, READ and DEAR.
Hence three is correct answer i.e option D is correct.

In each of the following question four words are given of which two words are most nearly the same or opposite in the meaning Find the two words which are most nearly the same or opposite in meaning and indicate the number of the correct letter combination by darkening the appropriate oval in your answer sheet

Question 13: (A)pertinent (B)impolite (C)irrelevant (D)insecure

a) A-C

b) B-D

c) C-D

d) A-D

e) B-C

13) Answer (A)


Pertinent means to be relevant.

Impolite means to be rude

Irrelevant is opposite to pertinent

Insecure means the person or a thing which is not safe.

Question 14: (A)imprison (B)torture (C)excruciate (D)extract

a) B-D

b) B-C

c) A-B

d) C-D

e) A-C

14) Answer (B)


Torture means to inflict severe pain on somebody.

Excruciate means to torture someone physically or mentally.

Imprison means to keep someone in prison.

Extract means to take out something by using effort.

Tortue and Excruciate means the same.

Question 15: (A)appalling (B)sinister (C)perturbed (D)astonishing

a) A-B

b) B-D

c) A-C

d) A-D

e) D-C

15) Answer (D)


Appalling means horrifying and shocking which is similar to astonishing.

Question 16: (A)superficial (B)superfluos (C)enlightened (D)surplus

a) A-C

b) A-B

c) B-C

d) B-D

e) A-D

16) Answer (D)


Superficial – Shallow

Superfluous – More than necessart

Surplus – More than necessssary

Superfluous and surplus means the same.

Question 17: (A)instigate (B) enquire (C)construe (D)interpret

a) A-C

b) A-B

c) C-D

d) B-D

e) A-D

17) Answer (C)


Instigate – to provoke

Enquire – to investigate

Construe – to interpret

Question 18: How many meaningful English words can be made with the third, the fifth, the seventh and the ninth letters of the word ‘DOWNGRADED’, using each letter only in each word?

a) None

b) One

c) Two

d) Three

e) More than three

18) Answer (B)


The third, fifth, seventh and ninth letter of the word DOWNGRADED are W, G, A and E.
Only one meaningful word i.e WAGE can be formed from the letters.
Hence, the correct option is B.

Question 19: How many meaningful English words can be formed with the letters of the words EROS only once in each word ?

a) None

b) One

c) Two

d) Three

e) More than three

19) Answer (E)


The words that can be formed are:
4 words can be formed.

Therefore, more than 3 i.e option E is correct option.

Question 20: If it is possible to make only one meaningful word with the first, second, fifth, and sixth letters of the word PYGMALION, which of the followingwould be the second letter of that word from the right end ? If no such word can be made, give ‘X ‘ as your answer and if more than one such word can beformed give your answer as ‘Z’

a) X

b) P

c) Y

d) A

e) Z

20) Answer (D)


The first, second, fifth and sixth letters of the word PYGMALION are PYAL. The meaninful word formed is PLAY. Second letter is A and hence, the option is D.

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