Important Questions On Reasoning for SSC CHSL Exam

important questions on reasoning for ssc chsl exam.
important questions on reasoning for ssc chsl exam.

Questions On Reasoning for SSC CHSL

Download the most important questions on Reasoning for SSC CHSL exam 2020. Most important Reasoning questions based on asked questions in previous exam papers for SSC CHSL. These questions are really helpful to crack the SSC CHSL exam and all competitive exams.

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InstructionsDirections : In each of the following questions, select the related letters/word/number from the given alternatives.

Question 1: M/AC:N/AD::O/AE:?

a) P/AF

b) Q/AB

c) P/AC

d) R/AD

Question 2: 5:27::9:?

a) 83

b) 81

c) 36

d) 18

Question 3: 6:12::10:?

a) 6

b) 17

c) 20

d) 30

Question 4: ABE:8::KLO:?

a) 37

b) 39

c) 38

d) 36

Question 5: Sty:Pig::Byre:?

a) Eagle

b) Cow

c) Tiger

d) Hen

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Question 6: Patrol:Security::Insurance:?

a) Money

b) Policy

c) Savings

d) Protection

Question 7: ADBC:EHFG::ILJK:?





Question 8: Which one set of letters when sequentially placed at the gaps in the given letter series shall complete it ?
a_ b_ a_ _n_bb_abbn

a) abnabb

b) bnbban

c) bnbbna

d) babban

Question 9: Find out a set of numbers amongst the four sets of numbers given in the alternatives, which is the most similar to the numbers given in the question. Given:(6, 30, 90)

a) 6, 42, 86

b) 7, 42, 218

c) 6, 24, 70

d) 8, 48, 192

Question 10: Which one number is wrong in the given series?
126, 98, 70, 41, 14

a) 98

b) 70

c) 126

d) 41

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Question 11: Arrange the following in the meaningful/logical order
1. Exhaust 2. Night 3. Day 4. Sleep 5. Work

a) 1,3,5,2,4

b) 3,5, 1,4,2

c) 3, 5, 1, 2, 4

d) 3, 5, 2, 1, 4

InstructionsDirections :In each of the following questions, a series is given with one term missing. Choose the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series.

Question 12: 975, 864, 753, 642, ?

a) 431

b) 314

c) 531

d) 532

Question 13: 8, 24, 12, ? , 18,54

a) 28

b) 36

c) 46

d) 38

Question 14: Ashok’s mother was 3 times as old as Ashok 5 years ago. After 5 years she will be twice as old as Ashok. How old is Ashok today ?

a) 10 years

b) 15 years

c) 20 years

d) 25 years

Question 15: M is the son of P. Q is the granddaughter of O, who is the husband of P. How is M related to O?

a) Son

b) Daughter

c) Mother

d) Father

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Question 16: In a row of boys, Srinath is 7th from the left and Venkat is 12th from the right. If they interchange their positions, Srinath becomes 22nd from the left. How many boys are there in the row ?

a) 19

b) 31

c) 33

d) 34

Question 17: From the given alternative words, select the word which cannot be formed using the letters of the given word given:





Question 18: Only one meaningful word can be formed by rearranging the letter of the given jumbled word. Find out that word.





Question 19: Which number is wrong in the given series ?
1, 9, 25, 50, 81

a) 1

b) 25

c) 50

d) 81

Question 20: A bus leaves Delhi with half the number of women as men. At Meerut, ten men get down and five women get in. Now there are equal number of men and women. How many passengers boarded the bus initially at Delhi ?

a) 36

b) 45

c) 15

d) 30

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (A)

Observing the question we can deduce the analogy that the alphabets at the extremes are increasing by 1 and “/A” remains constant.
Therefore O + 1 = P , E + 1 = F

2) Answer (A)

52 + 2 = 25 + 2 = 27
92 + 2 = 81 + 2 = 83

3) Answer (C)

So, $a=\frac{10*12}{6} = 20$

4) Answer (C)

Analogy – Alphanumeric series

So A = 1 , B = 2 , E = 5
A + B + E = 8
Therefore  K = 11 , L = 12 , O = 15
K + L + O = 38

5) Answer (B)

Pig lives in a sty and Cow lives in a Byre

6) Answer (D)

First ensures the second

Patrol ensure security, similarly insurance ensures protection.

7) Answer (B)

A + 4 = E
D + 4 = H
B + 4 = F
C + 4 = G

Following the same analogy
I + 4 = M
L + 4 = P
J + 4 = N
K + 4 = O

8) Answer (B)

The pattern is abbn
So the first two blanks in a_b_ should be filled with b and n
The next two blanks a_ _ n should be filled with b and b
The next two blanks in _bb_ should be filled with a and n.
So the required letters are b,n,b,b,a and n.

9) Answer (D)

The relation between 6,30 and 90 is $6 \times 5 = 30 , 6\times \frac{6}{2} \times 5 = 90$
So verifying option D, we get $8 \times 6 = 48, 8 \times \frac{8}{2} \times 6 = 192$

10) Answer (D)

Sum of the alphabets in each of the number is
1+2+6 = 9
9 + 8 = 17 , 1 + 7 = 8
7 + 0 = 7
4 + 1 = 5 ≠ 6
1 + 4 = 5

Hence fouth number is the odd one in the series and option D is the right choice.

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11) Answer (C)

Everything begins with the day.
We go to work and get exhausted by night. Then go to sleep.

Hence the order is 3,5,1,2,4.

12) Answer (C)

975 – 111 = 864 , 864 – 111 = 753, 753 – 111 = 642, 642 – 111 = 531

13) Answer (B)

The pattern in $8 \times 3 = 24, \frac{24}{2} = 12, 12 \times 3 = 36, \frac{36}{2} = 18, 18 \times 3 = 54$

So 36 should come in place of the question mark and option B is the right choice.

14) Answer (B)

Let Ashok’s present age be A and his mother’s present age be M
Five year ago they are A-5, M-5
So M – 5 = 3(A – 5)
M + 5 = 2(A + 5)
Subtracting both the equations above we get A =15
Substituting A = 15 in equation 1 we get, M = 35

15) Answer (A)

M is the son of P and O is the husband of O, therefore M is the son of O.

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16) Answer (C)

After interchanging position 12th position from right will be 22nd position from left
Hence total no. of students will be 22+11 = 33

17) Answer (C)

In option C, letter V couldn’t be available from letters of word IMPASSIONABLE.

18) Answer (D)

Only in option D, HIPPOPOTAMUS , all the letters are available in word MUSPOPAPOTIH

19) Answer (C)

$1^2 = 1 $
$3^2 = 9$
$5^2 = 25$
$7^2 = 49$ not $50$
$9^2 = 81 $

20) Answer (B)

let’s say intially men were $x$ so women will be $\frac{x}{2}$
After getting in and leaving bus men will be $x-10$ and women will be $\frac{x}{2} +5 $
so $x-10$ = $\frac{x}{2} +5 $
or $x$ = 30 (men) and women will be 15
Total persons who boarded bus = 45

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