IBPS RRB and PO Cloze Test Questions PDF

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IBPS RRB and PO Cloze Test Questions PDF

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In the following questions a passage is given, in which every sentence is followed by a number. The passage is followed by a sentence which would replace one of these numbers and fit appropriately in the passage to make it complete and coherent. Select the option that mentions the number where the statement would fit. If the given sentence does not fit anywhere then mark option ‘E’ as your answer.

Medical interns and postgraduates have traditionally occupied the lowest rungs in the hierarchy of training. From an academic standpoint, this seems fair and in congruence with any professional training pathway. (1) The common citizen today has been jolted awake to the systemic deficiencies in our healthcare systems. While grappling with these, it is also important to shed light upon the struggles of the most vulnerable members of the caregiving team. These include young medical interns, postgraduates, nurses, physiotherapists, pharmacists and other allied health workers.
The increasing amount of disinformation on social media fuelling distrust against doctors and nurses has left most trainees in a hapless position. On the one hand, they have to defend the merit and rigour of scientific evidence that informs medical practice. (2)
Perhaps most heartbreaking has been the toll on the well being of young trainees. Being away from family while simultaneously worrying about their safety amidst a global pandemic affects their mental health. (3) Triggered by the stress of relentless duty hours, their deaths are now a statistic that disproportionately affects healthcare workers to begin with.
As we re-evaluate the state of healthcare in our country, it is time we bring an end to our apathy towards healthcare workers. (4) Citizens must now speak out against the exploitation of our young trainees. It is our moral responsibility to end this toxic culture that feeds off public apathy. After all, tomorrow, it might be your children or siblings that take up this noble profession. (5)

Question 1: On the other hand, they have to defend themselves against the several instances of violence and abuse by patient attendees.

a) 1

b) 4

c) 5

d) 2

e) None of the above

1) Answer (D)


The given sentence fits the best in the place marked as (2). Hence option d is the correct answer.

Question 2: And we want to be a country that celebrates their sacrifices not only in gesture, but also in action.

a) 2

b) 3

c) 1

d) 4

e) None of the above

2) Answer (E)


The given sentence fits the best in the place marked as (5). Hence option e is the correct answer.

Question 3: Unfortunately, decades of exploitation of this structure have resulted in a system that is indifferent at best and malignant at worst for our young trainees.

a) 2

b) 1

c) 3

d) 4

e) None of the above

3) Answer (B)


The given sentence fits the best in the place marked as (1). Hence option b is the correct answer.

Question 4: Across the country, suicide has claimed the lives of students, interns and postgraduates in the past year.

a) 5

b) 3

c) 4

d) 1

e) None of the above

4) Answer (B)


The given sentence fits the best in the place marked as (3). Hence option b is the correct answer.

Question 5: Amendments to the Epidemic Disease Act to protect frontline workers from violence and centrally-sponsored insurance schemes are welcome.

a) 1

b) 2

c) 4

d) 3

e) None of the above

5) Answer (C)


The given sentence fits the best in the place marked as (4). Hence option c is the correct answer.


In the passage given below, there are blanks each followed by a word given in bold. All these bold words are jumbled and do not necessarily fit in the blank against them. Find out the appropriate word in each case which can most suitably complete the sentences without altering the meaning of the statement.

Justice can mean either lawfulness or fairness, since injustice is lawlessness and unfairness. The laws encourage people to behave _______1_______(employs), so the just person, who by definition is lawful, will necessarily be virtuous. Virtue differs from justice because it deals with one’s moral state, while justice deals with one’s relations with others. Universal justice is that state of a person who is _______2_______ (assault) lawful and fair. Particular justice deals with the “divisible” goods of honor, money, and safety, where one person’s gain of such goods results in a corresponding loss by someone else. There are two forms of particular justice: distributive and rectificatory. Distributive justice deals with the distribution of wealth among the members of a community. It _______3________ (virtuously) geometric proportion: what each person receives is directly ________4________ (equaled) to his or her merit, so a good person will receive more than a bad person. This justice is a virtuous mean between the vices of giving more than a person deserves and giving less. Rectificatory justice remedies unequal distributions of gain and loss between two people. Rectification may be called for in cases of injustice involving ______5______ (generally) transactions like trade or involuntary transactions like theft or _______6_______ (voluntary). Justice is restored in a court case, where the judge ensures that the gains and losses of both parties are _______7_______ (proportional) out, thus restoring a mean.

Question 6: Find the word that will correctly replace word (7).

a) Proportional

b) Equaled

c) Voluntary

d) Employs

e) Generally

6) Answer (B)


The word that fits the best is ‘equaled’.

Question 7: Find the word that will correctly replace word (6).

a) Assault

b) Employs

c) Generally

d) Voluntary

e) Proportional

7) Answer (A)


The word that fits the best is ‘assault’.

Question 8: Find the word that will correctly replace word (5).

a) Employs

b) Proportional

c) Equaled

d) Generally

e) Voluntary

8) Answer (E)


The word that fits the best is ‘voluntary’.

Question 9: Find the word that will correctly replace word (4).

a) Voluntary

b) Employ

c) Generally

d) Proportional

e) Direct

9) Answer (D)


The word that fits the best is ‘proportional’.

Question 10: Find the word that will correctly replace word (3).

a) Virtuously

b) Generally

c) Employs

d) Voluntary

e) Assault

10) Answer (C)


The word that fits the best is ‘employs’.

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Question 11: Find the word that will correctly replace word (2).

a) Employs

b) Generally

c) Assault

d) Equaled

e) None of the above

11) Answer (B)


The word that fits the best is ‘generally’.

Question 12: Find the word that will correctly replace word (1).

a) Virtuously

b) Generally

c) Voluntary

d) Proportional

e) Equaled

12) Answer (A)


The word that fits the best is ‘virtuously’.


In the passage given below, some words are missing and are replaced by the numbers like 1,2,3,4 and etc, and at the end of the passage few words have been given. Find the most suitable word from the given alternatives that can replace the numbers to make the sentence grammatically correct and mark it as your answer. If no such word is mentioned then mark option E as your answer.

According to Peter Berdowski, chief executive of Royal Boskalis Westminster, removing the “Ever Given” from the Suez Canal could take “days, even weeks”. The gigantic freighter longer than most skyscrapers is (1) in the Suez Canal and Berdowski’s company is among those hired to move it. The task is a challenging one. And, what it has (2) as with most essential things, it grabs attention only in its disruption is how important the narrow waterway is to the world.
Most of the millennials and Gen Z’ers posting memes about the current Suez Crisis may not be (3) aware of the historical and political symbolism of the canal. Constructed between 1859-1869, the man-made waterway cut the time taken, and the grave danger faced by ships travelling the world: It put Egypt at a strategic junction between Asia and Europe, and the (4) of the Cape of Good Hope could be avoided. Then, in the wave of assertion by colonies and quasi-colonies, Gamal Abdel Nasser nationalised the canal in 1956. And when Britain, France and Israel invaded Egypt the former two to protect corporate interests that (5) on the Canal the many hypocrisies of the colonisers’ “liberal values” were exposed in the original Suez Crisis.
Of course, this is all ancient history to some. The image of the gigantic ship and a lone bulldozer trying to free it have (6) the most self-serving of all public conversations memes with captions like “me looking at work on a Monday”. But as the supplies of fuel, food, and all the other myriad products that are piling up in ships stuck in a marine traffic jam fail to reach their destination, there is a lesson on the things that still matter. It turns out that while much has changed from 1869 and 1956 “data is the new oil”, after all a large part of the global economy still runs on the very real (7) left by history.


Question 13: Find the word that will correctly replace word (7).

a) I

b) II

c) III

d) IV

e) V

13) Answer (D)


The word that fits the best here is ‘grooves’.

Question 14: Find the word that will correctly replace word (6).

a) IX

b) VII

c) VI

d) V

e) IV

14) Answer (A)


The word that fits the best here is ‘sparked’.

Question 15: Find the word that will correctly replace word (5).

a) III

b) II

c) VII

d) V

e) None of the above

15) Answer (B)


The word that fits the best here is ‘hinged’.

Question 16: Find the word that will correctly replace word (4).

a) IX

b) IV

c) III

d) VII

e) I

16) Answer (E)


The word that fits the best here is ‘perils’.

Question 17: Find the word that will correctly replace word (3).

a) II

b) III

c) V

d) VII

e) VI

17) Answer (D)


The word that fits the best here is ‘entirely’.

Question 18: Find the word that will correctly replace word (2).

a) IX


c) V

d) VI

e) I

18) Answer (C)


The word that fits the best here is ‘highlighted’.

Question 19: Find the word that will correctly replace word (1).

a) I

b) III

c) IV

d) V

e) II

19) Answer (B)


The word that fits the best here is ‘lodged’.


In the following passage, certain words which may be either contextually or grammatically incorrect have been highlighted and numbered. For each highlighted word four alternatives are provided which can replace the highlighted word to make the given sentence both grammatically and contextually correct. Option corresponding to that word will be your answer. If none of the given words could replace the highlighted word then mark option E as your answer.

Several questions surrender(1) the identity of mythical King Chandraketu. Was he a valiant king who refused to accept Islam and in turn lost his kingdom? Or was he Sandrocottus, who was documented by ancient Greek explorer Megasthenes in his book Indika? Recent discoveries have lean(2) towards the latter, with new theories suggesting that while it has always been believed that Sandrocottus was the name Megasthenes used for Chandragupta Maurya, he was talking about his time spent in India with King Chandraketu. However, his historical presence remains ambiance(3) with several authorities believing he was entirely fictitious. No written records of such a king exists in Bengali medieval literature. Chandraketugarh remains a lesser known chapter in history. Often called “the city that never existed”, it was once reportedly an important coastal hub in international trade, between 4th Century BCE and 12th Century CE. However, it has since been reduced to a barred(4) mound, with the ruins having spent years being neglected. The archaeological site is over 2,500 years old, and is located near the Bidyadhari River, which is around 35 kilometres north east of Kolkata, in North 24 Parganas, near Berachampa and the Harua Road railhead.
The findings over the years include the aforementioned Khana Mihirer Dhibi, a sub-site which is said to be a structure belonging to the Gupta period, and is named after two notation(5) figures in history. Khana is believed to be the daughter-in-law of astrologer and mathematician Varahamihira, and a notable medieval Bengali language poet and astrologer herself, somewhere between the 9th and 12th centuries CE. The mound discovered in Chandraketugarh had the names of Khana and Mihir. Varahamihira was believed to be part of emperor Vikramaditya or Chandragupta II’s famed navaratna sabha. Legend goes that because Khana was such an accomplished astrologer that Varahamihira’s career was threatened because she surpass(6) his accuracy in predictions. The story ends with either Khana’s husband or father-in-law cutting off her tongue to silence her talent. Other discoveries helped understand several phases, ranging from the Mauryan to the post-Gupta period. Findings included large-sized pots and chalcedony beads possibly dating back to Mauryan times. Semi-precious stones, copper coins, terracotta figurines, cosmetic sticks of bone and ivory, and a steatite casket. Chandraketugarh is the only early historic site that has yielding(7) such a massive amount of terracotta through excavation, so far recorded in eastern India. A wide variety of figurines, animals, toy-carts, erotic depictions, narrative plaques depicting sceneries of harvest, aquatic motifs, among others, have been unearthed. Some of these terracotta items date back to the Indus Valley Civilisation, and are a window into the ways of life of the people. The female figurines are deem(8) with intricate headdresses, earrings, pendants, and other accessories that show the stellar craftsmanship of the civilisation.

Question 20: Find the word that will correctly replace word (8).

a) Adjust

b) Divert

c) Excavating

d) Adorned

e) None of the above

20) Answer (D)


The word that fits the best here is ‘adorned ’.

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