How To Prepare General Science For RRB NTPC Exam

How To Prepare General Science For RRB NTPC Exam 2019
How To Prepare General Science For RRB NTPC Exam 2019

How To Prepare General Science For RRB NTPC Exam

In this article, we are going to explain how to prepare General Science for RRB NTPC Exam. Students generally ask us questions like what is the RRB NTPC General Science syllabus ? preparation tips and tricks? The following suggestions help you to get good marks in RRB NTPC Exam 2019. 

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General Science Exam Pattern

No. Of questions 25
Total number of marks 25
Marks per correct answer 1


Note:  The candidates must remember there is a negative marking of 1/3 for every wrong answer. 

RRB NTPC Previous Papers [Download PDF]

RRB NTPC General Science Syllabus: Biology Physics Chemistry
1 Ecology and environment Electricity and magnetism Chemical Bonding
2 Biology and Human Welfare Mechanics of particles Thermodynamics
3 Human Body Machines and rigid bodies Atomic Structure
4 Genetics science and evolution Thermal  & Statistical physics Solid, Liquid & gaseous state
5 Zoology Options & waves Organic Chemistry
6 Botany Chemical Kinetics
7 Biotechnology Coordination Compounds


Note: In this general science section some of the questions are coming from based on new science and technology questions like medical science, nuclear science any such fields.

Download RRB General Science Notes PDF

General Science Preparation Tips For RRB NTPC Exam

1.   In RRB NTPC general awareness section, most of the questions are generally come from biology. In biology, normally questions come form digestive system, human body and zoology, plant system and biological diversity. You should concentrate more on the topics like environment, respiratory system and also diseases.

2. In order to score marks and gain the clear knowledge on the all the concepts and topics please refer to NCERT Books (Class VI to X).

 3. In Chemistry subject, try to concentrate on application part of the chemistry and technical information also places a vital role in RRB NTPC general science part.

4. Important details should be at your fingertips like different formulas, reactions, equations etc.

 5. In the physics subject, most of the questions come from the based on theories. So try to concentrate on central theories of physics like electricity and magnetism, newton theories, mechanics, etc..

RRB NTPC Study Material – 4500+ Questions

 6. In general awareness section technology questions generally come based on space exploration, new technology in the field of the science, medical sciences, etc..

 7. Try to solve more number of previous questions papers. It will help you in several ways like which type of questions come in the exam, how to prepare for the exam, what is the difficulty level of the exam etc.

 8. Give sectional mock test in your free time it will help you to find your weaker area.

 9. Try to spend at least 2 to 3 hours for general science preparation and also maintain a notebook to write important points during your preparation, and revise regularly.

 10. Write online mock test 2/3 a week this is the best way to analyse your performance. Don’t forget to analyse the exam, because analysis of the mock test will help you to find your mistakes. Rectify your mistakes and not repeat in your feature exams.

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