How to prepare for Logical Reasoning for CAT ?

How to prepare for logical reasoning for CAT ?
How to prepare for logical reasoning for CAT ?

Logical reasoning and data interpretation section has proved to be a tough nut to crack in the recent years. The level of questions has skyrocketed over the years. Also, the demarcation between logical reasoning and data interpretation has almost vanished in the recent CATs. We’ll have a look at how to prepare for logical reasoning for CAT in detail in this article.

On going through the previous year papers of CAT and CAT 2017 question papers, we can clearly see how the difficulty level of the section has increased drastically. The emphasis is now on cracking the logic rather than on calculation speed. Also, IIMs have refrained from asking template puzzles in the recent CATs. Take these changes into consideration while planning their preparation.

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CAT Mock Tests

Since the time available is limited, opting for CAT online course can help to fast-track the preparation process. Also, take CAT mock tests at regular intervals to ensure that the preparation stays on track.

How to prepare for logical reasoning for CAT ?

  • Logical reasoning section does not require you to memorize any abstruse concepts or formulae.
  • Someone with a logical bent of mind will find it easier to solve logical reasoning puzzles.
  • The key to cracking the logical reasoning section is to develop the thought process required to crack the puzzles organically.
  • Before moving on to how to prepare for logical reasoning for CAT, let us take a brief look at how to develop the thought process required to solve the puzzles.

How to prepare for Reading Comprehension for CAT

Develop the thought process – How to solve logical reasoning puzzles:

  • Apart from practising logical reasoning sets, try to solve puzzles and SuDoKus in your free time.
  • Representing the given information in the correct format is crucial to solving a puzzle.
  • Even if you get a puzzle wrong, check whether the method you adopted is right. Try to find out where you faltered while solving the puzzle. Note down what prevented you from arriving at the right answer.
  • Over a period of time, you would have developed some idea about the common places you err at. Knowing where you have to watch your steps will be of immense help in getting a question right in the first attempt.

How to Prepare Verbal Ability for CAT

CAT Previous year papers

How to attempt the questions in the test ?

  • Set selection is a crucial aspect in the DILR section. Selecting the right sets goes a long way in ensuring you score well in this section.
  • Invest the first few minutes to pick up the sets to answer. Given the level of difficulty of the sets that have been appearing in recent CATs, setting aside some time to choose the sets to attempt is a wise decision.
  • The time invested in the process is without a doubt ‘well-invested’.
  • Once you select the sets, start with the set you are most comfortable with. Getting the first few sets correct will give you the much-required morale boost in the section.

Be objective – Selecting/Quitting the set:

  • Do not develop a liking or penchant for a particular type of question.
  • Be objective in your assessment.
  • That innocuous-looking LR set from your favourite topic has a good probability of being a time trap.
  • Also, know when to let go of a set. If you have invested more than 15 minutes in a set and have gotten nowhere, it is time to move on to the next set.
  • Do not take it on your ego and fight it out during the exam. Remember, the aim must be to maximize the scores in the section.

Download Logical Reasoning Questions for CAT PDF

Analysing Mock Tests:

  • While analyzing after a mock test, try to solve each and every set.
  • Look at the solution only after putting in a good amount of effort to solve the set.
  • Check where you went wrong while solving the set.
  • Note down such mistakes and ensure that you do not repeat such mistakes.
  • Check whether you have chosen the correct questions to answer. Hone your question selection skills with each passing mock.

Exam Day Tricks for Logical Reasoning:

  • On the D-day, try to maintain your composure even if the exam turns out to be tough. Adjust your target based on the level of the exam.
  • Try to spot the easier sets in the exam and proceed with the same.
  • Move on to the challenging sets only after exhausting the easier ones.
  • Avoid getting complacent on getting a few sets right. Also, avoid panicking if you cannot crack a set. Try to be composed during the exam and perform to the best of your abilities.

Logical Reasoning Free Practice Questions

We hope that this article would have helped you know how to prepare for logical reasoning for CAT. For more useful articles, try reading how to prepare for verbal ability for CAT and how to prepare for reading comprehension for CAT.


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