How To Prepare Arithmetic Ability For RRB NTPC 2019 Exam

How To Prepare Arithmetic For RRB NTPC
How To Prepare Arithmetic For RRB NTPC

How To Prepare Arithmetic Ability For RRB NTPC Exam 2019

In this article, we are going to explain how to prepare Arithmetic for RRB NTPC. Students generally ask us questions like how to score good marks from arithmetic in RRB NTPC  exam? what is the Arithmetic syllabus for RRB NTPC exam? RRB NTPC Study Plan? how to prepare maths for rrb ntpc 2019 exam? The following preparation tips and strategy’s  help you to get good marks from maths section in the IBPS PO exam 2019.

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RRB NTPC Arithmetic Syllabus 2019 : Topics Number of Expected Questions
1 Number system 3-4
2 LCM & HCF 1-2
3 Percentages 1-2
4 Decimals and Fractions 1-2
5 Ratio and Proportions 2-3
6 Simple and Compound Interest 2-3
7 Time and Work 1-2
8 Mensuration 2-3
9 Percentages 1-2
10 Time and Distance 1-2
11 Geometry 2-3
12 Elementary Algebra 3-4
13 Profit and Loss 2-3
14 Missing (Data Interpretation) 1-2
15 Elementary Statistics 1
16 Heights and Distance 1
17 Histogram, Frequency Polygon, Pie Chart, Bar Chart 1-2
18 Trigonometry 1-2


RRB NTPC Previous Papers [Download PDF]

RRB NTPC Arithmetic Detailed  Preparation tips 2019 

1. Before starting your Arithmetic preparation, try to refer previous year arithmetic question papers it helps you in multiple ways like which type of questions are coming in the exam. How many questions coming from each topic and what is difficulty level in the exam etc.. based on this start your preparation.

2. Learn tables from 1 to 25, formulas, squares up to 50, square roots, cubes up to 20, cube roots, a fraction of percentage value etc. So you don’t have to think at the time of the exam. This helps you to solve a problem in a short cut way.

3. Try to solve as many as previous year papers as possible.

4. After getting the complete knowledge of the basic concepts try to solve the problems by using shortcut methods.

5. The quantitative aptitude section is all about practise. You are getting more experience while solving more number of questions. At the same time, give a regular sectional test and analyse it after completion of the exam. By solving more number of questions, you become an expert in the section within a short period of time.

6. Give an online mock test regularly and analyse the exam. This is the best way to analyse your performance. This analysis helps you to find your strength and weaker sections. Try to spend extra hard work on your weaker section during the exam Preparation.

7. Don’t take the Arithmetic section easy if you are good at it. You need to practise more during the examination time; otherwise, you would fail to perform your best in the exam.

RRB NTPC Study Material – 4500+ Questions

RRB NTPC Study Plan For Arithmetic Ability:

1. Regular practise gives you more result. Try to spend at least 1 to 2 hours daily for maths subject. Put more effort on maths repeated questions.

2. Maintain a short book to write some important points at the time of your preparation. and recall this key points at in your free time.

3. Try to solve more number of questions from each and every topic. It helps you to solve the problem in a short cut method.

4. Give the online mock test regularly and analyse the test it helps you to find your strength and weaker section. Put your more effort on your weaker section at the time of your preparation.

5. While giving the mock test, try to maintain speed and accuracy. Because these two play a vital role in all the competitive exams.

6. While your preparation try to solve the questions by using the short cut method, because you attempted more number of questions with the stipulated time to get more marks then the over all score, time management places a vital role at the time of your exam.


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