How Many Hours To Study For IBPS PO Examination

how many hours to study for IBPS PO examination
how many hours to study for IBPS PO examination

How Many Hours To Study For IBPS PO Examination

In this blog, we are going to explain how many hours to study for IBPS PO Examination? Students Generally ask us questions like How to prepare IBPS PO Exam? How many hours to spend daily to crack the IBPS PO exam? How to improve accuracy and speed? Generally, no one does not give the perfect answer to this type of questions. It only depends on your dedication about your study. If you put more effort you can crack the exam in a short time. 

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Generally, most of the candidates spend at least 6 to 7 hours a day if she/he has more time for preparation, generally candidates can spend 4 to 5 hours in a day to qualify the exam.

Making a proper study plan and working hard towords the preparation will help you crack the exam within less period of time. According to experts opinion, fresher who prepare 5 to 6 hours regularly for six months can easily crack the IBPS Exams in the first attempt.

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The Following Tips Will Helps You To Improve Your Preparation:

  1. Use study material regularly for the practise
  2. Regular practise will helps you to perform best in the exam
  3. Spend more time in your weak section
  4. Try to solve previous year mock test will helps you to get an idea about the pattern of the exam and which type of questions they asked in the exam
  5. Give online mock test regularly and analyse the exam. It helps you in a several ways like by analysing the mock test you can easily find your weaker section, and also it helps you to improve speed and accuracy.
  6. Try to solve at least paper regularly for prelims as well as mains. Do this strategy regularly it helps you a lot.

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