Error Spotting Questions for SSC CGL PDF

Error Spotting Questions for SSC CGL PDF
Error Spotting Questions for SSC CGL PDF

Error Spotting Questions for SSC CGL PDF:

Download SSC CGL Error Spotting questions with answers PDF based on previous papers very useful for SSC CGL exams. 25 Very important Error Spotting objective questions for SSC exams.

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Instructions: In the following question, some part of the sentence may have errors. Find out which part of the sentence has an error and select the appropriate option. If a sentence is free from error, select ‘No Error’.

Question 1: I felt a kind of exalted (1)/ and almost cheerful gloom (2)/ as I step out and saw that it (3)/ was raining and would go on raining. (4)

a) (1)
b) (2)
c) (3)
d) (4)
e) No error

Question 2: As the clouds filled with that dream of light (1)/ and the road began visibly to lengthen out, I left Mumbai behind (2)/ or recognized it only in the blue bowls and copper-ware (3)/ gleaming through the windows of new houses round about. (4)

a) (1)
b) (2)
c) (3)
d) (4)
e) No error

Question 3: Shyam moves heavily with long strides over (1)/ the baked yellow field, swaying with the violent motion (2)/ of the plough as it cuts the stubborn and knotty (3)/ soil, and yet seeming to sway out in joy and not necessity. (4)

a) (1)
b) (2)
c) (3)
d) (4)
e) No error

Question 4: Everyone who is nobody sit there (1)/ with a special satisfaction, watching the swift, (2)/ addle-faced motorist, the horseman, the (3)/ farmer, the tradesman, the publican, go by. (4)

a) (1)
b) (2)
c) (3)
d) (4)
e) No error

Question 5: As two lovers wounded and derided (1)/ will make of their complainings one (2)/ true joy that triumph, so will the (3)/ concealing rain and the painful mind. (4)

a) (1)
b) (2)
c) (3)
d) (4)
e) No error

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Question 6: We are all of the habit of judging as (1)/to the ‘real’ shapes of things, and (2)/ we do this so unreflectingly that we come (3)/ to think we actually see the real shapes. (4)

a) (1)
b) (2)
c) (3)
d) (4)
e) No error

Question 7: The way in which (1)/ simplicity comes in from (2)/ supposing that there really (3)/ are physical objects are easily seen. (4)

a) (1)
b) (2)
c) (3)
d) (4)
e) No error

Question 8: Philosophy should show us the hierarchy of (1)/ our instinctive beliefs, beginning with those we (2)/ hold most strongly, and presenting each as much (3)/ isolated and as free from irrelevant additions as possible. (4)

a) (1)
b) (2)
c) (3)
d) (4)
e) No error

Question 9: It is not only colours and sounds (1)/ and so on that is absent from the (2)/ scientific world of matter, but also space as (3)/ we get it through sight or touch. (4)

a) (1)
b) (2)
c) (3)
d) (4)
e) No error

Question 10: One of the student of (1)/ class 9th will be selected to (2)/ represent the school at junior science (3)/ congress to be held next month. (4)

a) (1)
b) (2)
c) (3)
d) (4)
e) No error


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Question 11: A short time later, Drejka pulls up, exits (1)/ his own vehicle, steps behind Jacobs’s car to look at her plate, (2)/ then begins to verbally remonstrate with her about (3)/ illegally (and rudely) using a parking spot reserved for the handicapped. (4)

a) (1)
b) (2)
c) (3)
d) (4)
e) No error

Question 12: President Trump should announce that (1)/ he is holding off on appointing a successor for (2)/ Kennedy and ask Congress to reduce the size of (3)/ the Court to seven justices, effective with the next retirement. (4)

a) (1)
b) (2)
c) (3)
d) (4)
e) No error

Question 13: For decades, “gun control” advocates (1)/ have, from behind the sturdy shield(2)/ of the First Amendment, agitated of willful (3)/ misinterpretation of, or even repeal of, the Second. (4)

a) (1)
b) (2)
c) (3)
d) (4)
e) No error

Question 14: 49% of self-described “independent” voters — voters deprived of choice by a (1)/ tangled web of ballot access laws expressly designed to keep third party and (2)/ independent candidates off the ballot and campaign finance laws that keep them marginalized (3)/ if it get over those ballot access hurdles — still believe in the Fair and Open Election Fairy. (4)

a) (1)
b) (2)
c) (3)
d) (4)
e) No error

Question 15: There is no universe in which (1)/ life without the possibility (2)/ of parole is a reasonable penalty (3) of the crime of running a website. (4)

a) (1)
b) (2)
c) (3)
d) (4)
e) No error

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Question 16: As autumn approaches and (1)/ school is back in session, (2)/ many family start to gear (3)/ up for those weekends of tailgating. (4)

a) (1)
b) (2)
c) (3)
d) (4)
e) No error

Question 17: Many families have a single debit or credit card (1)/ shared among several individuals, including teens and college (2)/ students who may lose track of purchases, buy from unsecured (3)/ websites, or access money without clearing the amount with parents. (4)

a) (1)
b) (2)
c) (3)
d) (4)
e) No error

Question 18: Fortunately, there are people who believe (1)/ humans and robots can coexist and work (2)/ together in harmony and are working to (3) debunk many of the fears people have about it. (4)

a) (1)
b) (2)
c) (3)
d) (4)
e) No error

Question 19: A growing number of medical groups, (1)/ patient advocates and members of Congress says virtual (2)/ colonoscopy – known medically as CT colonography – can overcome (3)/ cultural stigmas and anxiety associated with the screening. (4)

a) (1)
b) (2)
c) (3)
d) (4)
e) No error

Question 20: Most consumers today are overwhelmed by and tired (1)/ by banner-style and traditional ads; they want to learn (2)/ about products from other trusted consumers (3)/ who are willing to share their interests and expertise. (4)

a) (1)
b) (2)
c) (3)
d) (4)
e) No error

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Question 21: Financial experts agree that the (1)/ best way to break the vicious cycle (2)/ of scrambling to make ends meet is by (3)/ have a written budget and sticking to it. (4)

a) (1)
b) (2)
c) (3)
d) (4)
e) No error

Question 22: Writing is a technique that (1)/ has been used through several (2) millennia to teach, learn and (3)/ communicate with one another. (4)

a) (1)
b) (2)
c) (3)
d) (4)
e) No error

Question 23: If decent people know that the guy next door (1)/ abduct people at gunpoint for a living (or conspires with (2)/ others to facilitate such kidnappings), they (3)/ probably won’t invite that guy to their next backyard barbecue. (4)

a) (1)
b) (2)
c) (3)
d) (4)
e) No error

Question 24: Some characterizes Trump’s ascendance as a comeback (1)/ victory for the “Tea Party” movement that briefly flourished (2)/ during Barack Obama’s administration before establishment (3)/ Republicans co-opted it and returned to business as usual. (4)

a) (1)
b) (2)
c) (3)
d) (4)
e) No error

Question 25: Payment processing can (1)/ be a challenge for businesses large (2)/ and small, nonprofits, and artists (3)/ who need to except credit cards. (4)

a) (1)
b) (2)
c) (3)
d) (4)
e) No error

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (C)

In the third part of the sentence, ‘step’ is incorrect. As per the tense of the sentence, it should be ‘stepped’.
Hence, option C is the correct answer.

2) Answer (E)

The given sentence is grammatically correct.
Hence, option E is the correct answer.

3) Answer (D)

In the fourth part of the sentence, ‘in’ is wrong. ‘Out of joy’ is the correct usage.
Hence, option D is the correct answer.

4) Answer (A)

In the first part of the sentence, ‘sit’ is incorrect. ‘Everyone’ is a singular subject. So, ‘sits’ must be used.
Hence, option A is the correct answer.

5) Answer (C)

In the third part of the sentence, ‘triumph’ is incorrect. Since it is used for ‘true joy’, it should be ‘triumphs’.
Hence, option C is the correct answer.

6) Answer (A)

In the first part of the sentence, ‘of’ is incorrect. ‘In the habit of’ is the correct usage.
Hence, option A is the correct answer.

7) Answer (D)

In the fourth part of the sentence, ‘are’ is incorrectly used for the subject ‘the way’. It should be ‘is’.
Hence, option D is the correct answer.

8) Answer (E)

The sentence is grammatically correct.
Hence, option E is the correct answer.

9) Answer (B)

In the second part of the sentence, ‘is’ is incorrectly used for ‘colours and sounds’. It should be ‘are’.
Hence, option B is the correct answer.

10) Answer (A)

In the first part of the sentence, ‘student’ is incorrect. ‘One of the’ is always succeeded by a plural subject.
Hence, option A is the correct answer.

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11) Answer (E)

The sentence is grammatically correct.
Hence, option E is the correct answer.

12) Answer (C)

In the third part of the sentence, ‘ask’ is wrong. To maintain the parallelism, it should be ‘asking’.
Hence, option C is the correct answer.

13) Answer (C)

In the third part of the sentence ‘of’ after ‘agitated’ is incorrect. It should be ‘for’.
Hence, option C is the correct answer.

14) Answer (D)

In the fourth part of the sentence, ‘it’ is incorrectly used for ‘voters’. It should be ‘they’.
Hence, option D is the correct answer.

15) Answer (D)

In the fourth part of the sentence, ‘of’ is wrong. ‘Penalty for’ is the appropriate usage.
Hence, option D is the correct answer.

16) Answer (C)

In the third part of the sentence, ‘many family’ is incorrect. It should be ‘many families’.
Hence, option C is the correct answer.

17) Answer (E)

The sentence is grammatically correct.
Hence, option E is the correct answer.

18) Answer (D)

In the fourth part, ‘it’ is incorrectly used for ‘robots’. It should be ‘them’.
Hence, option D is the correct answer.

19) Answer (B)

In the second part of the sentence, ‘says’ is incorrect. It should be ‘say’.
Hence, option B is the correct answer.

20) Answer (B)

In the second part of the sentence, ‘by’ is incorrect. ‘Tired of’ is the correct usage.
Hence, option B is the correct answer.

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21) Answer (D)

In the fourth part of the sentence, ‘have’ is incorrect. It should be ‘having’ to maintain the parallelism.
Hence, option D is the correct answer.

22) Answer (E)

The sentence is grammatically correct.
Hence, option E is the correct answer.

23) Answer (B)

In the second part, ‘abduct’ is incorrectly used. It should be ‘abducts’ according to the subject ‘guy’.
Hence, option B is the correct answer.

24) Answer (A)

In the first part of the sentence, ‘characterizes’ is wrong. It should be ‘characterize’ as the subject is plural.
Hence, option A is the correct answer.

25) Answer (D)

In the fourth part of the sentence, ‘except’ does not fit in the context. It should be ‘accept’.
Hence, option D is the correct answer.


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