Critical Reasoning Questions for SNAP Set-2 PDF

Critical Reasoning Questions for SNAP Set-2 PDF
Critical Reasoning Questions for SNAP Set-2 PDF

Critical Reasoning Questions for SNAP Set-2 PDF

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Question 1: Read the following paragraph:
“Music probably does something interesting,” explains neuropsychologist Catherine Loveday of the University of Westminster. “It stimulates the brain in a very powerful way, because of our emotional connection with it.” Unlike brain-games, playing an instrument is a rich and complex experience. This is because it’s integrating information from senses like vision, hearing, and touch, along with fine movements. This can result in long-lasting changes in the brain. This can also be applicable in the business world.
Go through the following statements:
1. Playing a musical instrument is a unique experience involving vision, hearing and touch.
2. Instrumental musicians are far more creative than vocalists.
3. Playing brain games does not integrate various senses and movements as much as playing a musical instrument.
4. Integrating the five senses is critical in the business world.
Which of the above statements can definitely be interpreted based on the passage above?

a) Statement 1 only

b) Statement 1 and 2

c) Statement 3 only

d) Statement 1 and 3

e) Statement 3 and 4

Question 2: Read the following statement:
A manager seeks approval for conducting a training programme on ‘openness’. He puts forward the following arguments in favour of the program to his CEO.
Which of the following arguments is the least likely to have a logical fallacy?

a) We did a pilot training program with a group of employees. Post the program, one of the participants was open to new ideas.

b) This program should be good for our organization since it is designed by a leading consultant.

c) Internal studies conducted across groups and locations showed that ‘openness’ increases innovation.

d) We have only two options; we can either train our employees on ‘openness’ or suffer the consequences.

e) If you really care about the organization, you should approve this training program.

Question 3: Read the following paragraph and answer the question that follows:
Indian religious and ethical space is different from that of the western countries. The Vedas, the Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita, the Ramayana, and the Mahabharata etc. enrich Indian religious and social space. Details of the treatment of human values and Dharmas have a long tradition. They are often compared, contrasted and debated by the characters in the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. In the process, it has given birth to a tradition of dharma, which has been transferred from generation to generation. Ethical discourse was not a one-time affair. From time to time, religious leaders from various regions of India nourished and strengthened the Indian ethical arena. Tiruvalluvar (second century B.C.), Kabir from Uttar Pradesh (fifteenth century A.D.), Nanak from Punjab (fifteenth century A.D), Alvars and Nayanmars of Tamil Nadu (eighth century A.D.), Basaveswara of Karnataka (Twelfth century A.D.), Sri Chaitanya (Sixteenth century) were prominent.
Which of the following assumptions will make the above paragraph redundant?

a) All religious leaders, mentioned in the paragraph, preach the same message and it is transferred from one generation to the next.

b) Western religious spaces do not have details of treatment of principle of Dharma.

c) Ramayana and Mahabharata have made it possible for religious leaders to build the tradition.

d) Western civilizations have been traversed by a different kind of religious leaders.

e) Western ethical and religious space has a long tradition of treatment of human values and Dharma.

Question 4: Read the following paragraph and answer the question that follows:
The size of oceanic waves is a function of the velocity of the wind and of fetch, the length of the surface of the water subject to those winds. The average impact of waves against a coastline is a function of the size of the waves and the shape of the sea bottom. The degree of erosion on coastline is a function of the average impact of waves and the geologic composition of the coastline.
According to the above paragraph, which of the following options will be true?

a) The fetch of wind is related to the shape of the sea bottom.

b) The size of oceanic waves will not fluctuate far from average.

c) The size of oceanic wave is correlated with the shape of the sea bottom.

d) Degree of erosion on coastline is not related with the velocity of wind.

e) Degree of erosion on coastline is related to shape of the sea-bottom.

Question 5: Read the following paragraph and answer the question that follows:
Arti is planning for higher studies and her future goals include working as a manager of a non-profit organization designed to provide assistance to under-represented populations. Arti researched the mission statements of various colleges and discovered that college X, a small private college with a fee of Rs. 8 lakhs per year, was dedicated to producing compassionate and curious leaders. College Y, a large institute with a fee of Rs. 9 lakh per year, promoted itself as a leading research facility. Based on her research, she decided to apply to college X rather than College Y.
Which of the following options is the most likely explanation of Arti’s decision?

a) A direct relationship exists between a college’s cost and the quality of the education it provides.

b) Students apply to smaller colleges that offer more personalized attention from professors.

c) A large research university cannot prepare students for a career as a non-profit executive.

d) Students apply to colleges with mission statements that align with their goals.

e) The best colleges have the best mission statements. Hence, students select a college with the best mission statement.

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Question 6: Choose the most appropriate option after reading the following statements.
I. Business schools are ideally positioned to point out when an action that provides a benefit for an individual comes at a cost to society, but in reality they rarely bother.
2. It is part of the malaise that has befallen the political debate on capitalism, which has been taken over by special interests and people who have no faith in a real market-based system.
3. When governments favours the private sector it is all too often by being “pro-business” rather than “pro-market”, meaning that favourable conditions are provided to particular institutions rather than to institutions broadly.

a) Statements 1 and 2 are necessarily dependent.

b) Statements 2 and 3 are necessarily dependent.

c) Statements 2 and 3 may be dependent.

d) Statements 1, 2 and 3 cannot be independent.

e) All the three statements are necessarily independent.

Question 7: Choose the most appropriate option after reading the following statements.
1. If there is any endeavour whose fruits should be freely available, that endeavour is surely publicly financed science.
2. There is a widespread feeling that the journal publishers who have mediated the scientific exchange for the past century or more are becoming an impediment to free distribution of knowledge.
3. Internet revolution is happening, making knowledge transfer cheaper. Technology permits it; researchers and politicians want it, more public money can be spent on it.

a) Statement 2 definitely illustrates statement 1.

b) Statement 3 is a facilitating condition for statement 1

c) Statement 3 states a condition under which statement 1 would be invalid

d) Statement 2 can be deduced from statement 3 but independent of Statement 1.

e) Statement I, 2 and 3 are necessarily independent.

Question 8: Choose the most appropriate option after reading the following statements.
1.Whether due to haste or design, the new laws are marked by vagueness, leaving officials all down the organization’s bureaucratic chain great latitude in enforcing them.
2.The opacity of the language leaves the law open to manipulation on political grounds.

a) Statement 2 can be induced from statement 1.

b) Statement 1 can be induced from statement 2.

c) Statement 2 can be deduced from statement 1.

d) Statement 1 can be deduced from statement 2.

e) Statements 1 and 2 are independent.

Question 9: The motivation of human beings towards their work is a subject matter that is at once a simple as well as an extremely complicated matter. For a long time, economists, sociologists, as well as psychologists believed that a carrot and stick approach, with monetary incentives playing the role of the carrot, would be sufficient to goad employees towards achieving higher levels of performance. However, a number of recent studies and observations, especially dealing with the open source revolution are placing on the table strong evidence suggesting that monetary incentives are only one part of the entire story of motivation through incentives. In a study conducted by a group of researchers at MIT, it was found that monetary incentives work well only in respect of tasks requiring mechanical skills i.e. those tasks not requiring much use of higher level cognitive abilities (such as memorizing or problem solving). In fact their study showed that setting high monetary incentives for tasks requiring cognitive abilities were more likely than not to produce adverse outcomes. Since this result flew straight in the face of the widely accepted body of knowledge on employee motivation, they conducted multiple experiments in different settings and countries to ensure that it was not a one – off result. The findings were the same in all repetitions of the experiment. These studies appear to suggest that monetary incentives need to be provided only to such an extent as to take the minds of employees off the issue of money and focus on other issues that are necessary to get the job done right. For instance, some experiments have shown that greater autonomy to employees and lowered interference from management (and bosses) is successful in driving the performance of employees working in cognitive skill intensive jobs.
Identify the statement(s) that is (are) logically consistent with the con tent of the paragraph
i. The carrot – stick approach essentially requires the use of rewards to get more of a desired behaviour whereas penalties lead to increased undesirable behaviour.
ii. Expending time and effort on the design of monetary incentives is a wasteful exercise.
iii. The study by the group of MIT researchers was a flawed exercise from the start.
iv. There appears to be a need to reorient the existing paradigm prevalent in incentive design.
v. During the process of designing incentives, one should clearly delineate activities into those requiring mechanical skills and those requiring higher – level cognitive skills and design with separate sets of incentives and penalties for each.

a) i and iv

b) i and v

c) ii and iii

d) ii and iv

e) iv and v

Question 10: As the information on air warfare tasks and stressors was being gathered and scenarios were being developed, a parallel effort ensued to identify a test bed simulation for air warfare teams. To maintain experimental control, it was determined by the designers that choosing a low physical fidelity simulation was acceptable as long as cognitive fidelity in a team simulation was maintained through subjecting soldiers to pressure situations in a simulated combat setting and attempting to ensure that naturalistic decision making of soldiers would not be compromised.
Which of the following statements, if true, weakens the logic of the above passage?
i. A number of studies have shown that high levels of physical stress lead to a weakening of the decision – making capabilities of human beings.
ii. It has been convincingly demonstrated by various studies that human beings by nature are not designed to adapt to high levels of mental stress.
iii. Numerous studies have shown that simulated environments can be designed to be good substitutes for real – life combat situations.
iv. Studies have shown that simulated exercises for armed forces personnel have tended to induce a systematic type of “correct” and common behaviour among the trainees.
v. Officers, when short – listing soldiers for critical operations, pick up battle – hardened soldiers rather than those who have been trained through simulations.

a) i and ii

b) ii and iii

c) i and iv

d) i, ii, iv, and v

e) ii, iii, iv, and v

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (C)

2) Answer (C)

3) Answer (E)

The central idea of the given paragraph is that Indian religious and ethical space is different from that of the western countries. The remaining part of the paragraph explains how Indian religious works placed emphasis on the concept of Dharma. The author is trying to promote Dharma as something unique to the Indian culture. Therefore, any idea that challenges this assumption will make the paragraph redundant. Option E states that the western culture also places emphasis on human values and dharma, taking away the uniqueness of Indian culture. Therefore, option E is the right answer.

4) Answer (E)

5) Answer (D)

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6) Answer (B)

The second statement starts with the pronoun ‘it’. The third statement talks about the government favouring private sector. Therefore, the ‘it’ in the second statement most probably refers to the favours extended by the government. Sentences 2 and 3 are dependent. Sentence 1 talks about business schools and is unrelated to the remaining 2 sentences (which talk about the government and politics). Therefore, option B is the right answer.

7) Answer (B)

8) Answer (E)

Statement 1 talks about ‘the new laws’ being vaguely worded. Statement 2 talks about ‘the law’ being open to manipulation due to its language. Sentence 1 and 2 are unrelated since 1 talks about a set of new laws (plural) and 2 talks about the law (a particular law that should have been introduced in some other statement, singular). Therefore, the 2 statements are independent and hence, option E is the right answer.

9) Answer (E)

The paragraph states that though monetary incentives are necessary for an employee, the importance of motivations such as greater autonomy cannot be overstated.
Hence, option E is the correct answer.

10) Answer (C)

The main argument of the paragraph is that the naturalistic decision making capabilities of individual soldiers should not be compromised.

Statement i mentions the weakening of the decision making ability. So, statement i weakens the argument.
Statement iv also mentions about common behaviour among the trainees which defies the individualism.

Hence, option C is the correct answer.

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