Commissions in India and their heads PDF

Committes or Commissions in India and their heads PDF
Committees or Commissions in India and their heads PDF

Commissions in India and their heads pdf consists of the list of the important committees and commissions in India related to banking. This list covers the list of the important committees in India after independence

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Commissions in India and their heads:

Please remember and learn from this list of Important Committees in India after independence related to Banking Industry. This list will be very helpful for General Knowledge section (GK) of Competitive exams.

# Committees/Commissions in India and their Heads Committee Purpose
1. Malhotra Committee To lay down a road map for privatisation of the life insurance sector.
2. Janaki Ram Committee To Enquire into Securities Transactions of Banks and Financial Institutions.
3. Chakravarty Committee To assess the functioning of the Indian Monetary system.
4. Narasimham Committee To analyzing India’s banking sector and recommending legislation and regulations to make it more effective, competitive and efficient.
5. S Padmanabhan Committee For Review of Supervisory Processes for Commercial Banks.
6. G Padmanabhan Committee Implementation of Bharat Bill Payment System (BBPS).
7. Nachiket Mor Committee To Implement Comprehensive Financial Services for Small Businesses and Low Income Households. Also, to permit Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC) to work as Business correspondents for Banks.
8. B. Sambamurthy Committee To examine the options/alternatives including the feasibility of using encrypted SMS based funds transfer using an application that can run on any type of handset for expansion of mobile banking in the country.
9. Bimal Jalan panel To scrutinize applications for new bank licenses.
10. K.U.B.Rao


To Study the Issues Related to Gold Imports and Gold Loans NBFCs in India.


11. Arvind Mayaram Committee For rationalizing the definition of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and Foreign Institutional Investor (FII).
12. Suma Varma Committee To Review Banking Ombudsman Scheme.
13. Vaidyanathan Committee Task force for the revival of co-operative rural credit structure.
14. N.H. Siddiqui Committee For furnishing of credit information by credit institutions to the Credit Information Companies in respect of different sectors.
15.  Ramachandran Committee The Advisory Committee on Ways and Means Advances to State Governments.
16. YV Reddy Committee Reforms In Small Savings;

To Review the System of Administered Interest Rates and Other Related Issues.

17. The Standing Committee on International Financial Standards and Code(YV Reddy) For evolving sound standards based on recognised best practices and for adopting transparency while adhering to the codes.
18.  Raghuram Rajan Committee For Evolving a Composite Development Index of States.
19. Ashok Ganguly Committee To rationalize corporate governance norms for bank boards. Working Group on Flow of Credit to SSI Sector.
20. K.M Chandrasekhar Committee For Rationalisation of Investment Routes and Monitoring of Foreign Portfolio Investments.
21. Urjit Patel Committee To Revise and Strengthen the Monetary Policy Framework.
22. Jilani Committee A Review on internal controls and inspection / audit systems in banks (1995) identified key risks associated with IT systems.
23. A Ghosh Committee High level Committee on fraud and malpractice in banks.
24. MBN Rao Committee  A Blue print for the Proposed India’s first Women’s Public Sector Bank.
25. Shri Pulak Kumar Sinha Committee To study the feasibility of Aadhaar as an additional factor for authentication of card present transactions.
26. Shri Aditya Puri Committee Dissemination of Credit Information
27. B. Mahapatra Committee to review the existing prudential guidelines on restructuring of advances by banks/financial institutions
28. Ratan P Watal Committee To suggest steps to promote card payments with an aim to discourage cash transactions.
29. Sudarshan Sen Committee To study the regulatory issues relating to Financial Technology and Digital Banking in India.
30. Dinesh Sharma Committee To study the existing framework for virtual currencies such as bitcoin.
31. R.H. Khan Committee Harmonization of the Role of Financial Institution in Banks.
32. A K Khandelwal HR Issues of Public Sector Banks.
33. Vipin Malik Committee Consolidated Accounting by banks
34. James Raj Committee Functioning Of Public Sector Banks
35. AK Bhuchar Committee Coordination Between Term Lending Institutions And Commercial Banks.
36. Bhide Committee Coordination between commercial banks and SFC’s.
37. Nadkarni Committee Improved Procedures For transactions in PSU Bonds And Units
38. M L Dantwala Committee To Boost Regional Rural Banks.
39. Tandon Committee To examine the existing methods of lending and suggest changes of Bank Credit.
40. P J Nayak Committee To review Governance of Boards of Banks in India
41. Deepak Mohanty Committee Medium-term Path on Financial Inclusion
42. Kamath Committee Education Loan Scheme


As you have gone through this list important list of Committees or Commissions in India and their heads, you can also download this list of Important committees related to banking industry after Independence in PDF format.

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