Coding & Decoding Questions For RRB NTPC PDF

Coding & Decoding Questions For RRB NTPC PDF
Coding & Decoding Questions For RRB NTPC PDF

Coding & Decoding Questions For RRB NTPC PDF

Download RRB NTPC Coding & Decoding Questions and Answers PDF. Top 20 RRB NTPC Coding & Decoding questions based on asked questions in previous exam papers very important for the Railway NTPC exam.

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Question 1: If ‘$’ and ‘@’ are coded such that 8 $ 4 @ 6 = 26 and 2 $ 4 @ 3 = 5, then find the value of 5 $ 2 @ 1.

a) 5

b) 7

c) 1

d) 9

Question 2: In a certain code language, ‘HAND’ is written as ‘SZMW”, then what will be the code of ‘MILK’ ?






Study the following information carefully and answer the questions which follow:
In a certain language
‘look read play jump’ is coded as ‘ir re xv ws’
’play same look wake’ is coded as ‘ws re zt py’
‘same look run read’ is coded as ‘py ws ir hd’

Question 3: What is the code for the word ‘wake’?

a) py

b) re

c) zt

d) ws

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Question 4: Which word of the following option is coded as ‘xv’?

a) jump

b) play

c) look

d) read

Question 5: What is the code for ‘run’?

a) uw

b) hd

c) tx

d) hp

Question 6: In a certain language ‘TAIL’ is coded as ‘KXWZ’ and ‘MOVE’ is coded as ‘QRUS’. How will ‘VIOLATE’ be written as?





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Question 7: In a language,
’Cars are blue roses’ is coded as ‘ta de ru la’
’ Roses are red’ is coded as ‘la ru fa’.
’red are blue’ is coded as ‘fa ru de’,
What is the code for ‘cars’?

a) ta

b) de

c) ru

d) la

Question 8: If ‘How are you’ is coded as ‘tr we me’, ‘You are fine’ is coded as ‘me tr gu’, and ‘I am fine’ is coded as ‘od gu ka’, which of the following can be the code for ‘How fine am I’?

a) tr od ka gu

b) ka od we mw

c) we od gu ka

d) gu we me tr

Question 9: In a certain language
‘call know before’ is coded as ‘gv qe nw’
’look before know’ is coded as ‘qe ml gv’
What is the code for ‘call’?

a) qe

b) gv

c) nw

d) ml

Question 10: In a certain language
‘word letter write’ is coded as ‘gw qk nc’
’box write word’ is coded as ‘nc mr qk’
What is the code for ‘box’?

a) gw

b) qk

c) nc

d) mr

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Question 11: In a certain language ‘LACE’ is coded as ‘QWVZ’ and ‘DISH’ is coded as ‘ARYN’. How will ‘SLICE’ be written as?





Question 12: If ‘Camera is on’ is coded as ‘ pa ba hu’ and ‘DSLR is a camera’ is coded as ‘od ba di pa’, which of the following cannot be the code for ‘A DSLR is on a Camera’?

a) od pa ba hu di od

b) di od ba hu di pa

c) pa ba od od di hu

d) di pa ba od di od

Question 13: If ‘Flights are avians’ is coded as ‘pa ru da’ and ‘Birds are not avians’ is coded as ‘ru pa la na’ which of the following cannot be the code for ‘Birds are flights’?

a) la pa na

b) da pa la

c) ru na da

d) na da pa

Question 14: If ‘play while you play’ is coded as ‘ta da ta na’ and ‘you study’ is coded as ‘da ra’, which of the following can be the code for ‘study while you study’?

a) na da ta ra

b) na ra ra da

c) ra na da na

d) na ta da ta

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Question 15: If ‘Car is war’ is coded as ‘la pa ga’ and ‘war is not fair’ is coded as ‘ga rw nu pa’, which of the following cannot be the code for ‘car is fair’?

a) la nu pa

b) la rw ga

c) la nu ga

d) la nu rw

Question 16: In a language, ‘Hell is well’ is coded as ‘ras al gul’ and ‘deep well’ is coded as ‘ta gul’. Which of the following can be the code for ‘Hell is deep’?

a) gul ta ras

b) ras ta al

c) al ta gul

d) al gul ras

Question 17: If ‘Deena is a boy’ is coded as ‘id re pa ga’, ‘Preetha is a boy’ is coded as ‘id re pa sa’, and ‘Preetha is a girl not a boy’ is coded as ‘la id re sa ta pa pa’ , which of the following can be the code for ‘Boy is not a girl’?

a) pa sa la re id

b) re id la ta sa

c) id la re ta pa

d) id pa la re sa

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Question 18: If ‘Flint flies’ is coded as ‘ rq tu’ and ‘Teja flies an empty aeroplane’ is coded as ‘de la ba tu di’, which of the following cannot be the code for ‘aeroplane’?

a) de

b) di

c) la

d) tu

Question 19: If ‘Ram likes blue’ is coded as ‘ja ru ta’ and ‘Carey likes red’ is coded as ‘ki ta la’ which of the following cannot be the code for ‘Ram likes Carey’?

a) ta ja la

b) ki ru ta

c) la ki ta

d) ru la ta

Question 20: If CARTEL is coded as BBQSFK, what will be FUTILE coded as?





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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (D)

$8 \times 4 – 6 = 32-6 = 22$
$2\times4-3 = 8-3 = 5$
Then, $\times$ is coded as % and – is coded as @.
Hence, 5 $ 2 @ 1 $= 5 \times 2 – 1 = 10-1 = 9$

2) Answer (E)

3) Answer (C)

We know that,
‘look read play jump’ is coded as ‘ir re xv ws’
’play same look wake’ is coded as ‘ws re zt py’
‘same look run read’ is coded as ‘py ws ir hd’
From 1st and 2nd we can say that the code for play/look must be either ws/re. So the code for same/wake must be either py/zt. From the third statement we can say that code for run is hd, code for look is ws and code for same is py.
Thus we have,

Hence, option C is the correct choice.

4) Answer (A)

We know that,
‘look read play jump’ is coded as ‘ir re xv ws’
’play same look wake’ is coded as ‘ws re zt py’
‘same look run read’ is coded as ‘py ws ir hd’
From 1st and 2nd we can say that the code for play/look must be either ws/re. So the code for same/wake must be either py/zt. From the third statement we can say that code for run is hd, code for look is ws and code for same is py.
Thus we have,

Hence, option A is the correct option.

5) Answer (B)

We know that,
‘look read play jump’ is coded as ‘ir re xv ws’
’play same look wake’ is coded as ‘ws re zt py’
‘same look run read’ is coded as ‘py ws ir hd’
From 1st and 2nd we can say that the code for play/look must be either ws/re. So the code for same/wake must be either py/zt. From the third statement we can say that code for run is hd, code for look is ws and code for same is py.
Thus we have,

Hence, option B is the correct choice.

6) Answer (C)

‘TAIL’ is coded as ‘KXWZ’ and ‘MOVE’ is coded as ‘QRUS’. So letters and their codes are,
T -> K
A -> X
I -> W
L -> Z
M -> Q
O -> R
V -> U
E -> S
So ‘VIOLATE’ must be coded as ‘UWRZXKS’.
Hence, option C is the right answer.

7) Answer (A)

‘are’ is common to all the 3 sentences. Therefore, the code for ‘are’ must be ‘ru’.
’roses’ and ‘are’ common to the first 2 sentences. Therefore, the code for ‘roses’ must be ‘lu’.
’are’ and ‘blue’ are common to the first and the third sentence. Therefore, the code for ‘blue’ must be ‘de’.
We know the codes for ‘are’, ‘blue’ and ‘roses’. Therefore, from the first sentence, the code for cars must be ‘ta’. Therefore, option A is the right answer.

8) Answer (C)

From the second and the third sentences, we can infer that the code for ‘fine’ is ‘gu’. The code for ‘I’ and ‘am’ is ‘od’ and ‘ka’ in any order. Similarly, the code for ‘You’ and ‘are’ is ‘me’ and ‘tr’ in any order. The code for ‘how’ is ‘we’.

The code for ’How fine am I’ must consist of ‘we’, ‘gu’ and both ‘od’ and ‘ka’. Only option C satisfies this condition. Hence, option C is the right answer.

9) Answer (C)

‘call know before’ is coded as ‘gv qe nw’
’look before know’ is coded as ‘qe ml gv’
From the statements, we can say that the code for know/before is qe/gv. So the code for the ‘call’must be ‘nw’.
Hence, option C is the correct choice.

10) Answer (D)

‘word letter write’ is coded as ‘gw qk nc’
’box write word’ is coded as ‘nc mr qk’
From the statements, we can say that the code for word/write is nc/qk and thus, code for box will be mr.
Hence, option D is the correct choice.

11) Answer (B)

‘LACE’ is coded as ‘QWVZ’ and ‘DISH’ is coded as ‘ARYN’. So letters and their codes are,
L -> Q
A -> W
C -> V
E -> Z
D -> A
I -> R
S -> Y
H -> N
So ‘SLICE’ must be coded as ‘YQRVZ’.
Hence, option B is the right answer.

12) Answer (D)

The code for ‘camera’ and ‘is’ is ‘pa’ and ‘ba’ in any order. The code for ‘DSLR’ and ‘a’ must be ‘od’ and ‘di’ in any order. One of these 2 codes must be used twice and the other must be used once. All other codes must be used exactly once. Option D violates this condition and hence, option D is the right answer.

13) Answer (A)

As we can see, the code for ‘flights’ is ‘da’. The code for ‘are’ and ‘avians’ is ‘pa’ and ‘ru’ in any order. Similarly, the code for ‘Birds’ and ‘not’ is ‘na’ and ‘la’ in any order. Therefore, the code for ‘Birds are flights’ must contain ‘da’, exactly one among ‘pa’ and ‘ru’ and exactly one among ‘na’ and ‘la’. Option A violates this condition and hence, option A is the right answer.

14) Answer (B)

’Play’ is used twice and ‘ta’ is used twice in the code. Therefore, the code for ‘play’ must be ‘ta’. ‘You’ is common to both the sentences and ‘da’ is common to both the codes. Therefore, the code for ‘you’ must be ‘da’ and the code for ‘study’ must be ‘ra’. The code for ‘study while you study’ must contain 2 ‘ra’s, one ‘da’ and one ‘na’. Only option B satisfies these conditions and hence, option D is the right answer.

15) Answer (D)

The code for ‘car’ is ‘la’ and the code for ‘fair’ can be either ‘rw’ or ‘nu’. The code for ‘is’ can be either pa’ or ‘ga’.

Therefore, the code must contain ‘la’, exactly one among ‘rw’ and ‘nu’ and exactly one among ‘pa’ and ‘ga’. Option D violates this condition and hence, option D is the right answer.

16) Answer (B)

The code for ‘well’ must be ‘gul’.
This implies that the code for ‘deep’ must be ‘ta’.

The code for ‘Hell’ and ‘is’ is ‘ras’ and ‘al’ in any order.
Therefore, the code for ‘Hell is deep’ must contain ‘ras’, ‘al’ and ‘ta’ .
Only option B satisfies this condition and hence, it is the right answer.

17) Answer (C)

From the first 2 sentences, we can infer that the code for ‘Deena’ is ‘ga’ and ‘Preeta’ is ‘sa’. ’a’ is used twice in the third sentence and ‘pa’ is used twice in the third sentence. Therefore, the code for ‘a’ must be ‘pa’. The code for ‘girl’ and ‘not’ must be ‘la’ and ‘ta’ in any order. Similarly, the code for ‘is’ and ‘boy’ must be ‘id’ and ‘re’ in any order.

Therefore, the code for ‘Boy is not a girl’ must contain ‘id re la ta pa’ in any order. Only option C satisfies this condition and hence, it is the right answer.

18) Answer (D)

We can see that the code for ‘flies’ is common to both the sentences. Therefore, ‘tu’ must be the code for ‘flies’ and ‘rq’ must be the code for ‘Flint’.Barring these 2 terms, the code for ‘aeroplane’ can be anything among the given codes. Therefore, the code cannot be ‘tu’ and hence, option D is the right answer.

19) Answer (C)

’Likes’ is the term common to both the sentences. Therefore, the code for ‘likes’ is ‘ta’. Exactly one among ‘ja’ and ‘ru’ and exactly one among ‘ki’ and ‘la’ must be used in the code for ‘Ram likes Carey’. Option C violates this condition. Therefore, option C cannot be the code and hence, it is the right answer.

20) Answer (B)

C – 1 – B
A + 1 – B
R – 1 – Q
T – 1 – S
E + 1 – F
L – 1 – K

As we can see, vowels are replaced by the letter immediately following them and consonants are replaced by the letter immediately preceding them. Using the same logic,

F will be coded as E.
U will be coded as V.
T will be coded as S.
I will be coded as J.
L will be coded as K.
E will be coded as F.

Therefore, FUTILE will be coded as EVSJKF. Hence, option B is the right answer.


We hope this Coding & Decoding questions for RRB NTPC Exam will be highly useful for your preparation.


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