Coding Decoding Questions for CMAT 2022 – Download PDF

Coding-Decoding Questions for CMAT
Coding-Decoding Questions for CMAT

Coding-Decoding Questions for CMAT 2022 – Download PDF

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Question 1: In a certain code MODEL is written as ‘513#2’ and DEAR is written as ‘3#%8’. How is LOAD written in that code ?

a) 21%3

b) 23%1

c) 25%3

d) 21#3

e) None of these

Question 2: In a certain code ‘TASK is written as ‘BUJR’ and ‘BIND’ is written as ‘JCCM’. How is ‘SUIT’ written in that code ?



c) TRW


e) None of these

Question 3: In a certain code ‘BUILD’ is written as ‘5#31@ and ‘LIKES’ is written as ’13©*8′. How is ‘SKID’written in that code?

a) 8©*@

b) 8@3©

c) 8©3@

d) 83©@

e) None of these

Question 4: In a certain code GATE is written as 5*3$ and TOUR is written as 32§% Now is URGE written in that code ?

a) 3%5$

b) $%§5

c) §%3$

d) §%5$

e) None of these

Question 5: In a certain code ‘TWICE’ is written as ‘3485§’ and ‘WEARS’ is written as ‘4§29%’. How is ‘SEAT written in that ?

a) %2§3

b) %§23

c) %§43

d) %$23

e) None of these

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Question 6: In a certain code ‘BEAMING’ is written as ‘BFCMHOJ’ and ‘CLEAR’ is written as ‘MDESB’. How is ‘TRAIL’ written in that code?





e) None of these

Question 7: In a certain code ‘can you read this’ is written as ‘can @ read # this * you $’ and ‘how are you today’ is written as ‘are @ how # today * you $’. How will ‘can be true or’ be written that code ?

a) or © true # can * be $

b) be $ can * or # true @

c) be @ can * or # true $

d) be $ can # or * true @

e) be @ can # or * true $

Question 8: In a certain code PATHOLOGIST is written as PIUBQKSRHFN. How is CONTROVERSY written in that code ?





e) None of these

Question 9: If in a certain code language ‘pen pencil’ is written as ‘$ £’; ‘eraser sharpener’ is written as ‘@ #’ and ‘pencil eraser’ is written as ‘$ @’, then what is the code for ‘pen’ ?

a) £

b) @

c) $

d) #

e) None of these

Question 10: In a certain coding system, PAPER is written as PERPA and SUBJECT is written as JECTSUB, what should be the code for COUNCIL ?





e) None of these

Question 11: If ‘sky’ means ‘star’; ‘star’ means ‘cloud’; ‘cloud’ means ‘earth’. ‘earth’ means ‘tree’ and ‘tree’ means ‘book’, then where do the birds fly?

a) sky

b) star

c) cloud

d) Data inadequate

e) None of these

Question 12: In a certain code language, ‘send the tests’ is coded as ‘al vx se’ and ‘all tests solved’ is coded as `se pg nb’. How will ‘tests’ be coded as in the given code language? (Note-all codes are two letter codes only)

a) nb

b) vx

c) Either ‘nb’ or `pg’

d) se

e) Either ‘al‘ or `pg’

Question 13: ‘GROW is written as ‘ = @ % # and ‘WITHIN’ is written ‘# ÷ + @ ÷ Δ’ in a certain code language. How would ‘WING’ be written in that code ?

a) # ÷ Δ =

b) # % Δ =

c) % ÷ Δ =

d) # ÷ © =

e) None of these

Question 14: In a certain code CREAM is written as NBDBQ. How is BREAD written in that code?





e) None of these

Question 15: In a certain code BOARD is written as 54#12 and MORE is written as 941$. How is DREAM written in that code ?

a) 21$#9

b) 2$1#9

c) 51$#9

d) 25$#9

e) None of these

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Question 16: If ‘Apple’ is called ‘Orange’ `Orange’ is called ‘Peach’, `Peach’, is called ‘Potato’, `Potato’ is called ‘Banana,’ `Banana’ is called ‘Papaya’ and `Papaya’ is called ‘Guava’, which of the following grows underground?

a) Potato

b) Guava

c) Apple

d) Banana

e) None of these

Question 17: In a certain code CREAM is written as NBDBQ. How is BREAD written in that code?





e) None of these

Question 18: ‘GROW is written as ‘ = @ % # and ‘WITHIN’ is written ‘# ÷ + @ ÷ Δ’ in a certain code language. How would ‘WING’ be written in that code ?

a) # ÷ Δ =

b) # % Δ =

c) % ÷ Δ =

d) # ÷ © =

e) None of these

Question 19: In a certain code language, ‘send the tests’ is coded as ‘al vx se’ and ‘all tests solved’ is coded as `se pg nb’. How will ‘tests’ be coded as in the given code language? (Note-all codes are two letter codes only)

a) nb

b) vx

c) Either ‘nb’ or `pg’

d) se

e) Either ‘al‘ or `pg’

Question 20: In an encrypted language, “Sa ri ga ma” means “I am in love” and “pa da sa ri” means “I just love myself”. “I do” is coded as “sa na”. What does ri stand for in that language?

a) I

b) am

c) in

d) do

e) love

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (A)

The codes for each letter is given :

L -> 2
O -> 1
A -> %
D -> 3

Thus, LOAD : 21%3

=> Ans – (A)

2) Answer (A)

‘TASK is written as ‘BUJR’

The pattern followed is that the word is divided into two pairs of 2 letters each = (TA) (SK) and each pair is written in reverse order = (AT) (KS)

‘BIND’ is written as ‘JCCM’ = (IB) (DN)

Similarly, for SUIT :

=> Ans – (A)

3) Answer (C)

The codes for each letter is given :

S -> 8
K -> ©
I -> 3
D -> @

Thus, SKID : 8©3@

=> Ans – (C)

4) Answer (D)

The codes for each letter is given :

U -> §
R -> %
G -> 5
E -> $

Thus, URGE : §%5$

=> Ans – (D)

5) Answer (B)

The codes for each letter is given :

S -> %
E -> §
A -> 2
T -> 3

Thus, SEAT : %§23

=> Ans – (B)

6) Answer (C)

‘BEAMING’ is written as ‘BFCMHOJ’

The pattern followed is :

‘CLEAR’ is written as ‘MDESB’

Similarly, for TRAIL :

=> Ans – (C)

7) Answer (E)

‘can you read this’ —> ‘can @ read # this * you $’

‘how are you today’ —> ‘are @ how # today * you $’

The pattern followed is that the words are arranged in ascending order based on the first letter.

Similarly, ‘can be true or’ —> be @ can # or * true $

=> Ans – (E)

8) Answer (A)


Five letters of the word PATHOLOGIST are reversed first and then coded as one place forward. Similarly, the last five letters of word are reversed then code as one place backward. Middle letter is coded as one place backward.

Similarly, for CONTROVERSY :

=> Ans – (A)

9) Answer (A)

From the last two statements, common word is ‘eraser’ coded as = ‘@’

=> Only word left in last statement is ‘pencil’ coded as = ‘$’

Thus, in the first statement, code for ‘pen’ is = £

=> Ans – (A)

10) Answer (A)

PAPER is written as PERPA

The pattern followed is that the first half of the word is written at the end of the code and the second half is written at the start of the code.

Thus, code for SUB JECT is = JECT SUB

Similarly, for COUNCIL, ‘NCIL’ will be written at the beginning, and ‘COU’ at the end.


=> Ans – (A)

11) Answer (B)

Birds fly in the sky, but it is given that ‘sky’ means ‘star’

Thus, birds fly in star.

=> Ans – (B)

12) Answer (D)

‘send the tests’ is coded as ‘al vx se’

‘all tests solved’ is coded as `se pg nb’

In both the statements, there is only 1 common word which is ‘tests’

Thus, code for tests = ‘se’

=> Ans – (D)

13) Answer (A)

‘GROW is written as ‘ = @ % #

‘WITHIN’ is written ‘# ÷ + @ ÷ A’

=> Code for ‘W – #’

‘I – ÷’

‘N – Δ’

‘G – =’

Thus, code for WING is # ÷ Δ =

=> Ans – (A)

14) Answer (B)

Code for CREAM = NBDBQ

If we reverse the code, the code is QBDBN

Following the same pattern,

In reverse order, => Code for BREAD = EBDAQ

=> Ans – (B)

15) Answer (A)

BOARD = 54#12

MORE = 941$

Using same codes, we can derive the codes for D,R,E,A and M

=> Code for DREAM = 21$#9

=> Ans – (A)

16) Answer (D)

Among the things mentioned here, the only thing that grows underground is potato.

Here, potato is called ‘banana’

Thus, banana is grown underground.

=> Ans – (D)

17) Answer (B)

Code for CREAM = NBDBQ

If we reverse the code, the code is QBDBN

Following the same pattern,

In reverse order, => Code for BREAD = EBDAQ

=> Ans – (B)

18) Answer (A)

‘GROW is written as ‘ = @ % #

‘WITHIN’ is written ‘# ÷ + @ ÷ A’

=> Code for ‘W – #’

‘I – ÷’

‘N – Δ’

‘G – =’

Thus, code for WING is # ÷ Δ =

=> Ans – (A)

19) Answer (D)

‘send the tests’ is coded as ‘al vx se’

‘all tests solved’ is coded as `se pg nb’

In both the statements, there is only 1 common word which is ‘tests’

Thus, code for tests = ‘se’

=> Ans – (D)

20) Answer (E)

From the first and second sentences, I love is “sa ri”. From the third sentence sa is I. So, ri is for love

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