Blood Relation Questions for CMAT – Download PDF


Blood Relation Questions for CMAT 2022 – Download PDF

Download CMAT 2022 Blood Relation Questions pdf by Cracku. Very Important Blood relations Questions for CMAT 2022 based on asked questions in previous exam papers. These questions will help your CMAT preparation. So kindly download the PDF for reference and do more practice.

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Question 1: Pointing to the lady in the photograph, Seema said, “Her son’s father is the son-inlaw of my mother”. How is Seema related to the lady ?

a) Sister

b) Mother

c) Herself

d) Aunt

e) Either sister or herself

Question 2: B is the father of Q. B has only two children. Q is the brother of R. R is the daughter of P. A is the granddaughter of P. S is the father of A. How is S related to Q?

a) Son

b) Son-in-law

c) Brother

d) Brother-in-law

e) None of these

Question 3: If A is the brother of B, C is the sister of A, D is the brother of E, E is the daughter of B, F is the father of C. who is the uncle of D ?

a) A

b) C

c) B

d) None of these

e) Can’t be determined

Question 4: X’s mother is the mother-in-law of the father of Z. Z is the brother of Y while X is the father of M. How is X related to Z ?

a) Paternal uncle

b) Maternal uncle

c) Cousin

d) Grandfather

e) Brother-in-law

Question 5: Introducing Sarita, Meena said, “She is the only daughter of my father’s only daughter”. How is Meena related to Sarita ?

a) Niece

b) Cousin

c) Aunt

d) Data Inadequate

e) None of these

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Question 6: Pointing to a photograph Shubha said, “he is the only grandson of my mother’s father”. How is the man in photograph related to Shubha?

a) Cousin

b) Brother

c) Uncle

d) Cannot be determined

e) None of these

Question 7: D is brother of K. M is sister of K. T is father of R who is brother of M. F is mother of K. At least how many sons does T and F have?

a) Two

b) Three

c) Four

d) Data inadequate

e) None of these

Question 8: Pointing to a woman Nirmal said, “She is the daughter of my wife’s grandfather’s only child”. How is the woman related to Nirmal ?

a) Wife

b) Sister-in-law

c) Sister

d) Data inadequate

e) None of these

Question 9: Read the following information carefully and answer the question which follows : A is the brother of B. B is the sister of T. T is the mother of P. If it is provided that R is the grandfather of P, how would T be related to R ?

a) Daughter

b) Granddaughter

c) Sister

d) Wife

e) Daughter or Daughter-in-law

Question 10: T is the father of M and P. P is the only daughter of V. M is married to N. A and B are children of M. How is V related to B ?

a) Grandmother

b) Uncle

c) Aunt

d) Sister

e) Grandfather

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (E)

Let the lady in the photograph be Mrs. $X$

X’s son’s father is X’s husband.

Son-in-law of Seema’s mother is X’s husband.

=> Seema and the lady are either sister or herself.

=> Ans – (E)

2) Answer (D)

B is the father of Q and Q is the brother of R. Also, R is the daughter of P

=> B is husband of P and their children are Q(male) and R(female).

A is the granddaughter of P and S is the father of A

=> S is husband of R and their daughter is A.

S is married to Q’s sister, => S is brother-in-law of Q.

=> Ans – (D)

3) Answer (A)

A is the brother of B and C is the sister of A, => A (male) , B and C (female) are siblings.

D is the brother of E and E is the daughter of B, => D (male) and E (female) are the children of B.

F is the father of C, => F is the father of A, B and C.

Thus, A is the uncle of D.

=> Ans – (A)

4) Answer (B)

X is the father of M, => X is male.

X’s mother is the mother-in-law of the father of Z, => The father of Z is married to X’s sister.

Thus, X is the brother of Z’s mother, hence X is the maternal uncle of Z.

=> Ans – (B)

5) Answer (E)

Meena’s father’s only daughter = Meena herself

Now Sarita is the daughter of Meena

=> Meena is Sarita’s mother.

=> Ans – (E)

6) Answer (B)

Shubha’s mother’s father = Shubha’s grandfather

Now, the man is the only grandson of Shubha’s grandfather.

=> The man is Shubha’s brother.

=> Ans – (B)

7) Answer (D)

D is brother of K. M is sister of K. Also, R is brother of M.

=> D(male), M(female), R(male) and K are siblings.

F is mother of K and T is father of R

=> T is husband of F.

We do not know the gender of K, hence T and F can either have 2 or 3 sons.

=> Ans – (D)

8) Answer (D)

Nirmal’s wife’s grandfather’s only child = Either Nirmal’s father-in-law of mother-in-law

Thus, the given data is inadequate, so we cannot find the relation.

=> Ans – (D)

9) Answer (E)

A is the brother of B. B is the sister of T. T is the mother of P.

=> A (male), B (female) and T (female) are siblings.

Also, R is the grandfather of P, => R can be either paternal or maternal grandfather of P.

Thus, T is either daughter or daughter-in-law of R.

=> Ans – (E)

10) Answer (A)

T is the father of M and P. P is the only daughter of V.

=> T is the husband of V and P is the sister of M.

M is married to N. A and B are children of M.

Thus, V is grandmother of B.

=> Ans – (A)

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