Classification Questions For SSC CGL PDF

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classification questions for ssc cgl pdf

Classification Questions For SSC CGL PDF

Download SSC CGL Classification asked questions with answers PDF based on previous papers very useful for SSC CGL exams. 18 Very important Classification questions for SSC exams.

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Certain numbers are given below, out of which all except one are alike in some manner while one is different and this number is to be chosen as the answer.

Question 1: 

a) 223

b) 271

c) 1067

d) 317

Question 2: 

a) 1307

b) 1439

c) 657

d) 773

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Question 3: 

a) 1489

b) 1013

c) 311

d) 833

Question 4: 

a) 1123

b) 1431

c) 1607

d) 127

Question 5: 

a) 617

b) 1279

c) 573

d) 463


Question 6: 

a) 2697

b) 2797

c) 1993

d) 2269

Question 7: 

a) 7744

b) 9409

c) 8836

d) 6725

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Question 8: 

a) 5929

b) 5472

c) 5184

d) 6889

Question 9: 

a) 145

b) 290

c) 82

d) 63

Question 10: 

a) 64

b) 729

c) 4096

d) 1296

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Question 11: 

a) 15625

b) 46656

c) 729

d) 256

Question 12: 

a) 2744

b) 1728

c) 2197

d) 256

Question 13: 

a) 17576

b) 12167

c) 5632

d) 4913

Question 14: 

a) 1669

b) 567

c) 971

d) 1429

Question 15: 

a) 1249

b) 1621

c) 973

d) 659

Question 16: 

a) 1321

b) 1889

c) 281

d) 253

Question 17: 

a) 1879

b) 371

c) 883

d) 1511

Question 18: 

a) 1663

b) 1847

c) 1061

d) 957

Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (C)

All the given numbers except 1067 are prime numbers.
1067 is divisible by 11 and 97.
Hence, 1067 is odd.

2) Answer (C)

All the given numbers except 657 are prime numbers.
657 is divisible by 3 and 9.
Hence, 657 is odd.

3) Answer (D)

All the given numbers except 833 are prime numbers.
833 is divisible by 7.
Hence, 833 is odd.

4) Answer (B)

All the given numbers except 1431 are prime numbers.
1431 is divisible by 3 and 9.
Hence, 1431 is odd.

5) Answer (C)

All the given numbers except 573 are prime numbers.
573 is divisible by 3.
Hence, 573 is odd.

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6) Answer (A)

All the given numbers except 2697 are prime numbers.
2697 is divisible by 3.
Hence, 2697 is odd.

7) Answer (D)

All the given numbers except 6725 are perfect squares.
7744 is the square of 88.
9409 is the square of 97.
8836 is the square of 94.
Hence, 6725 is odd.

8) Answer (B)

All the given numbers except 5472 are perfect squares.
5929 is the square of 77.
5184 is the square of 72.
6889 is the square of 83.
Hence, 5472 is odd.

9) Answer (D)

All the given numbers except 63 are in the form of $x^2+1$
$145 = 12^2+1$
$290 = 17^2+1$
$82 = 9^2+1$
Hence, 63 is odd.

10) Answer (D)

64, 729 and 4096 are both perfect squares and perfect cubes.
1296 is only a perfect square.
Hence, 1296 is odd.

11) Answer (D)

15625, 46656 and 729 are both perfect squares and perfect cubes.
256 is only a perfect square.
Hence, 256 is odd.

12) Answer (D)

2744, 1728 and 2197 are perfect cubes while 256 is a perfect square.
Hence, 256 is odd.

13) Answer (C)

All the given numbers except 5632 are perfect cubes.
Hence, 5632 is odd.

14) Answer (B)

All the given numbers except 567 are prime numbers.
567 is divisible by 3 and 9.
Hence, 567 is odd.

15) Answer (C)

All the given numbers except 973 are prime numbers.
973 is divisible by 7..
Hence, 973 is odd.

16) Answer (D)

All the given numbers except 253 are prime numbers.
253 is divisible by 11 and 23.
Hence, 253 is odd.

17) Answer (B)

All the given numbers except 371 are prime numbers.
371 is divisible by 7 and 53.
Hence, 371 is odd.

18) Answer (D)

All the given numbers except 957 are prime numbers.
957 is divisible by 3.
Hence, 957 is odd.

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