Blood Relations Questions for MAH – CET | Download PDF

Blood Relations Questions for MAH CET 2022
Blood Relations Questions for MAH CET 2022

Blood Relations Questions for MAH – CET 2022 – Download PDF

Here you can download CMAT 2022 – important MAH – CET Blood Relation Questions PDF by Cracku. Very Important MAH – CET 2022 and These questions will help your MAH – CET preparation. So kindly download the PDF for reference and do more practice.

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Directions : Read the information carefully and answer the following questions:
If A + B means A is the father of B.
If A × B means A is the sister of B.
If A $ B means A is the wife of B.
If A % B means A is the mother of B.
If A ÷ B means A is the son of B.

Question 1: What should come in place of question mark to establish that J is brother of T in the expression?
J ÷ P % H ? T % L

a) ×

b) ÷

c) $

d) Either ÷ or ×

e) Either + or ÷

Question 2: Which of the given expressions indicates that M is daughter of D?

a) L % R $ D + T × M

b) L + R $ D + M × T

c) L % R % D + T ÷ M

d) D + L $ R + M × T

e) L $ D ÷ R % M ÷ T

Question 3: Which of the following options is true if the expression ‘I + T % J × L ÷ K’ is definitely true?

a) L is daughter of T

b) K is son-in-law of I

c) I is grandmother of L

d) T is father of J

e) J is brother of L

Question 4: Which of the following expressions is true if Y is son of X is definitely false?

a) W % L × T × Y ÷ X

b) W + L × T × Y ÷ X

c) X + L × T × Y ÷ W

d) W $ X + L + Y + T

e) W % X + T × Y ÷ L

Question 5: What should come in place of question mark to establish that T is sister-in-law of Q in the expression. R % T × P ? Q + V

a) ÷

b) %

c) ×

d) $

e) Either $ or ×

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Read the following information carefully and answer the questions which follow-
If ‘p$ \bigstar$ Q’ means ‘p is the mother of Q’
If ‘p$ \times$ Q’ means ‘p is the father of Q’
If ‘p+ Q ‘P is the sister of Q’
If ‘p-Q’ means ‘p is the brother of Q’
If ‘P$\geq$Q’ means ‘p is the son of Q’
If ‘p$\leq$Q’ means ‘p is the daughter of Q’

Question 6: In the expression ‘A $\times$ B + R $\geq$ S’ how is S related to A ?

a) Daughter-in-law

b) Daughter

c) Wife

d) Sister

e) Cannot be determined

Question 7: In the expression ‘p + Q $\geq$ A-B’ how is p related to B ?

a) Daughter

b) Son

c) Niece

d) Nephew

e) Cannot be determined

Question 8: In the expression ‘W $\geq$ X $\leq$ Y $\bigstar$ Z’ how is W related to Z ?

a) Nephew

b) Uncle

c) Son

d) Brother-in-law

e) None of these

Question 9: Which of the following means p is the father of S ?

a) p$\times$ Q $\leq$ R $\bigstar$ S

b) R$\times$ P $\leq$ Q-S

c) R+ S$\geq$ Q + P

d) S+Q-R $\bigstar$ P

e) Cannot be determined

Question 10: Which of the following means D is the aunt of C ?

a) D$\geq$ B $\bigstar$ A $\bigstar$ C

b) D+B-C$\bigstar$A

c) D-B-A$\times$C

d) D+B$\times$A$\times$C

e) None of these

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (A)

J ÷ P % H ? T % L

=> T is the mother of L and J is the brother of H

Now, for J to be brother of T, H must be either sister or brother of T.

=> ‘x’ is the correct symbol here.

2) Answer (B)

In option B, D + M is given, wich implies that D is the father of M.

Now, if M is a girl, then it can be established that M is the daughter of M.

M x T => M is a sister of T => M is a girl

Hence option B is correct.

3) Answer (B)

I + T % J × L ÷ K

L ÷ K => L is the son of K

J × L ÷ K => J is the daughter of K

T % J × L ÷ K => T is the wife of K

I + T % J × L ÷ K => I is the father-in-law of K

Hence B is the correct answer

4) Answer (D)

Given that Y is not a son of X.

In option A and B, Y ÷ X is given, which is wrong. Hence A and B are eliminated.

In option C, X + L x T x Y is given => X is father of Y, which is wrong. Hence C is eliminated.

Similarly E can also be eliminated.

Hence, D is the answer

5) Answer (D)

T × P ? Q

Here, T is the sister of P. So for T to be sister-in-law of Q, P must be Q’s wife. Hence the correct symbol is ‘$’.

6) Answer (C)

In, order to tackle this question, we intrepret the equation in reverse manner.
Now, $R \geq$ S means R is son of S.
B+R means B is sister of R which means S is mother of B.
Now, AxB means A is father of B, but then B is also daughter of A.
Hence, S is wife of A.
Hence, option is C.
7) Answer (C)

A-B means B is brother of A.

Q $\geq$ A means A is father of Q and Q is niece of B.

P+Q means P is sister of Q which also means P is niece of B.

Hence, the correct option is option C.
8) Answer (A)

W $\geq$ X means W is son of X.

X $\leq$ Y means X is daughter of Y.

Y $\bigstar$ Z means Y is mother of Z which means X and Z are siblings. Also, W is son of X which means Z is uncle/aunt of W and W is nephew of Z.

Hence, correct option is A.

9) Answer (A)

p$\times$ Q $\leq$ R $\bigstar$ S

Now, R $\bigstar$ S means S is son/daughter of R.

Q $\leq$ R means R is father or mother of Q. hence, S and Q are siblings.

p$\times$ Q means Q is son\daughter of P. S is son/daughter of P as S and Q are siblings. Hence S is parent to P.

Hence, the correct option is A.

10) Answer (E)

None of the options establish a relation of C being nephew of D or D being aunt of C.

Hence, none of the option is correct.

The correct option in this case is E.

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