Ages Questions for RRB Group-D PDF

Ages Questions for RRB Group-D PDF
Ages Questions for RRB Group-D PDF

Ages Questions for RRB Group-D PDF

Download Top 15 RRB Group-D Ages Questions and Answers PDF. RRB Group-D Ages questions based on asked questions in previous exam papers very important for the Railway Group-D exam.

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Question 1: The ratio of present ages of a father and a son is 4:7. Father is 24 years older than his son. Then, find present age of father

a) 48

b) 56

c) 62

d) 32

Question 2: The sum of present ages of two brothers is 84 years. Ratio of their present ages is 3:4. Then find the present age of younger brother.

a) 32

b) 24

c) 28

d) 36

Question 3: A is 12 years older than B. After 4 years, B’s age will be half of A’s age. Then, find the present age of A

a) 24

b) 20

c) 18

d) 16

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Question 4: The present age of a mother and son are in the ratio 2:1 and the ratio of present ages of father and son is 3:1. If the sum of their ages is 84. Then find present age of son.

a) 18

b) 24

c) 36

d) 14

Question 5: The present age of son is 25% of his father’s age. After 12 years, age of son will be half of his father’s age. Then find present age of father.

a) 32

b) 48

c) 24

d) 28

Question 6: The present ages of a P and Q are in the ratio 3:4. The age of P 4 years ago and the age of Q 6 years ago will be in the ratio of 7:9. Then find the present age of Q.

a) 24

b) 18

c) 12

d) 32

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Question 7: The sum of present ages of a father and a son is 64 years. The age of son is 1/3rd of the age of his father. Then find the present age of father.

a) 32

b) 52

c) 48

d) 24

Question 8: The present age of B is 50% of present age of A. The difference between their ages after 5 years is 18. Then find the present age of A

a) 24

b) 36

c) 18

d) 32

Question 9: The ratio of ages of A and B 6 years ago was 2:5. After 6 years from now, their ages will be in the ratio 5:8. Then find the present age of B.

a) 24

b) 16

c) 26

d) 12

Question 10: The sum of ages of a father and son is 58. The ratio of ages of them is 19:10. Then find the present age of son.

a) 20

b) 32

c) 18

d) 10

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Question 11: The age of A was double of age of B 5 years ago. 5 years hence, A’s age will be 50% more than B’s age. Then find present age of B

a) 12

b) 18

c) 15

d) 24

Question 12: The present ages of A and B are in the ratio of 2:3. The age of A 4 years hence and the age of B 6 years ago are in the ratio of 5:6. Then find the present age of A

a) 24

b) 27

c) 36

d) 18

Question 13: The present ages of a brother and sister are in the ratio of 5:4. After 18 years, their ages will be in the ratio 8:7. Then find the sum of their present ages

a) 54

b) 29

c) 63

d) 34

Question 14: Which of the answer figures is the right images of the given figure ?





Question 15: The sum of ages of mother, daughter and son is 87 years. What will be the sum of their ages after 8 years ?

a) 110

b) 111

c) 105

d) 101

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (B)

Let the present ages of father and son be 4x and 7x years respectively

Given 7x-4x = 24 years => x = 8

Present age of father = 8$\times$7 = 56 years

2) Answer (D)

Let the present ages of two brothers be ‘x’ and ‘y’ years respectively

Given x+y = 84

x:y = 3:4
7 units —-> 84 years
1 unit —-> 12 years

Age of younger brother = 3 units = 36 years

3) Answer (B)

Let the present age of B be x years
Then the present age of A will be (x+12) years

After 4 years, their ages will be (x+16) and (x+4) years respectively

(x+16) = 2(x+4)
=> x+16 = 2x+8
=> x = 8

$\therefore$ Present age of A = x + 12 = 8 + 12 = 20 years

4) Answer (D)

Ratio of present ages of mother and son is 2:1
Ratio of ages of father and son is 3:1

Ratio of father, mother and son is 3:2:1

Total → 6 units

6 units —> 84 years
1 unit —> 14 years

Therefore, Present age of son = 14 years

5) Answer (C)

Let the present age of father be 4x years.
Then the present age of son will be x years

Age of father after 12 years will be (4x+12) years
Present age of son after 12 years will be (x+12) years
Given (x+12) = $\large\frac{1}{2}$(4x+12)

=> 2x + 24 = 4x + 12
=> 2x = 12
=> x = 6

Present age of father = 6$\times$4 = 24 years

6) Answer (A)

Let the present ages of P and Q be 3x and 4x years respectively

Then age of P 4 years ago will be (3x-4) years

Age of Q 6 years ago will be (4x-6) years

Given $\Large\frac{3x-4}{4x-6}$ $=$ $\Large\frac{7}{9}$

=> (3x-4)(9) = (4x-6)(7)
=> 27x – 36 = 28x – 42
=> x = 6

Present age of Q = 6$\times$4 = 24 years

7) Answer (C)

Let the present ages of father be 3x years.
Then the present age of son will be x years

Given 3x+x = 64 years.
=> 4x = 64 => x = 16 years

Present age of father = 16$\times$3 = 48 years.

8) Answer (B)

Let the present age of A be 2x years
Then, the present age of B will be x years

The difference between their ages 5 years later will be same as now.

=> 2x-x = 18 => x = 18 years
Present age of A = 18$\times$2 = 36 years

9) Answer (C)

Let the ages of A and B 6 years ago be 2x and 5x years respectively

Then the ages of A and B after 6 years will be 2x+12 and 5x+12 years respectively

Given $\Large\frac{2x+12}{5x+12}$ $=$ $\Large\frac{5}{8}$

=> (2x+12)(8) = (5x+12)(5)
=> 14x + 96 = 25x + 60
=> 9x = 36
=> x = 4

Age of B 6 years ago is 5$\times$4 = 20 years
Present age of B = 20+6 = 26 years

10) Answer (A)

Let the ages of Father and son be ‘F’ and ‘S’ respectively.
Given F+S = 58

F : S = 19 : 10

Total units = 29 units

29 units —> 58 years => 1 unit —> 2 years

Son’s age = 10$\times$2 = 20 years

11) Answer (C)

Ratio of ages of A and B 5 years ago are 2:1

Ratio of ages of A and B 5 years hence are 3:2

Difference in time period = 10 years

Difference in age units = 1 unit

=> 1 unit = 10 years

=> Age of B 5 years ago is 1 unit = 10 years

=> Present age of B = 10+5 = 15 years

12) Answer (C)

Let the present ages of A and B be 2x,3x respectively

Then A’s age 4 years hence will be 2x+4
B’s age 6 years ago will be 3x-6

Given $\Large\frac{2x+4}{3x-6}$ $=$ $\Large\frac{5}{6}$

=> 12x+24 = 15x-30
=> 3x = 54
=> x=18
$\therefore$ Present age of A = 18$\times$2 = 36 years

13) Answer (A)

Let the present ages of brother and sister be 5x , 4x respectively
Then after 18 years, their ages will be 5x+18 , 4x+18 respectively

Given $\Large\frac{5x+18}{4x+18}$ $=$ $\Large\frac{8}{7}$

=> (5x+18)(7) = (4x+18)(8)
=> 35x+126 = 32x+144
=> 3x = 18
=> x = 6

$\therefore$ Present ages of brother and sister are 5$\times$6 = 30 years and 4$\times$6 = 24 years respectively.

Sum of their ages = 30+24 = 54 years

14) Answer (C)

Word : P R A Y E R

In the image of the word, the letters will swap position, i.e. first letter will come at end, second at second last and so on, thus first and last options are not possible. Also, direction of the letters will also be reversed.

=> Ans – (C)

15) Answer (B)

Let ages of mother, daughter and son are $m,d,s$ respectively.

According to ques, => $(m+d+s)=87$ ————(i)

Now, sum of their ages after 8 years,

= $(m+8)+(d+8)+(s+8)$

= $(m+d+s)+24$

= $87+24=111$ years

=> Ans – (B)


We hope this Ages Questions for RRB Group-D Exam will be highly useful for your preparation.


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