SSC CHSL General English PDF

SSC CHSL General English PDF
SSC CHSL General English PDF

SSC CHSL General English PDF:

SSC CHSL General English section has 25 questions and each question will carry two marks, so 50 marks on the Tier-1 exam. So being good at the section is very important, as SSC CHSL exam as no sectional cutoff and only total cutoff matters. So, scoring high is the only important thing. If you are good at some important topics of general english like Reading comprehension, Cloze test, error correction, synonyms,  vocabulary, idioms/phrases/parajumbles/fill in the blanks can help you to score good at this exam.

So, here we are providing some SSC CHSL previous questions on general english. Download PDF of english language or go through the questions given below.

SSC CHSL General English PDF Questions with Answers

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Question 1:

In the following question, the sentence given with blank to be filled in with an appropriate word. Select the correct alternative out of the four and indicate it by selecting the appropriate option.

It does not suit you to cast ____________ on the character of such a pure woman.

a) praise
b) abuses
c) vituperations
d) aspersions

Question 2:

Select the word with the correct spelling.

a) marothon
b) seagulls
c) pungancy
d) palpatted

Question 3:

Select the antonym of

a) akin
b) ditto
c) disparate
d) cognate

Question 4:

In the following question, the sentence given with blank to be filled in with an appropriate word. Select the correct alternative out of the four and indicate it by selecting the appropriate option.
The comatose patient was kept under observation till his body’s systems came back from suspended ______________.

a) dynamism
b) elation
c) animation
d) ebullience

Question 5:

Improve the bracketed part of the sentence

The good fortune of (my being) your disciple in my youth has greatly benefited me in my career.

a) my having been
b) myself being
c) being
d) no improvement

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Question 6:

Rearrange the parts of the sentence in correct order.
There is also
P-drought, the
Q-the hope that after two years of
R-monsoon will be good in the coming fiscal

a) QPR
b) RQP
c) PQR
d) PRQ

Question 7:

Select the synonym of cheeky

a) nervous
b) aghast
c) brash
d) startled

Question 8:

In the following question, the sentence given with blank to be filled in with an appropriate word. Select the correct alternative out of the four and indicate it by selecting the appropriate option.
He is so ________________ in his beliefs that no one can change his mind!

a) vigorous
b) adamant
c) tough
d) stiff

SSC CHSL Expected Cutoff 2018

Question 9:

Improve the bracketed part of the sentence.
I feel (out for sorts) today.

a) of sort
b) out of sort
c) out of sorts
d) no improvement

Question 10:

Improve the bracketed part of the sentence.
I feel (out for sorts) today.

a) of sort
b) out of sort
c) out of sorts
d) no improvement

SSC CHSL General English Solutions: (1 to 10)

1) Answer (d)

2) Answer (b)

3) Answer (c)

4) Answer (c)

5) Answer (a)

6) Answer (a)

7) Answer (c)

8) Answer (b)

9) Answer (c)

10) Answer (c)

Hope this SSC CHSL general english PDF is useful to you. Please try to solve more from previous questions papers of SSC CHSL to learn more.

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