RRB NTPC Alphabetical Series Questions PDF

RRB NTPC Alphabetical Series Questions PDF
RRB NTPC Alphabetical Series Questions PDF

RRB NTPC Alphabetical Series Questions PDF

Download RRB NTPC Alphabetical Series  Questions and Answers PDF. Top 25 RRB NTPC Alphabetical Series questions based on asked questions in previous exam papers very important for the Railway NTPC exam.

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Question 1: What comes next in the series?
B, D, H, N ?

a) V

b) P

c) S

d) W

Question 2: Find the missing (?) in the series
NA, QD, ?, WJ, ZM

a) SF

b) TG

c) UH

d) VI

Question 3: Find the missing (?) in the series NA, PC, RE, TG, ?, XK, ZM

a) IV

b) VI

c) VII

d) VJ


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Question 4: Find the missing (?) in the series TUS, QRP, ? KLJ, RIG

a) ONM

b) MNO

c) NOM

d) MON

Question 5: Find the missing (?) in the series.
AB, CE, FI, ?, OT

a) JM

b) GK

c) HO

d) JN

Question 6: From the given series of jumbled letters separate the names of flower and tree and select from the given choices the first letter of the name of flower and tree “saltoteuk”

a) SR

b) RE

c) LK

d) LT

Question 7: Find the missing (?) in the series:
…., FHJ, KMO, PRT, ?

a) UVZ

b) UXZ

c) UVW

d) UWY

Question 8: Find the missing (?) in the series: BDACE, GIFHJ, ? QSPRT





Question 9: Find the missing (?) in the series HG, LT, LK, MN, 9,

a) OP

b) PO

c) QP

d) PQ

Question 10: Find the missing term of the following series : LIZA, DYC, FXE, ? ,

a) HWG

b) HUG

c) WHG

d) GUH

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Question 11: Choose the correct alternative. that will continue the same pattern and replace the question mark `n the series given below
AZ, CX, FU, ?

a) IR

b) IV

c) JQ

d) KP

Question 12: Choose the correct alternative that will continue the same pattern and replace the question mark in the series given below





Question 13: Choose the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series

a) RTU

b) VXY

c) KMN

d) WYZ

Question 14: Choose the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series

a) IKH

b) IGK

c) JHL

d) JGL

Question 15: Choose the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series

a) DFI

b) CEI

c) DFJ

d) CFJ

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Question 16: Which of the following options must continue the series? A, B, C, E, H, M, ?

a) U

b) T

c) V

d) W

Question 17: Which of the following options must continue the series? CEF, HJK, MOP, ?

a) RTQ

b) RSU

c) RTU

d) RST

Question 18: Which of the following options must continue the series? CE, GJ, OX, ?

a) PF

b) OF

c) OV

d) PE

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Question 19: Which of the following options can be a part of the series given below? CDG, BFH, FHN, OCR , ?

a) SDV

b) IHQ

c) SEY

d) PDU

Question 20: Choose the option which should replace ‘?’.
B, G, L, S, ?

a) W

b) Y

c) V

d) Z

Question 21: A series is given with one missing term. Choose the correct alternative from the given options that will complete the series.
ZD, GK, NR, UY, ?

a) AD

b) CG

c) CF

d) BF

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Question 22: Find the next term in the series.
A, BB, CF, DL, ?

a) FN

b) EE

c) FQ

d) ET

Question 23: What will be the next term in the following alphabet series

a) ILO

b) IMP

c) INS

d) ILP

Question 24: Which of the following options must logically continue the series given below? EDG, IHK, MLO, ?

a) QPR

b) QPS

c) QPT

d) QPU

Question 25: Identify the next term of the series given below.

a) IMN

b) JLN

c) INP

d) ILO

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RRB NTPC Mock Test

Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (A)

2) Answer (B)

3) Answer (B)

4) Answer (C)

5) Answer (D)

6) Answer (D)

7) Answer (D)

8) Answer (C)

9) Answer (B)

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10) Answer (E)

11) Answer (C)

12) Answer (D)

13) Answer (B)

N + 2 = P and P + 1 = Q
N – 6 = H
H + 2 = J and J + 1 = K
H – 6 = B
B + 2 = D and D + 1 = E
B – 6 = V
V + 2 = X and X + 1 = Y
Hence, option B is the correct choice.

14) Answer (B)

W – 2 = U; U + 4 = Y and Y + 1 = Z
So on, we get, H + 1 = I; I – 2 = G; G + 4 = K
Hence, option B is the correct choice.

15) Answer (A)

F + 2 = H and H + 3 = K
K + 1 = L
L + 2 = N and N + 3 = Q
Q + 1 = R and so on.
So, C + 1 = D
D + 2 = F and F + 3 = I
Hence, option A is the correct choice.

16) Answer (A)

Let us replace the letters with their positions in the alphabetical series.

A – 1
B – 2
C – 3
E – 5
H – 8
M – 13

As we can see, the given terms are in Fibonacci series.

2+1 = 3
3+2 = 5
5+3 = 8
8+5 = 13
13+8 = 21

Therefore, the next letter must be the U, whose position in the alphabetical series is 21. Therefore, option A is the right answer.

17) Answer (C)

CEF – One letter is skipped between C and E.
After F, one letter is skipped.

HJK – One letter is skipped between H and J.
After K, L is skipped.

MOP – One letter ‘N’ is skipped between M and O.

After P, one letter must be skipped. Therefore, the next term must start with R.
After R, one term must be skipped. Therefore, the next term must be RTU. Hence, option C is the right answer.

18) Answer (C)

CE – one letter ‘D’ is skipped.
The next term starts by skipping 1 letter – F.

GJ – 2 letters I and J are skipped.
After J, 4 letters are skipped – K, L, M, N.

The next term starts with O.
OX – 8 letters are skipped.

Logically, 16 letters must be skipped before the next term.
Therefore, the next term must start with O. Then, 32 terms must be skipped.
Therefore, the next term must be OV. Hence, option C is the right answer.

19) Answer (B)

Let us replace the alphabets with numbers.

CDG – (3,4,7)
BFH – (2,6,8)
FHN – (6,8,14)
OCR – (15,3,18)

As we can see, the position of the third letter in the alphabetical series is the sum of the positions of the first 2 letters.
Now, let us evaluate the options.
SDV – (19, 4, 22)
IHQ – (9, 8, 17)
SEY – (19,5,25)
PDU – (16,4,21).

Only IHQ satisfies the condition of the position of the third letter being the sum of the positions of the first 2 letters. Therefore, option B is the right answer.

20) Answer (D)

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 are added to the vowels respectively.
The series follows the following patten:
A + 1 = B
E + 2 = G
I + 3 = L
O + 4 = S
U + 5 = Z

21) Answer (D)

Z + 4 =D
D + 3 = G; G + 4 = K
K + 3 = N; N + 4 = R
R + 3 = U; U + 4 = Y
Y + 3 = B; B + 4 = F
Hence, option D is the right answer.

22) Answer (D)

The sum of the numbers corresponding to the alphabets represents perfect squares.
A – 1
BB – 4
CF – 9
DL – 16
ET – 25

The first letter in each term is sequential.

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23) Answer (A)

The first letters in the given series is following the pattern
A, C, E, G. Hence, the first letter of the next term will be G + 2 = I
We can see that for each term, the second letter is three places away from the first letter and the third letter is 3 places away from the second letter. For example
A + 3 = D, D + 3 = G
Using the same logic, the next two letters of the next term will be
I + 3 = L and L + 3 = O
Thus, the required term will be ILO.

24) Answer (B)

E is followed by the term immediately preceding it, D. D is followed by the term that is 3 places after it in the alphabetical series, G.
The next term starts with I, which is 2 places after G in the alphabetical series.

I is followed by the term immediately preceding it, H. H is followed by the term that is 3 places after it in the alphabetical series, K.
The next term starts with M, which is 2 places after K in the alphabetical series.

M is followed by the term immediately preceding it, L. L is followed by the term that is 3 places after it in the alphabetical series, O.
The next term must start with Q, which is 2 places after O in the alphabetical series.

Q must be followed by P, which immediately precedes it in the alphabetical series. P must be followed by S, which is 3 places after it in the alphabetical series.
Therefore, the next term must be QPS. Hence, option B is the right answer.

25) Answer (D)

The pattern being followed here is
A + 2 = C, C + 2 = E, E + 2 = G. Hence, the first letter of the next term will be G + 2 = I
A + 3 = D, D + 3 = G.
C + 3 = G, G + 3 = J
E + 3 = H, H + 3 = K
G + 3 = J. J + 3 = M
Hence, the next two letters of the next word will be
I + 3 = L, L + 3 = O
Hence, the required word will be ILO. Hence, option D is the correct answer.

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