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SNAP Arithmetic Questions PDF [Download]

Arithmetic is an important topic in the Arithmetic section of the SNAP Exam. You can also download this Free Arithmetic Questions for SNAP PDF (with answers) by Cracku. These questions will help you to practice and solve the Arithmetic questions in the SNAP exam. Utilize this PDF practice set, which is one of the best sources for practising.

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Question 1: A group of 20 girls has average age of 12 years. Average of first 12 from the same group is 13 years and what is the average age of other 8 girls in the group?

a) 10

b) 11

c) 11.5

d) Cannot be determined

e) None of these

1) Answer (E)


Let the age of each of the girl in the group be $x_1,x_2,x_3,…..,x_{20}$ years

Average age of 20 girls = 12

=> $\frac{(x_1+x_2+x_3+…..+x_{20})}{20}=12$

=> $(x_1+x_2+x_3+…..+x_{20})=12 \times 20=240$ ————(i)

Average of first 12 girls = 13

=> $\frac{(x_1+x_2+x_2+….+x_{12})}{12}=13$

=> $(x_1+x_2+x_3+…..+x_{12})=13 \times 12=156$ ———–(ii)

Subtracting equation (ii) from (i)

=> $(x_1+x_2+x_3+…..+x_{20})$ $-$ $(x_1+x_2+x_3+…..+x_{12}) = (240-156)$

=> $(x_{13}+x_{14}+…..+x_{20})=84$

Dividing above equation by 8

=> $\frac{(x_{13}+x_{14}+……+x_{20})}{8}=\frac{84}{8} = 10.5$

=> Ans – (E)

Question 2: The total marks obtained by Jaya in the maths and Physics together are 50 more than the marks obtained by her in chemistry, if she got 20 marks in the physics .What are her marks in maths?

a) 20

b) 40

c) 80

d) Cannot Determined

e) None of these

2) Answer (D)


Let marks obtained by Jaya in Physics, maths and chemistry respectively be $p,m,c$

Marks in physics, $p=20$

According to ques, => $m+p=c+50$

=> $m+20=c+50$

=> $m-c=50-20=30$

There is only 1 equation and 2 variables, thus we cannot determine the marks scored by her in maths or chemistry.

=> Ans – (D)

Question 3: Two chairs and three tables cost Rs 1025/- and 3 chairs and 2 tables cost is Rs 1,100/- .What is the difference between the cost one table and chair?

a) 75

b) 35

c) 125

d) Cannot be determined

e) None of these

3) Answer (A)


Let cost price of 1 chair = $Rs.$ $x$ and cost price of 1 table = $Rs.$ $y$

=> $2x+3y=1025$ ———–(i)

and $3x+2y=1100$ ——–(ii)

Subtracting equation (i) from (ii)

=> $(3x-2x)+(2y-3y)=(1100-1025)$

=> $x-y=75$

$\therefore$ Difference between the cost one table and chair = Rs. 75

=> Ans – (A)

Question 4: The cost of 4 cell phones and 7 digital cameras is Rs 1,25,627.what is the cost of 8 cellphones and 14 digital cameras.

a) 251254

b) 252627

c) 225524

d) Cannot determined

e) None of these

4) Answer (A)


Let cost of 1 cell phone = $Rs. x$ and 1 digital camera = $Rs. y$

=> $4x + 7y = 1,25,627$

Multiplying both sides by 2, we get :

=> $8x + 14y = 125627 \times 2 = 251254$

$\therefore$ Cost of 8 cellphones and 14 digital cameras = Rs. 2,51,254

Question 5: If a amount of Rs 41910 is distributed amongst 22 persons equally,how much each person get

a) 1905

b) 2000

c) 1885

d) 2015

e) None of these

5) Answer (A)


Amount distributed = Rs. 41910

Number of person = 22

Each person will get = $\frac{41910}{22}$

= Rs. 1,905

Question 6: A canteen requires 112 kgs of wheat for week .how many kgs of wheat requires for 69 days

a) 1204

b) 1401

c) 1104

d) 1014

e) None of these

6) Answer (C)


Wheat requirement for 7 days = 112 kg

=> Wheat requirement for 1 day = $\frac{112}{7} = 16$ kg

$\therefore$ Wheat requirement for 69 days = $16 \times 69$

= 1104 kg

Question 7: The difference between 42% of a number and 28% of the same number is 210.what is the 59% of that number

a) 630

b) 885

c) 420

d) 900

e) none of these

7) Answer (B)


Let the number = $100x$

Acc. to ques,

=> $(\frac{42}{100} \times 100x) – (\frac{28}{100} \times 100x) = 210$

=> $42x – 28x = 14x = 210$

=> $x = \frac{210}{14} = 15$

=> Number = $100 \times 15 = 1500$

$\therefore$ 59 % of the number = $\frac{59}{100} \times 1500$

= 885

Question 8: The average of the 5 consecutive even numbers A,B,C,D ,E is 52.what is the product of B & E

a) 2912

b) 2688

c) 3024

d) 2800


8) Answer (D)


Let the five consecutive even numbers A,B,C,D ,E = $(x-4) , (x-2) , (x) , (x+2) , (x+4)$ respectively.

Average = $\frac{A+B+C+D+E}{5} = 52$

=> $(x-4) + (x-2) + (x) + (x+2) + (x+4) = 52 \times 5$

=> $5x = 52 \times 5$

=> $x = \frac{52 \times 5}{5} = 52$

=> $B = 52 – 2 = 50$ and $E = 52 + 4 = 56$

$\therefore$ Product of B & E = $50 \times 56 = 2800$

Question 9: Pinku, Rinku and Tinku divide an amount of 4200 amongst themselves in the ratio of 7:8:6 respectively. If an amount 200 is added to their shares. What will be the new ratio?

a) 8:9:6

b) 7:9:5

c) 7:8:6

d) 8:9:7

e) None of these

9) Answer (D)


Let the amount received by Pinku, Rinku and Tinku respectively = $7x , 8x , 6x$

Total amount = $7x + 8x + 6x = 4200$

=> $21x = 4200$

=> $x = \frac{4200}{21} = 200$

=> Amount with Pinku = 7*200 = 1400

Rinku = 8*200 = 1600

Tinku = 6*200 = 1200

If Rs. 200 is added to their shares, respective ratio

= $(1400 + 200) : (1600 + 200) : (1200 + 200)$

= $1600:1800:1400 = 8:9:7$

Question 10: find the average of set scores? 221,231,441,359,665,525

a) 399

b) 428

c) 407

d) 415

e) None of these

10) Answer (C)


Set : 221,231,441,359,665,525

Sum = 221 + 231 + 441 + 359 + 665 + 525 = 2442

=> Required average = $\frac{2442}{6}$

= 407

Question 11: An article when sold for 960 fetches 20% profit.What would be the percent profit /loss if such 5 article are sold for Rs. 825/-each?

a) 3.125 % profit

b) 3.125 % loss

c) Neither profit nor loss

d) 16.5 % profit

e) None of these

11) Answer (A)


Let cost price of an article = $Rs.$ $100x$

If Selling price = Rs 960

=> Profit % = $\frac{960-100x}{100x} \times 100=20$

=> $960-100x=20x$

=> $20x+100x=120x=960$

=> $x=\frac{960}{120}=8$

Thus, cost price of 1 article = $100 \times 8 = Rs.$ $800$

If selling price = Rs. 825

$\therefore$ Profit % = $\frac{825-800}{800} \times 100$

= $\frac{25}{8} = 3.125\%$

=> Ans – (A)

Question 12: The owner of an electronics shop charges his customers 22% more than the cost price .If the customer paid Rs 10,980 for DVD player then the what was the cost price of that DVD?

a) 8000

b) 8800

c) 9500

d) 9200

e) none of these

12) Answer (E)


Let cost price = $Rs. 100x$

Selling price = Rs. 10,980

=> Profit % = $\frac{10980 – 100x}{100x} \times 100 = 22$

=> $10980-100x=22x$

=> $22x+100x=122x=10980$

=> $x=\frac{10980}{122} = 90$

$\therefore$ Cost price = $100 \times 90 = Rs. 9000$

=> Ans – (E)

Question 13: An item was bought at Rs. X and sold at Rs. Y, there by earning a profit of 20%. Had the value of X been 15% less and the value of Y been Rs. 76 less, a profit of 30% would have been earned. What was the value of ‘X’

a) Rs. 640

b) Rs.400

c) Rs.600

d) Rs.800

e) Rs.840

13) Answer (D)


C.P. = $Rs. x$

S.P. = $Rs. y$

Profit % = $\frac{y – x}{x} \times 100 = 20$

=> $\frac{y – x}{x} = \frac{20}{100} = \frac{1}{5}$

=> $5y – 5x = x$ => $6x = 5y$

=> $y = \frac{6 x}{5}$ ———–(i)

If, value of X been 15% less and the value of Y been Rs. 76 less

=> $x’ = \frac{85}{100} \times x = \frac{17 x}{20}$

=> $y’ = y – 76$

Profit % = $\frac{y’ – x’}{x’} \times 100 = 30$

=> $\frac{(y – 76) – (\frac{17 x}{20})}{\frac{17 x}{20}} = \frac{30}{100} = \frac{3}{10}$

=> $10 \times [(y – 76) – (\frac{17 x}{20}] = 3 \times \frac{17 x}{20}$

=> $10y – 760 – \frac{170 x}{20} = \frac{51 x}{20}$

=> $10y – \frac{221 x}{20} = 760$

Using, equaiton (i), we get :

=> $(10 \times \frac{6 x}{5}) – \frac{221 x}{20} = 760$

=> $12x – \frac{221 x}{20} = 760$

=> $\frac{19 x}{20} = 760$

=> $x = 760 \times \frac{20}{19}$

=> $x = 40 \times 20 = Rs. 800$

Question 14: Shri Ramlal purchased a TV set for Rs. 12,500 and spent Rs. 300 on transportation and Rs. 800 on installation. At what price should he sell it so as to earn an overall profit of 15% ?

a) Rs. 14,560

b) Rs. 14,375

c) Rs. 15,460

d) Rs. 15,375

e) None of these

14) Answer (E)


Cost price of TV = Rs. 12,500

Amount spent on transportation = Rs. 300 and installation = Rs. 800

Net spent = Rs. (12500 + 300 + 800) = Rs. 13,600

Let selling price = $Rs.x$

Profit % = $\frac{x-13600}{13600} \times 100=15$

=> $x-13600=15 \times 136$

=> $x=2040+13600$

=> $x=Rs.$ $15,640$

=> Ans – (E)

Question 15: A trader sells an item to a retailer at 20% discount, but charges 10% on the discounted price, for delivery and packaging. The retailer sells it for Rs. 2046 more, thereby earning a profit of 25%. At what price had the trader marked the item?

a) Rs. 9400

b) Rs. 9000

c) Rs. 8000

d) Rs. 12000

e) Rs. 9300

15) Answer (E)


Let Marked price of item = $Rs. 100x$

=> Selling price of trader = Cost price of retailer = $100x \times \frac{80}{100} \times \frac{110}{100}$

= $Rs. 88x$

Selling price of retailer = $Rs. (88x + 2046)$

Profit % = $\frac{(88x + 2046) – 88x}{88x} \times 100 = 25$

=> $\frac{2046}{88x} = \frac{25}{100} = \frac{1}{4}$

=> $x = \frac{2046 \times 4}{88} = 93$

$\therefore$ Marked price = $100 \times 93 = Rs. 9,300$

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Question 16: A starts a business with Rs. 2500. After one month from the start of the business, B joined with Rs. 4500 and A withdrew completely after eleven months from the start of the business. If the difference between A’s and B’s respective shares in the annual profit was Rs. 4800, what was the annual profit earned?

a) Rs. 14800

b) Rs. 16800

c) Rs. 14400

d) Rs. 11400

e) Rs. 15600

16) Answer (B)


Amount invested by A = Rs. 2500 and by B = Rs. 4500

Both invested for 11 months.

Ratio of profit shared by A and B

= $(2500 \times 11) : (4500 \times 11)$

= $5 : 9$

Let total profit earned by A and B respectively = $Rs. 5x$ and $Rs. 9x$

=> $9x – 5x = 4800$

=> $x = \frac{4800}{4} = 1200$

$\therefore$ Total profit = $9x + 5x = 14x$

= $14 \times 1200 = Rs. 16,800$

Question 17: 17 articles were bought for Rs. 3,910 and sold for Rs. 4,590. How much was the approximate profit percentage per article ?

a) 17%

b) 12%

c) 9%

d) 21%

e) 25%

17) Answer (A)


Cost price of 1 article = Rs. $\frac{3910}{17}$ = Rs. 230

Selling price of 1 article = Rs. $\frac{4590}{17}$ = Rs. 270

Profit % = $\frac{270 – 230}{230} * 100$

= 17.39% $\approx$ 17%

Question 18: The cost price of an article is Rs. 390. If it is to be sold at a profit of 3.12 per cent, how much would be its approximate selling price ?

a) Rs. 410

b) Rs. 402

c) Rs. 417

d) Rs. 420

e) Rs. 442

18) Answer (B)


Profit obtained in selling the article at 3.12%

= $\frac{3.12}{100} * 390 \approx$ Rs. 12

=> Selling price = 390 + 12 = Rs. 402

Question 19: The cost price of an article is Rs.1700. If it was sold at a price of Rs.2006, what was the percentage profit on the transaction?

a) 18

b) 12

c) 10

d) 15

e) 20

19) Answer (A)


Profit = S.P. – C.P. = 2006 – 1700

= Rs. 306

=> Profit % = $\frac{306}{1700} * 100$

= 18%

Question 20: 21 articles were bought for 6531 and sold for Rs.9954. How much was the approximate profit percentage per article?

a) 56%

b) 43%

c) 52%

d) 49%

e) 61%

20) Answer (C)


C.P. of 1 article = $\frac{6531}{21}$ = Rs. 311

S.P. of 1 article = $\frac{9954}{21}$ = Rs. 474

=> Profit on 1 article = S.P. – C.P. = 474 – 311

= Rs. 163

$\therefore$ Profit % = $\frac{163}{311} * 100$

= 52.4% $\approx$ 52%

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Question 21: What will be the the compound interest acquired on sum of Rs 12,000/- for 3 years at the rate of 10 % per annum ?

a) 2,652

b) 3,972

c) 3,960

d) 3852

e) None of these

21) Answer (B)


Principal amount = Rs. 12,000

Time period = 3 years and rate of interest = 10% under compound interest.

=> $C.I. = P [(1 + \frac{R}{100})^T – 1]$

= $12,000 [(1 + \frac{10}{100})^3 – 1]$

= $12,000 [(\frac{11}{10})^3 – 1] = 12,000 (\frac{1331 – 1000}{1000})$

= $12 \times 331 = Rs. 3,972$

Question 22: Ms suchi deposits an amount of 24000 to obtain in a simple interest at the rate of S.I 14 p.c.p.a for 8 years .what total amont will ms suchi gets at the end of 8 years

a) 52080

b) 28000

c) 50880

d) 26880

e) none of these

22) Answer (C)


Amount deposited = Rs. 24,000

Rate = 14 % and time = 8 years under simple interest

=> $S.I. = \frac{P \times R \times T}{100}$

= $\frac{24000 \times 14 \times 8}{100}$

= $240 \times 112 = Rs. 26,880$

$\therefore$Total amount will ms Suchi gets at the end of 8 years

= $24000 + 26880 = Rs. 50,880$

Question 23: What would be the compound interest obtained on a amount 3000 at the rate of 8% per annum after 2 years?

a) 501.50

b) 499.20

c) 495

d) 510

e) None of these

23) Answer (B)


Amount = Rs. 3000

Time = 2 years and rate = 8% under compound interest

=> $C.I. = P [(1 + \frac{R}{100})^T – 1]$

= $3000 [(1 + \frac{8}{100})^2 – 1]$

= $3000 [(\frac{27}{25})^2 – 1] = 3000 (\frac{729}{625} – 1)$

= $3000 \times \frac{104}{625} = 104 \times 4.8$

= $Rs. 499.20$

Question 24: What would be the simple interest obtained on a amount 5670 at the rate of 6 pcpa after 3 years?

a) 1020.60

b) 1666.80

c) 1336 .80

d) 1063.80

e) none of these

24) Answer (A)


Principal amount = Rs. 5,670

Time period = 3 years and rate = 6% under simple interest.

=> $S.I. = \frac{P \times R \times T}{100}$

= $\frac{5670 \times 6 \times 3}{100}$

= $56.7 \times 18 = Rs. 1,020.6$

Question 25: A sum of money was invested for 14 years was in Scheme A which offers simple interest at a rate of 8% p.a. The amount received from Scheme A after 14 years was then invested for two years in Scheme B which offers compound interest (compounded annually) at a rate of 10% p.a. If the interest received from Scheme B was Rs. 6,678, what was the sum invested in Scheme A?

a) Rs. 15,500

b) Rs. 14,500

c) Rs. 16,500

d) Rs. 12,500

e) Rs. 15,000

25) Answer (E)


Let the sum invested in scheme A = $Rs. 100x$

Time = 14 years and rate = 8% under simple interest

=> $S.I. = \frac{P \times R \times T}{100}$

= $\frac{100x \times 8 \times 14}{100} = 112x$

=> Amount invested in Scheme B = $100x + 112x = Rs. 212x$

Time = 2 years and rate = 10% under compound interest.

$C.I. = P [(1 + \frac{R}{100})^T – 1]$

=> $6678 = 212x [(1 + \frac{10}{100})^2 – 1]$

=> $6678 = 212x [(\frac{11}{10})^2 – 1] = 212x (\frac{21}{100})$

=> $0.21x = \frac{6678}{212} = 31.5$

=> $x = \frac{31.5}{0.21} = 150$

$\therefore$ Sum invested in scheme A = $100 \times 150 = Rs. 15,000$

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