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For the following questions answer them individually
Japan’s attack on which place brought the USA into Second World War ?
Pearl Harbour
New York
Commercial services were started on All India Raio for the first time in :
SaheediAzam Bhagat Singh Rajguru and Sukhdev were executed by the British Government on 23 March, 1931. In which of the following cases they were implicated ?
Meerut Conspiracy
Kakori Conspiracy
For lobbing bomb in the Assemby Hall
Lahore Conspiracy
What is the fly Leaf ?
thin paper sheet for making packaging material
a blank page at the beginning or end of a book
a marker in a book
a sheet of paper next to the main title of the book
Now a days Kalinga is known as :
Tughlaq dynasty occupied Delhi throne after decline of :
Suri dynasty
Slave dynasty
Lodhi dynasty
Khilji dynasty
MAD stands for
Most Active Disease,
Mica Aluminium Duo
Mutually Assured Death
Mutually Assured Destruction
Which has the highest share of electrical power generation in India ?
Thermal power
Nuclear power
Naphtha based and gas based power
“Water water everywhere but not a drop to drink” who stated these lines in a poem ?
John Milton
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Lord Byron
P. B. Shelly
How can a person move on a hard icy surface ?
He should use roller skates
He s’nould hop, sneeze, jump and step in the direction which is opposite to thedirection of his required movement.
He should hop, sneeze, jump and step in the direction in which the movement isrequired.
He should skid on his knees and hands
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