XIMB 2022 Calls & Cutoffs are Out

XIMB Calls are Out

XIMB 2022 Calls & Cutoffs are Out

Xavier Institute of Management Bhubaneswar (XIMB) 2022 Calls & cutoffs are out. The shortlist has been released on XIMB’s Official website. This article will let you know how to check the call status and the cutoffs of the entrance exams that accept for MBA-BM and MBA-HRM programs.

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Let us see, how to check the call status on XIMB’s official website.

Exams that Accept for this program

Xavier Institute of Management Bhubaneswar (XIMB) will accept the exams like CAT, XAT, GMAT, XGMT and NMAT. These are the exam that accepts for shortlisting to the admissions for XIMB. In this article, we will provide the cutoffs for CAT, XAT and GMAT.

Let us see the cut-offs for those exams in detail.

Cut-Offs for MBA-BM 2022 (Domicile):

CAT based XAT Based GMAT Based
Domicile Male VA DILR QA Overall VA DILR QA Overall VA QA Overall
Engineering 75 58 60 81 50 40 38 75 65 60 75
Non- Engineering 75 55 55 76 45 38 35 72 60 60 70
Domicile Female VA DILR QA Overall VA DILR QA Overall VA QA Overall
Engineering 70 55 60 77 50 38 38 71 60 50 70
Non-Engineering 70 52 52 72 45 35 35 70 50 50 67

Cut-Offs for MBA-BM 2022 (Non-Domicile):

CAT based XAT Based GMAT Based
Non-Domicile Male VA DILR QA Overall VA DILR QA Overall VA QA Overall
Engineering 87 80 80 91 70 60 50 88 65 60 85
Non- Engineering 85 75 75 86 70 55 45 83 60 60 80
Non-Domicile Female VA DILR QA Overall VA DILR QA Overall VA QA Overall
Engineering 80 78 78 87 70 55 50 84 60 50 80
Non-Engineering 80 72 72 82 70 50 45 81 50 50 75


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Cut-Offs for MBA-HRM 2022

CAT based XAT Based GMAT Based
Domicile VA DILR QA Overall VA DILR QA Overall VA QA Overall
Engineering 70 55 55 70 50 35 35 70 50 50 68
Non- Engineering 65 55 55 70 45 35 35 68
Non-Domicile VA DILR QA Overall VA DILR QA Overall VA QA Overall
Engineering 80 70 70 85 70 50 50 84 50 50 68
Non-Engineering 80 68 68 82 70 45 45 80


How to Check Your XIMB 2022 Application Status:

Follow as per the given below steps to check your XIMB 2022 Application Status. Make sure you have your XU Id which will you get at the time of registration. You can also check your mail to know the XU Id.

  1. Visit the Official University Website of XIM
  2. Click on the “View Interview Shortlist Status” button which will appear on the landing page.
  3. Enter your UI Id and Date of Birth in your respective program
  4. Now click on the “OK” button
  5. View your application status

Click here to visit the page to view the application status.

We hope the information in this article will help you to know how to check the call status of your application.

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