Vocabulary Words for SSC-CGL Set-3 PDF

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vocabulary words for ssc cgl set-3 pdf

Vocabulary Words for SSC-CGL Set-3 PDF

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Out of the four alternatives, choose the one which expresses the right meaning of the given word and blacken the appropriate rectangle in Answer Sheet.

Question 1: GRANDEUR

a) Magnificence

b) Admiration

c) Happiness

d) Awe

Question 2: INCEPTION

a) Initiative

b) Beginning

c) Initial

d) Origin

Question 3: COLOSSAL

a) Famous

b) Vigorous

c) Energetic

d) Enormous

Question 4: PARADOX

a) Paradise

b) Question

c) Puzzle

d) Challenge


a) Proletariat

b) Prohibit

c) Stipulate

d) Reproduce


Choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word and blacken the appropriate rectangle in the Answer Sheet.

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a) Dispute

b) Irritation

c) Separation

d) Confrontation

Question 7: MYTH

a) Truth

b) Fact

c) Falsehood

d) Story


a) Pleasingly

b) Willingly

c) Satisfactorily

d) Happily

Question 9: MUTILATE

a) Instruct

b) Induct

c) Conduct

d) Mend


Each question contains a sentence with a blank. Below the sentence, 4 words are given out of which 2 can be used to fill the blank meaningfully. Choose the option that contains the words that can be used to fill the blank:

Question 10: Raghu tried donating some money to the charity to __________ his guilt of having committed a crime.
(A) masquerade
(B) assuage
(C) exacerbate
(D) alleviate

a) B-C

b) A-B

c) B-D

d) A-D

e) C-D

Question 11: The candidate assured that he will allocate funds to ______________ the dilapidated temple once he gets elected.
(A) relinquish
(B) revamp
(C) renovate
(D) reminiscent

a) B-C

b) A-B

c) B-D

d) A-C

e) C-D

Question 12: When the news was out, Chirag could not __________ the fact that the love of his life was no more.
(B) burp
(C) digest
(D) inject

a) B-C

b) A-B

c) B-D

d) A-C

e) C-D

Question 13: Preethika dropped by my house during her European _____________.
(A) souvenir
(B) sojourn
(C) tarriance
(D) serendipity

a) A-B

b) B-C

c) A-C

d) A-D

e) C-D

Question 14: Pope Thomas decided to ______________ Mother Teresa to honour her contributions to the mankind.

a) A-B

b) B-C

c) A-D

d) C-D

e) B-D


In the following questions, choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word.

Question 15: OSTRACISE

a) Amuse

b) Welcome

c) Entertain

d) Host


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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (A)

Grandeur means splendour or magnificence, hence the first option best expresses meaning of above word.

Admiration and awe are synonyms meaning to applause, and happiness is a feeling of joy.

=> Ans – (A)

2) Answer (D)

Inception means starting point or origin, hence the last option best expresses meaning of above word.

Initiative means to take charge, beginning means to start, and initial means the first letter.

=> Ans – (D)

3) Answer (D)

Colossal means extremely large or enormous, hence the last option best expresses meaning of above word.

Vigorous and energetic are synonyms and famous means someone who is well known.

=> Ans – (D)

4) Answer (C)

Paradox means anomaly or puzzle, hence the third option best expresses meaning of above word.

Challenge and question are synonyms, and paradise means heavenly.

=> Ans – (C)

5) Answer (D)

Proliferate means increasing rapidly in number or reproduce, hence the last option best expresses meaning of above word.

Proletariat means working class, prohibit means to forbid and stipulate means demand or requirement.

=> Ans – (D)

6) Answer (D)

Conciliation means peace making, thus confrontation which means encounter is its antonym.

Dispute means disagreement and separation means detachment, irritation means annoying.

=> Ans – (D)

7) Answer (B)

A myth is ‘widely held but false belief’, so fact which means ‘a thing which is proved to be true’ is its antonym.

Story and falsehood expresses similar meaning to myth.

=> Ans – (B)

8) Answer (B)

Reluctantly means ‘against ones will’, so willingly is its antonym.

Pleasingly, satisfactorily and happily are synonyms and does not express to do something with willingness.

=> Ans – (B)

9) Answer (D)

Mutilate means to disfigure or cut, so mend which means repair is its antonym.

Instruct and conduct are synonyms meaning authorize and induct means to introduce.

=> Ans – (D)

10) Answer (C)

From the sentence, it is clear that Raghu donated money to reduce his guilt.
Assuage and alleviate means to reduce.
Exacerbate means to increase.
Masquerade means to be an imposter.

As we can see, only Assuage and alleviate can fill the blank (B and D). Therefore, option C is the right answer.

11) Answer (A)

From the sentence, it can be inferred that the temple is in a dilapidated (worn out) stage. Therefore, the word used to fill must address this issue (like renovating).

Clearly, renovate can take up the blank.
Relinquish means to give up voluntarily. This word cannot be used to fill the blank as it does not fit in with the context of the sentence.
Reminiscent means to remember. Therefore, we can eliminate this word too.
Revamp means to renovate. Therefore, renovate and revamp can fill the blank. Therefore, option A is the right answer.

12) Answer (D)

’Stomach’ or ‘digest’ means ‘to accept’. Therefore, both A and C can be used to fill the blank. Therefore, option D is the right answer.

13) Answer (B)

From the sentence, it is clear that the missing word must give the meaning of ‘tour’ or ‘visit’.
Souvenir means an object used as a reminder of a place.
Sojourn means a short tour.
Tarriance also means a short tour.
Serendipity means a happy accident.

Both ‘sojourn’ and ‘tarriance’ can be used to fill the blank. Therefore, option B is the right answer.

14) Answer (E)

From the sentence, it is clear that the word used must contain a positive connotation.
’Ostracize’ and ‘repudiate’ means to outcast someone. Therefore, we can eliminate these words.

’Canonize’ means to officially declare someone as a saint. ‘Beatify’ means to declare someone as holy and blessed. Therefore, both of these words can fill the blanks. Both B and D can fill the blanks. Therefore, option E is the right answer.

15) Answer (B)

Ostracise means to exclude, hence its antonym is welcome which express invitation.

Amuse and entertain are synonyms and host is a person who receives other people as guests.

=> Ans – (B)

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