TOP-50 Economics Questions for SSC-CPO

TOP-50 Economics Questions for SSC-CPO
TOP-50 Economics Questions for SSC-CPO

TOP-50 Economics Questions for SSC-CPO

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Question 1: ‘Demographic Dividend’ refers to an increase in the population in the age group of

a) 1-14 years

b) 15 – 59 years

c) 60 – 74 years

d) Above 74 years

Question 2: Demonetization was implemented in which year?

a) 2014

b) 2015

c) 2016

d) 2017

Question 3: The Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR) according to the recent RBI review (2019) is

a) 21

b) 22

c) 23

d) 19.25

Question 4: Repo Rate is the rate at which

a) RBI lends money to the commercial banks

b) RBI borrows money from the commercial banks

c) RBI lends moneyto the capital market

d) RBI borrows money from the capital market

Question 5: Development expenditure does not include expenditure on

a) Defence

b) Railways

c) Power

d) Science and Technology

Question 6: Who is the Chairman of the 14% Finance Commission ?

a) Vijay Kelkar

b) Subir Gokarni

c) Nand Kishore Singh

d) Y.V. Reddy

Question 7: The main difference between GDP and GNP is

a) Capital gains

b) Transfer payments

c) Net foreign income from abroad

d) Capital consumption allowance

Question 8: Indian Economy is

a) Mixed

b) Free

c) Capitalist

d) Socialist

Question 9: According to 2011 Census, the child sex ratio (0 – 6 years) in Andhra Pradesh is

a) 890

b) 940

c) 929

d) 849

Question 10: What is the flagship programme launched by Andhra Pradesh Government for the welfare of artisans ?

a) Adarana

b) Chandranna Pelli Kanuka

c) Pasupu Kumkuma

d) Chandranna Bhima

Question 11: The smart common platform created for all scholarships and education related achemes of Andhra Pradesh Government is labelled as

a) Jnanabhumi

b) PPG

c) Adarann

d) Real Time Governance

Question 12: How many SEZs (Special Economic Zones) does the Adhra Pradesh State have ?

a) 19

b) 20

c) 22

d) 23

Question 13: Out of 8 Millennium Development Goals, how manygoals are directly related to health ?

a) 1

b) 2

c) 3

d) 4

Question 14: Economic reforms towards liberalization were introduced in the year

a) 1991

b) 1995

c) 2001

d) 2014

Question 15: Child mortality implies children dying before their

a) $1^{st}$ birthday

b) $2^{nd}$ birthday

c) $3^{rd}$ birthday

d) $5^{th}$ birthday


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Question 16: ‘NTR Videsa Vidya Adarana’ scheme of Andhra Pradesh Government is meant for students of which category/(ies)?

a) Scheduled Castes

b) Backward Classes

c) Open Category

d) All of the above

Question 17: Income and consumption are ___________.

a) directly related

b) partially related

c) inversely related

d) unrelated

Question 18: According to the minimum reserve system, the Reserve Bank of India must maintain a gold reserve of ________

a) 85 crore

b) 200 crore

c) 100 crore

d) 115 crore

Question 19: Unemployment that arises when there is a general downturn in business activity is known as

a) Structural unemployment

b) Frictional unemployment

c) Cyclical unemployment

d) Disguised unemployment

Question 20: Shri Manohar Gopalkrishna Prabhu Parikaris the Union Cabinet Minister for

a) Railways

b) Law and Justice

c) Mines and steel

d) Defence

e) Civil aviation

Question 21: With a view to encourage entrepreneurship among the schedule castes, ‘a venture fund for the SCs’ has recently been launched by ___

a) The state Government of Bihar

b) The state Government of Uttar Pradesh

c) The state Government of Rajasthan

d) The state Government of Maharashtra

e) The Government of India

Question 22: How are Fiscal Policy and the Federal Reserve similar?

a) They always must have Congressional approval before passing

b) They both try to promote economic stability

c) They both have a Board of Governors

d) They both use the same tools to fix economic problems

Question 23: _________ is the world’s largest trade bloc and the world’s largest economy. ?

a) European Union

b) China

c) Russia

d) WTO

Question 24: The credit of proposing the first blueprint of Indian Planning is given to

a) Jawaharlal Nehru

b) Mahatma Gandhi

c) M. Visvesvaraya

d) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

Question 25: The term “bull and bear” is associated with?

a) Banking sector

b) Stock market

c) Bull fighting

d) Parliament of India

Question 26: What is the overdraft facility available to one account holder of Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana per household

a) 20,000

b) 15,000

c) 5,000

d) 10,000

Question 27: The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) is the regulator of Securities market in India. When was established in which year?

a) 1955

b) 1968

c) 1975

d) 1980

e) 1988

Question 28: The type of money market instrument which are high yield grade bonds that generally carry a lower credit rating are called?

a) Masala Bond

b) Green Bond

c) Government Bond

d) Junk Bond

e) Callable Bond

Question 29: In which market form, a market or an industry is dominated by a single seller?

a) Oligopoly

b) Monopoly

c) Duopoly

d) Monopolistic Competition

Question 30: The Company ‘Associated Journals Ltd’ (AJL) is the publisher of which now defunct daily newspaper?

a) Young India

b) The Independent

c) Amrita Bazar Patrika

d) The National Herald

e) Bombay Chronicle


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Question 31: Trickle down theory ignores the impact of economic growth on

a) Investment

b) Savings

c) Income distribution

d) Consumption

Question 32: The …….. is an ancient Indian treatise on statecraft. economic policy and military strategy that was written in Sanskrit. Kautilya is traditionally credited as the author of the text.

a) Rigveda

b) Arthashastra

c) Puranas

d) Charaka Samhita

Question 33: The process of providing suitable physical and social infrastructure for the upcoming urban areas is known as

a) Town and Country Planning

b) Social Planning

c) Town/Urban Planning

d) Family planning

Question 34: As we all know India’s one of the major Imports is oil and petroleum. Out of the total consumption of the oil and petroleum, how much is consumed by the transport sector ? About

a) 20%

b) 40%

c) 30%

d) 50%

e) 60%

Question 35: Name the ‘Father of Indian Economic Reforms’.

a) Narendra Modi

b) PV Narasimha Rao

c) Yashwant Sinha

d) Manmohan Singh

Question 36: Which country topped the Inclusive Internet Index, 2019 published by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) for Facebook?

a) Norway

b) India

c) Singapore

d) Sweden

e) United States of America

Question 37: Who was the economist who wrote the book ‘Small is beautiful’?

a) David Ricardo

b) Amartya Sen

c) Karl Marx

d) E. F. Schumacher

Question 38: What is the rank of India in the World Economic Forum’s 2019 Global Energy Transition Index?

a) 36

b) 46

c) 56

d) 76

Question 39: Where did the World Economic Forum inaugurate the Centre for Fourth Industrial Revolution?

a) Bangalore

b) Chennai

c) Mumbai

d) New Delhi

Question 40: What is the minimum support price associated with?

a) Agricultural material

b) Export and Import

c) Automatic port

d) Petroleum Department

Question 41: When the value of goods transported between two states is greater than ______ e-way bill is applicable

a) Rs.40000

b) Rs.50000

c) Rs.60000

d) Rs.70000

Question 42: NEER stands for ______

a) National Effective Economic Rate

b) Nominal Effective Economic Rate

c) Nominal Effective Exchange Rate

d) Nominal Equivalent of Exchange Rupee

e) National Economic Exchange Reserves

Question 43: According to the budget 2019-20 nearly how many Jan Dhan Bank accounts were opened in the last five years?

a) 12 crore

b) 34 crore

c) 52 crore

d) 38 crore

e) 5 crore

Question 44: The threshold of tax deducted at source for rental income increased to _______ from 1.8 lakh in the budget 2019?

a) 2 lakh

b) 2.4 lakh

c) 2.8 lakh

d) 3.6 lakh

Question 45: Which is the largest stock market in the world?

a) Hongkong

b) Japan

c) China

d) U.S.A


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Question 46: Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana related to construction of rural roads has been allocated with ______ in Budget Estimates 2019-20

a) 17,700 crore

b) 19,000 crore

c) 15,500 crore

d) 17,500 crore

e) 19,200 crore

Question 47: According to Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management (FRBM) Act, debt to GDP ratio of the Government of India must be brought down to ______ by the year 2024-25

a) 40%

b) 50%

c) 25%

d) 30%

e) 45%

Question 48: Investment and savings are kept equal through a charge in the level of ?

a) Consumption

b) Investment

c) Government Expenditure

d) Income

Question 49: The Simon Commission was formed to review?

a) Legislatures in India

b) Fitness of Indian For further reforms

c) The Position of Viceroy

d) A constitution for India

Question 50: What is USP in marketing field?

a) Uninterrupted power supply

b) Universal standards of products

c) US programme based

d) Exclusive marketing feauters

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (B)

2) Answer (C)

3) Answer (D)

4) Answer (A)

5) Answer (A)

6) Answer (D)

7) Answer (C)

8) Answer (A)

9) Answer (B)

10) Answer (A)

11) Answer (A)

12) Answer (A)

13) Answer (C)

14) Answer (A)

15) Answer (D)

16) Answer (B)

17) Answer (A)

directly related

18) Answer (D)

19) Answer (C)

20) Answer (D)

21) Answer (E)

22) Answer (B)

23) Answer (A)

European Union is the world’s largest trade bloc and the world’s largest economy.

24) Answer (C)

25) Answer (B)

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26) Answer (D)

27) Answer (E)

28) Answer (D)

29) Answer (B)

30) Answer (D)

31) Answer (C)

32) Answer (B)

33) Answer (C)

34) Answer (C)

35) Answer (B)

36) Answer (D)

37) Answer (D)

38) Answer (D)

39) Answer (C)

40) Answer (A)

41) Answer (B)

42) Answer (C)

The nominal effective exchange rate (NEER) is an unadjusted weighted average rate at which one country’s currency exchanges for a basket of multiple foreign currencies.

43) Answer (B)

44) Answer (B)

45) Answer (D)

46) Answer (B)

47) Answer (A)

48) Answer (A)

49) Answer (D)

50) Answer (B)

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