Static GK Questions For MBA Exams (Organizations)

Important Static GK Questions and Answers PDF
Important Static GK Questions and Answers PDF

Important Static GK Questions and Answers PDF – Organizations

The general awareness section is one of the most important scoring sections in the MBA entrance exams, such as CMAT, TISSNET, XAT, IIFT, etc. In the GK (General Knowledge) section, there will be two types of question that may arrive, which includes static GK and Current affairs. In this article, we will provide you with some important static GK questions and answers in PDF, which consist of important Organization related questions. One can download the PDF by clicking the given below link.

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Question 1: The World Bank is a group of certain organizations. Which of the following is not in that group?

a) IFC

b) IMF



e) IDA

1) Answer (B)


IBRD(International Bank for Reconstruction and Development)
IDA(International Development Association)
IFC(International Finance Corporation)
MIGA(Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency)
ICSID(International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes)
The above given five organizations comes in World Bank group.

The IMF(International Monetary Fund) is not in the World Bank group.
Hence, option b is the correct answer.

Question 2: Identify the correct statements about ‘WHO’(World Health Organisation).
(i) It was established in 1958.
(ii) The Director General of the organization is Tedros Adhanom.
(iii) The parent organization of WHO is United Nations Economic and Social Council.
(iv) WHO Country Office for India is located in Mumbai.

a) Only (i) and (ii)

b) Only (i), (ii) and (iii)

c) Only (i) and (iv)

d) Only (ii) and (iii)

2) Answer (D)


Here statement (ii) and (iii) are correct and remaining are wrong.
Correct form of the remaining statements is given below below.
(i) It was established in 1948.
(iv) WHO Country Office for India is located in New Delhi.
Hence, option d is the correct answer.

Question 3: The Global energy transition index is published by?

a) World Health Organization

b) World Bank

c) World Economic Forum

d) International Monetary Fund

3) Answer (C)

Question 4: BIMSTEC is a regional multilateral organisation which has seven members. What is the full form of BIMSTEC?

a) Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multiple Sectoral Technological and Economic Cooperation

b) Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi Sector Technical and Economical Cooperation

c) Bay of Bengal Initially for Multi Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation

d) Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation

e) Bay of Bengal Initially for Multiple Sector Technical and Economic Cooperation

4) Answer (D)


BIMSTEC ⇒ Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation
Hence, option d is the correct answer.

Question 5: Where is the headquarters of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)?

a) New York, USA

b) Geneva, Switzerland

c) Vienna, Austria

d) Washington DC, USA

e) Lausanne, Switzerland

5) Answer (A)

Question 6: Which of the following is not the member country of NATO?

a) Bulgaria

b) Ukraine

c) Spain

d) Italy

e) Montenegro

6) Answer (B)


Ukraine is not the member country of NATO from the given options.
Hence, option b is the correct answer.

Question 7: OECD – stands for?

a) Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

b) Organization for European Cooperation and Development

c) Organization for European Coalition and Development

d) Organization for Economic Coalition and Development

7) Answer (A)


Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

Question 8: In which year was RBI established?

a) 1st April 1949

b) 1st April 1930

c) 1st April 1919

d) 1st April 1935

8) Answer (D)

Question 9: Where is the National chemical Laboratory situated?

a) Delhi

b) Mumbai

c) Pune

d) Chennai

9) Answer (C)

Question 10: Which of the following organizations headquarters is not in ‘New York, USA’?





10) Answer (B)


a) UNICEF ⇒ United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund ==> New York, USA
b) UNEP ⇒ United Nations Environment Programme ==> Nairobi, Kenya
c) UNSC ⇒ United Nations Security Council ==> New York, USA
d) UNFPA ⇒ United Nations Population Fund ==> New York, USA
Hence, option b is the correct answer.

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Question 11: Where is the headquarters of African union commision?

a) Manila, philippines

b) Brussels, Belgium

c) Shangai, China

d) Addis ababa, Ethiopia

e) Washington DC, US

11) Answer (D)

Question 12: ‘World Investment Report’ is published by which of the following organisations?




d) BIS

e) ADB

12) Answer (C)


‘World Investment Report’ is published by UNCTAD.
Hence, option c is the correct answer.

Question 13: Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC), SHAR is located at?

a) Poonch

b) Sriharikota

c) Pokhran

d) None of these

13) Answer (B)


Satish Dhawan Space Centre or Sriharikota Range is a rocket launch centre operated by Indian Space Research Organisation. It is located in Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh. Sriharikota Range was renamed in 2002 after ISRO’s former chairman Satish Dhawan.

Question 14: Open Market Operations (OMO) are carried out by which of the following Organizations?

a) Security and Exchange Board of India

b) Reserve Bank of India

c) State Bank of India

d) Small Industries Development Bank of India

e) Ministry of Finance, Government of India

14) Answer (B)

Question 15: In which year was “United Nations Security Council” founded?

a) 1945

b) 1989

c) 1955

d) 1952

15) Answer (A)

Question 16: World Happiness Index is published by which of the following organizations?

a) United Nations Development Programme

b) Transparency International

c) World Economic Forum

d) UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network

e) Heritage Foundation

16) Answer (D)

Question 17: Match the motto with their respective organizations.
Motto                                                                   Organization
(A) Faster, Higher, Stronger – Together                   (1) FIH
(B) For the Game. For the World                            (2) FIBA
(C) We are one people                                           (3) IOC
(D) We Are Basketball                                            (4) FIFA
(E) FairPlay Friendship Forever                             (5) FIDE

a) (A)-(3), (B)-(5), (C)-(4), (D)-(1), (E)-(2)

b) (A)-(5), (B)-(4), (C)-(1), (D)-(2), (E)-(3)

c) (A)-(4), (B)-(5), (C)-(2), (D)-(3), (E)-(1)

d) (A)-(5), (B)-(3), (C)-(2), (D)-(1), (E)-(4)

e) (A)-(3), (B)-(4), (C)-(5), (D)-(2), (E)-(1)

17) Answer (E)


Faster, Higher, Stronger – Together ⇒ IOC(International Olympic Committee)
For the Game. For the World ⇒ FIFA(Federation International de Football Association)
We are one people ⇒ FIDE
We Are Basketball ⇒ FIBA
FairPlay Friendship Forever ⇒ FIH(International Hockey Federation)
Hence, option e is the correct answer.

Question 18: Which of the following organizations headquarters is not in ‘Paris, France’?

a) International Energy Agency

b) International Chamber of Commerce

c) European Space Agency

d) International Civil Aviation Organization

e) United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

18) Answer (D)


International Energy Agency ⇒ Paris France
International Chamber of Commerce ⇒ Paris France
European Space Agency ⇒ Paris France
International Civil Aviation Organization ⇒ Montreal, Canada
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization ⇒ Paris, France
Hence, option d is the correct answer.

Question 19: Identify the correct statements.
(i) WEF(World Economic Forum) formerly known as the European Management Forum.
(ii) WEF was founded by Klaus Schwab.
(iii) The Nobel Prize for Peace 2020 was won by WFP(World Food Programme).
(iv) The parent organization of WFP is United Nations General Assembly.

a) (i), (ii) and (iii)

b) (i), (ii) and (iv)

c) (ii), (iii) and (iv)

d) (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)

19) Answer (D)


All the given statements are correct.
Hence, option d is the correct answer.

Question 20: Where is the headquarters of Steel authority of India?

a) Lucknow

b) Mumbai

c) Delhi

d) Chennai

e) Hyderabad

20) Answer (C)

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