SSC CPO Syllabus 2020 PDF

SSC CPO Syllabus 2020 PDF
SSC CPO Syllabus 2020 PDF

SSC CPO Syllabus 2020 PDF:

Staff selection commission has released the notification for the post of Sub-Inspector (SI) in Delhi Police and Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs). The online application for the post of SSC CPO was released on 17th June 2020 and ends on 16th July 2020. Computer-based test (CBT) is conducted in two phases, Paper-1 & Paper-2.

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SSC CPO 2020 Notification Important Dates : 

Events Important Dates
Application starting Date 17-06-2020
Last Date of Registration 16-07-2020
Last date of making online/offline payment 18-07-2020
Computer Based Examination (Paper-I) 29-09-2020 to 05-10-2020
Computer Based Examination (Paper-II) 01-03-2021

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SSC CPO 2020 Paper-1 Exam Pattern: Subject No. Of questions No. Of Marks Time duration
1 General Intelligence and Reasoning 50 50  

2 Hours

2 General Knowledge and General Awareness 50 50
3 Quantitative Aptitude 50 50
4 English Comprehension 50 50


SSC CPO 2020 Paper-2 Exam Pattern: Subject No. Of questions No. Of Marks Time duration
1 English language & Comprehension 200 200 2 Hours

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SSC CPO Paper-1 Syllabus 2020: 

SSC CPO General Intelligence and Reasoning Syllabus

  1. Verbal
  2. Reasoning
  3. Syllogism Linear
  4. Seating Arrangement
  5. Circular Seating Arrangement
  6. Double Lineup
  7. Scheduling
  8. Blood Relations
  9. Directions and Distances
  10. Ordering and Ranking
  11. Data Sufficiency
  12. Coding and Decoding
  13. Input-Output

SSC CPO General Knowledge and General Awareness Syllabus

  1. Current Affairs
  2. Awards and Honours
  3. Books and Authors
  4. Entertainment
  5. Obituaries
  6. Economic Scene
  7. Important Dates
  8. Scientific Research
  9. Indian Constitution
  10. Sports

SSC SI Quantitative Aptitude Syllabus

  1. Percentage
  2. Ratio and Percentage
  3. Data Interpretation
  4. Mensuration and Geometry
  5. Quadratic Equation
  6. Problems of Ages
  7. Interest
  8. Profit and Loss
  9. Number Series
  10. Time and Work
  11. Number System
  12. Speed, Distance and Time

SSC CPO English Comprehension Syllabus:

  1. Grammar
  2. Reading Comprehension
  3. Vocabulary
  4. Verbal Ability
  5. Synonyms-Antonyms
  6. Active and Passive Voice
  7. Para Jumbles
  8. Fill in the Blanks
  9. Error Correction

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SSC CPO Paper-2 Syllabus 2020: 

SSC CBT Paper-2 English language & Comprehension Syllabus:

  1. Fill in the Blanks
  2. Vocabulary
  3. Spellings
  4. Error Recognition
  5. Grammar
  6. Synonyms
  7. Sentence Structure
  8. Sentence Completion
  9. Antonyms
  10. Phrases and Idiomatic Use of Words
  11. Comprehension

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