SSC CHSL 2020 Selection Process

SSC CHSL 2020 Selection Process & Pay Scale
SSC CHSL 2020 Selection Process & Pay Scale

SSC CHSL 2020 Selection Process

SSC CHSL 2020 Exam Selection Process Details:  As SSC CHSL Exam is scheduled from April 12th to 27th but due to an increase in the covid cases so the exam is postponed from April 20th 2021 and new dates will be announced at website The Staff Selection Commission’s (SSC) will conduct a CHSL (10+2) exam for the Different posts of Postal Assistant (PA)/ Sorting Assistant (SA), Lower Divisional Clerk (LDC)/ Junior Secretariat Assistant (JSA) and Data Entry Operator (DEO).

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SSC CHSL 2020: Important Dates

Event Date
Computer-Based Examination (Tier-I) 12-04-2021 to 27-04-2021(Scheduled but Due to Increase in Covid Cases postponed from April 20th)
Tier-II Examination (Descriptive Paper) To be notified later
Tier-III Examination (Skill /  Typing Test) To be notified later

SSC CHSL 2020 Selection Process:


CBT Objective Type (Computer Based Examination)


Descriptive Paper


Typing Test/ Skill Test

  • Typing Test for LDC/ JSA & PA/ SA

  • Skill Test for DEO

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SSC CHSL 2020 CBT Exam – Computer Based Test (Tier-I)

1. CBT Exam – Computer Based Test (Tier-I): Computer Based Exam (Tier-I) is divided into four sections & an objective type test, i.e. General Intelligence, General Awareness, English Language (Basic Knowledge), Quantitative Aptitude and General Knowledge. Total marks for SSC CHSL 2020 Tier-I examination is 200, and there will be a negative marking of 0.50 marks for every wrong answer. Aspirants/Candidates qualified in the Tier-I exam securing the qualifying marks will be selected for the Tier-II exam.

Subject No. of Qs. Maximum Marks Time
General Awareness 25 50 60 Mins (80 Mins for VH/OH & Cerebral Palsy)
Quantitative Aptitude 25 50
General Intelligence  25 50
English 25 50
Total 100 200


SSC CHSL 2020 Tier-II (Descriptive Paper): 

Tier-II Exam Paper will be a descriptive Paper of 100 Marks in Pen & Paper Mode. The duration of the paper would be for one hour. The paper would comprise writing an Essay of 200-250 words & a Letter/ Application of approximately 150-200 words. The minimum qualifying marks in Tier-II would be 33 per cent.

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 SSC CHSL 2020 Tier – III (Typing Test/ Skill Test):

i. Data Entry Operator – Skill Test: 

Only those candidates/aspirants who qualify in the Computer Based Examination (Tier-I) & Descriptive Paper (Tier-II)

Secure at least the minimum qualifying marks as may be fixed by the Staff Selection Commission at its discretion will be eligible to take the Skill Test. The “Data Entry Speed” Skill Test would be of qualifying nature – Data Entry Speed of 8000 (eight thousand) Key Depressions per hour on Computer. Candidates allowed to take this test will have to qualify the test at the prescribed speed on Computer, provided by the Commission or the agency authorized by the Staff Selection Commission to conduct such Skill Test at the centre/ venue so notified. Only such candidates who qualify in the Skill Test at a speed of not less than 8000 key depressions per hour will be eligible for being recommended for appointment as per their position in the merit list.

Note-1: Only candidates/aspirants who secure at least the minimum qualifying marks in the written exam, as may be fixed by the SSC at its discretion, will be called for a skill test. SSC may also, at its discretion, fix qualifying marks in each component of the written exam.

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ii. Typing Test for LDC/ JSA & PA/ SA: 

Typing Test will be conducted for those candidates/aspirants who qualify in the CBT-1 & Descriptive Paper (Tier-II). Such Typing Test will be conducted in English or Hindi. Typing Test will be of qualifying in nature. It will be administered on the Computer to be provided by the Commission or any agency authorized by the Commission. The speed will be adjudged on the accuracy of typing on the Computer of a given text passage in 10 minutes.

Note-I: 35 words per minute and 30 words per minute corresponds to 10500 key depressions per hour/9000 key depressions per hour, respectively.

Note-II: Only those candidates who secure at least the minimum qualifying marks in the Computer Based Examination (Tier-I) and Descriptive Paper (Tier-II), as may be fixed by the Commission at its discretion, will be called for Typing Test. The Staff Selection Commission may also, at its discretion, specify the minimum qualifying marks in each component of the written examination.

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SSC CHSL 2020 Final Allotment:

The final merit of successful candidates/aspirants will be determined based on the total score in Tier I & Tier II exam. Candidates will be allotted to the various departments for Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistants, Data Entry Operators, Lower Divisional Clerks & Court Clerks based on their merit and preference of post.

Tie cases will be resolved by applying one after another until the Tie is resolved.

  1. Total Marks in Tier-I & Tier-II.
  2. Total marks of Tier-II Examination.
  3. Total marks in Tier-I Examination.
  4. Date of birth, with older candidates, placed higher.
  5. Alphabetical order in which the first names of the candidates appear.

SSC CHSL 2020 Posts & Pay Scales

SSC CHSL Posts SSC CHSL Pay Levels SSC CHSL Pay Scales
Postal Assistant (PA) 4 Rs 25,500-81,100
Sorting Assistant (SA) 4 Rs 25,500-81,100
Data Entry Operator (DEO) 4 Rs 25,500-81,100
DEO 5 Rs 29,200-92,300
DEO (Grade A) 4 Rs 25,500-81,100
Lower Divisional Clerk (LDC) 2 Rs 19,900-63,200
Junior Secretariat Assistant (JSA) 2 Rs 19,900-63,200

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