Top-20 SSC CHSL Profit and Loss questions

Top-20 SSC CHSL profit and loss questions

SSC CHSL Profit and Loss questions

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Question 1: By selling an article, a man makes a profit of 25% of its selling price. His profit per cent is

a) 20

b) 25

c) 30

d) 33.33

Question 2: If there is a profit of 20% on the cost price of an article, the percentage of profit calculated on its selling price will be:

a) 24

b) 50/3

c) 25/3

d) 20

Question 3: If the cost price of 15 books is equal to the selling price of 20 books, the loss percent is:

a) 16

b) 20

c) 24

d) 25

Question 4: The selling price of 10 oranges is the cost price of 13 oranges. Then the profit percentage is

a) 30%

b) 10%

c) 13%

d) 3%

Question 5: An article is sold for Rs. 300 at a profit of 20%. Had it been sold for Rs. 235, the loss percentage would have been

a) 3

b) 5

c) 6

d) 16

Question 6: The selling price of 20 articles is equal to the cost price of 22 articles. The gain percentage is

a) 12%

b) 9%

c) 10%

d) 11%

Question 7: A man gains10% by selling an article for a certain price. If he sells it at double the price, then the profit made is

a) 120%

b) 20%

c) 40%

d) 100%

Question 8: A retailer purchased radio sets at the rate of Rs. 400 each from a wholesaler. He raised the price by 30% and then allowed a discount of 8% on each set. His profit will be

a) 19%

b) 78.4%

c) 22%

d) 19.6%

Question 9: A fruit seller buys some oranges at the rate of 5 for Rs. 10 and an equal number more at 10 for Rs.20. He sells the whole lot at 15 for Rs. 30. What is his loss or gain per cent ?

a) Loss per cent $1\frac{19}{81}$%

b) Gain per cent $1\frac{19}{81}$%

c) No loss or no profit

d) Loss per cent 2%

Question 10: A company showroom gives a discount of 20% on the second-grade shoes and a further discount of 15% on shareholder’s coupon. The total discount, a coupon holder will get is

a) 32%

b) 36%

c) 35%

d) 38%

Question 11: The price of an item was increased by 10%. This reduced the monthly total sales by 20%. The overall effect on the value of monthly sales is a

a) 10% increase

b) 10% decrease

c) 12% increase

d) 12% decrease

Question 12: 10% discount and then 20% discount in succession is equivalent to total discount of

a) 28%

b) 15%

c) 30%

d) 24%

Question 13: The marked price of a watch was Rs.720. A man bought the same for Rs. 550.80 after getting two successive discounts, the first being 10%. The second discount rate is

a) 18%

b) 12%

c) 14%

d) 15%

Question 14: A shopkeeper bought 30 kg of rice at the rate of Rs. 70 per kg and 20 kg of rice at the rate of Rs. 70.75 per kg. If he mixed the two brands of rice and sold the mixture at Rs. 80.50 per kg, his gain is

a) Rs. 450

b) Rs. 510

c) Rs. 525

d) Rs. 485

Question 15: Allowing 20% and 15% successive discounts, the selling price of an article becomes Rs. 3,060; then the marked price will be

a) Rs. 4,000

b) Rs. 4,400

c) Rs. 5,000

d) Rs. 4,500

Question 16: The population of a town increases by 5% every year. If the present population is 9261, the population 3 years ago was

a) 8000

b) 5700

c) 6000

d) 7500

Question 17: The printed price of an article is 40% higher than its cost price. Then the rate of discount such that he gains 12% profit is

a) 21%

b) 15%

c) 20%

d) 18%

Question 18: A and B entered into a partnership investing Rs 16000 and Rs. 12000 respectively. After 3 months A withdrew Rs. 5000 while B invested Rs. 5000 more. After 3 more months C joins the business with a capital of Rs 21000. The share of B exceeds that of C, out of a total profit of Rs. 26400 after one year by

a) Rs. 2400

b) Rs. 1200

c) Rs. 3600

d) Rs. 4800

Question 19: Cost price of 100 books is equal to the selling price of 60 books. The gain percentage/loss percentage is

a) $66\frac{3}{2}$ %

b) 67%

c) 66%

d) $66\frac{2}{3}$ %

Question 20: A plate was sold for Rs.6,300 after giving two successive discounts of $12\frac{1}{2}$ % and 10%. Find the marked price.

a) 7,300

b) 7,700

c) 8,000

d) 7,250

Question 21: Nisha bought a number of oranges at 2 for a rupee and an equal number at 3 for a rupee. To make a profit of 20% she should sell a dozen for

a) 6

b) 8

c) 10

d) 12

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (D)

Given Profit on selling price is 25%
Suppose selling price is y
hence profit will be $\frac{y}{4}$ and cost price will be $\frac{3y}{4}$

Now profit percentage on cost price will be  $\frac{\frac{y}{4}}{\frac{3y}{4}}\times100$

i.e. $\frac{100}{3}$ = 33.33

2) Answer (B)

let’s say cost price is 100
hence with 20% profit selling price will be 120
now profit on selling price will be $\frac{20}{120}\times100$ = $\frac{50}{3}$

3) Answer (D)

Let’s say selling price of 20 books equals to 100
hence selling price of 15 books will be 75
cost price of 15 books is = 100 (given)
so loss percentage is 25

4) Answer (A)

Let’s say selling price of 10 oranges = cost price of 13 = $y$

cost price of 1 will be = $\frac{y}{13}$

cost price of 10 will be = $\frac{10y}{13}$

Selling price of 10 is =$ y$

Gain is =$\frac{3y}{13}$

Percentage gain = $\frac{\frac{3y}{13} }{\frac{10y}{13}}\times 100$=30%

5) Answer (C)

Selling price = 300
Profit = 20%
Hence cost price = $\frac{300 \times100}{120} $ = 250
Now when selling price is 235
loss is 15 rs.
%loss will be = $\frac{15\times100}{250}$ = 6

6) Answer (C)

Let the cost price be $X$.
Hence, the cost price of 22 articles is $22X$
Hence, the selling price of 20 articles is $22X$
So, the selling price of one article is $11X$
So, the profit percentage is $10$%

7) Answer (A)

Let the cost price be $100$.
So, the selling price is $110X$%
If, the price is doubled, the selling price is $220 X$%
Hence, the profit percentage will be $120$%

8) Answer (D)

initial CP = 400/-

after marking 30% up, marked price = 520/-

he allowed a discount of 8%, discount = 41.6/-

selling price = 520 – 41.6 = 478.4/-

%profit = (478.4-400)/400 * 100

= 19.6%

so the answer is option D.

9) Answer (C)

cost price = 30

selling price = 30

so no profit no loss.

so the answer is option C.

10) Answer (A)

Let original price = $100x$

After 1st discount of 20% =>$\frac{20}{100} * 100x = 20x$

Price = $100x-20x = 80x$

After 2nd discount of 15% => $\frac{15}{100} * 80x = 12x$

Price will become = $80x-12x = 68x$

=> Equivalent Discount % = $\frac{100x-68x}{100x}$ * 100 = 32%

11) Answer (D)

Let us assume the price of the article to be Rs. 100. Let the number of articles sold be 100.

Total sales = 100*100 = 10,000

Now, the price increases by 10% => New cost = Rs. 110

Sales decrease by 20% => New sales = 80 units.

Now, new sales value = 80*110 = Rs. 8800

%age change =(10000 – 8800) / 10000 = 1200/10000 = 12% decrease.

Option D is the right answer.

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12) Answer (A)

Let original price = $100x$

After 1st discount of 10% =>$\frac{10}{100} * 100x = 10x$

Price = $100x-10x = 90x$

After 2nd discount of 20% => $\frac{20}{100} * 90x = 18x$

Price will become = $90x-18x = 72x$

=> Equivalent Discount % = $\frac{100x-72x}{100x}$ * 100 = 28%

13) Answer (D)

Marked price = 720

After 1st discount of 10% => 10% of 720 = $\frac{10}{100}$ * 720 = 72

Amount payable = 720 – 72 = 648

Let 2nd discount = $x$%

After 2nd discount of $x$%

=> $x$% of 648 = $\frac{x}{100} * 648 = 6.48x$

=> Customer will pay = 648 – $6.48x$ = 550.80

=> $6.48x$ = 97.2

=> $x$ = 15%

14) Answer (B)

The shopkeeper bought 30 kg rice at Rs. 70/kg

C.P. = 70*30 = Rs. 2100

Similarly, C.P. for second type of rice = 70.75*20 = Rs. 1415

=> Total C.P. = 2100+1415 = Rs. 3515

He sold these two brands at Rs. 80.50/kg

=> Total S.P. = 80.50*50 = Rs. 4025

Profit = 4025-3515 = Rs. 510

15) Answer (D)

Let M.P. = $100x$

After allowing 20% discount => $\frac{20}{100} * 100x = 20x$

=> Amount after first discount = $100x-20x = 80x$

After allowing 15% discount => $\frac{15}{100} * 80x = 12x$

=> Amount after second discount = $80x-12x = 68x$

Now, $68x$ = 3060

=> $x$ = 45

=> M.P. = 4500

16) Answer (A)

Let total population of the town 3 years ago = $100x$

It increases 5% after every year, => multiplied by 1.05

=> Population after 3 years ,i.e. present population

=> 1.05 * 1.05 * 1.05 * $100x$ = $115.7625x$ = 9261

=> $x = \frac{9261}{115.7625}$ = 80

=> Population 3 years ago = 80*100 = 8000

17) Answer (C)

Let C.P. = $100x$

Markup% = 40% => $\frac{40}{100} * 100x = 40x$

=> Marked price = $100x+40x = 140x$

Profit % = 12%

Profit = $\frac{12}{100} * 100x = 12x$

=> S.P. = $100x+12x = 112x$

Discount % = $\frac{140x-112x}{140x}$ * 100 = 20%

18) Answer (C)

Total amount invested by A over the year(in ‘000s) = (16*3) + (11*9) = 147

Total amount invested by B = (12*3) + (17*9) = 189

Total amount invested by C = 21*6 = 126

Ratio of the amounts invested by A : B : C = 147 : 189 : 126

=> A : B : C = 7 : 9 : 6

Total profit = 26400

=> Share of B exceeds that of C by = $\frac{9-6}{22}$ * 26400

= 3*1200 = 3600

19) Answer (D)

Let cost price of 1 book = Rs 1

=> Cost price of 100 books = 1*100 = 100

Now, this is equal to selling price of 60 books

=> Selling price of 1 book = 100/60 = 5/3

Since, selling price is greater than cost price

=> Profit % = $\frac{\frac{5}{3}-1}{1}$ * 100

= $\frac{100}{3}$ = 66$\frac{2}{3}$%

20) Answer (C)

Let M.P. = $100x$

First discount of 12.5% => $\frac{12.5}{100} * 100x = 12.5x$

=> Amount after first discount = $100x-12.5x = 87.5x$

Second discount of 10% => $\frac{10}{100} * 87.5x = 8.75x$

=> Amount after second discount = $87.5x-8.75x = 78.75x$

Now, S.P. = $78.75x$ = 6300

=> $x$ = 80

=> M.P. = 80*100 = 8000

21) Answer (A)

Let she bought 60 oranges of each type

Cost price of first type of oranges = 0.5 [ 1/2]

=> Total cost price of type 1 = 0.5*60 = 30

Similarly, total cost price of type 2 = $\frac{1}{3}$ * 60 = 20

=> C.P. = 30+20 = 50

Profit = $\frac{20}{100}$ * 50 = 10

=> Total S.P. = 50+10 = 60

Now, this selling price is for 120 oranges

For 12 oranges, S.P. = 12 * $\frac{60}{120}$ = 6

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