SSC CGL Questions on Subject Verb Agreement

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SSC CGL Questions on Subject Verb Agreement PDF

SSC CGL Questions on Subject Verb Agreement

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InstructionsDirections :Some of the sentences have errors and some have none. Find out which part of a sentence has an error. The number of that part is your answer. If there is no error, your answer is d:

Question 1: Nine tenths/of the pillar/have rotted away./No error.

a) Nine tenths

b) of the pillar

c) have rotted away.

d) No error.

Question 2: Our efforts are/aimed to bring about/a reconciliation./No error.

a) Our efforts are

b) aimed to bring about

c) a reconciliation.

d) No error

InstructionsDirections:In the following question, some of the sentences have errors and some are correct. Find out which part of a sentence has an error. The number of the part is you answer. If a sentence is free from errors, then you answer is d:i.e., No error.

Question 3: A senior doctor / expressed concern / about physicians recommended the vaccine. / No error.

a) A senior doctor

b) expressed concern

c) about physicians recommended the vaccine.

d) No error.

Question 4: We have discussing / all the known mechanisms / of physical growth, / No error.

a) We have discussing

b) all the known mechanisms

c) of physical growth,

d) No error.

Question 5: I / have / many works to do. / No error.

a) I

b) have

c) many works to do.

d) No error.


Directions : In the following questions, some parts of the sentences have errors and some have none, Find out which part of a sentence has an error. The number of that part is your answer. If there is no error then your answer is d:i.e. No error.

Question 6: Air pollution, together with littering./are causing many problems/in our cities./No error

a) Air pollution, together with littering.

b) are causing many problems

c) in our cities.

d) No error

Question 7: We have been knowing/each other/since we were children./No error

a) We have been knowing

b) each other

c) since we were children.

d) No error

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Question 8: If I was he/I wouldn’t accept/this project./No error

a) If I was he

b) I wouldn’t accept

c) this project.

d) No error

InstructionsDirections : In these questions a sentence/ part of the sentence is bold. Below are given alternatives to the bold sentence/ part of the sentence at a, b and c which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternatives. In case no improvement is needed, your answer is d.

Question 9: If I had the money I would have bought the house.

a) If I had had the money I would have bought the house

b) If I have the money I would have bought the house

c) If I have had the money I would have bought the house

d) No improvement

Question 10: I wish I knew what is wrong with my car.

a) I wish I had known what is wrong with my car

b) I wish I know what is wrong with my car

c) I wish I knew what was wrong with my car

d) No improvement

Question 11: Just before he died, Amar, who is a poet, wrote this poem.

a) Just before he died, Amar, who was a poet, wrote this poem

b) Amar, who is a poet, wrote this poem just before he died

c) Amar wrote this poem, who is poet, just before he died

d) No improvement

Question 12: The flag will be risen on the 15th of August.

a) The flag will be roused on the 15th of August

b) The flag will be rising on the 15th August

c) The flag will be raised on the 15th of August

d) No improvement


In the following questions, some of the sentences have errors and some have none. Find out which part of a sentence has an error. The number of that part is your answer. If there is no error, your answer is (D) i.e., No error

Question 13: I whistled thrice (A)/ with full might and raise my arms (B)/towards the sky. (C) / No error (D)

a) A

b) B

c) C

d) D


In the following questions, a sentence / part of the sentence is printed in bold. Below are given alternatives to the bold sentence / part of the sentence at (A), (B) and (C) which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case no improvements is needed, your answer is (D)

Question 14: The firm buys frozen seafood in bulk, packs it into smaller pouches and then they sell them to the local grocery stores.

a) it sells them

b) sell them

c) they sell the pouches

d) No improvement

Question 15: The learners are intended to read the sources at home.

a) are meant

b) are suggested

c) are expected

d) No improvement


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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (C)

The subject is singular so it will be has rotted away

2) Answer (A)

It should be our effort is aimed our refers the spirit of a team.

3) Answer (C)

(replace ‘recommended’ with ‘recommending’)

4) Answer (A)

(replace ‘have’ with ‘are’)

5) Answer (D)

no error

6) Answer (B)

The Error is in part B.

Replace `Are’ with `is’.

If the Subject is followed by words such as `together with,as well as,along with ‘ ,then the singular verb will follow singular Subject.

Air pollution & littering is followed by `together with’ so it will take singular verb `Is’.

7) Answer (A)

The error is in the part A.

8) Answer (A)

The error is in the part A of the sentence.

This type of sentences comes under `Impossible conditions/unfulfilled conditions.

It is shown by using `IF’.

Ex- If I were rich,I would have bought that car.

Here we use helping verb `were’.

9) Answer (A)

10) Answer (C)

The correct sentence is C

Replace `is’ with `are’.

As the verb is in the past form `knew’,helping verb must be in the past form.

Also sentence starts with `wish’

Wish denotes the unfulfilled desire.It also denotes the part things or whishes.

11) Answer (A)

The correct sentence is A.

As per the subject-verb agreement,it should be `was’.

Died is the past form of the verb die.

12) Answer (B)

The correct sentence is B

We used this tense to express an action which will be in progress at a given time in the future.

The sentence seems to imply the future event so usage of future continuous tense is correct.

13) Answer (B)

The error is in the B part of the sentence.

Replace `raise’ with `raised’.

As the sentence is in the past tense.

Whistled (verb) is in the past form.

So ,raise should also be the past form.

14) Answer (A)

The correct choice is A.

The firm is the subject so the correct pronoun should be `It’.

15) Answer (C)

The correct choice is C.

Expected to -means anticipate,to hope for.

Meant – to intend,to plan to do something.

Intend -to stretch or extend

Suggested- to recommend.

So only option C best fits here.

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