SSC CGL 2020 Blood Relation Questions

SSC CGL 2020 Blood Relation Questions
SSC CGL Blood Relation Questions

SSC CGL Blood Relation Questions

Download  Blood  Relation questions for SSC CGL exam 2020. Most important  Blood Relation Questions based on asked questions in previous exam papers for SSC CGL. It will be helpful to get the good score in SSC CGL exam 2020.

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Directions : Read the information carefully and answer the following questions:
If A + B means A is the father of B.
If A × B means A is the sister of B.
If A $ B means A is the wife of B.
If A % B means A is the mother of B.
If A ÷ B means A is the son of B.

Question 1: What should come in place of question mark to establish that J is brother of T in the expression?
J ÷ P % H ? T % L

a) ×

b) ÷

c) $

d) Either ÷ or ×

e) Either + or ÷

Question 2: Which of the given expressions indicates that M is daughter of D?

a) L % R $ D + T × M

b) L + R $ D + M × T

c) L % R % D + T ÷ M

d) D + L $ R + M × T

e) L $ D ÷ R % M ÷ T

Question 3: Which of the following options is true if the expression ‘I + T % J × L ÷ K’ is definitely true?

a) L is daughter of T

b) K is son-in-law of I

c) I is grandmother of L

d) T is father of J

e) J is brother of L

Question 4: Which of the following expressions is true if Y is son of X is definitely false?

a) W % L × T × Y ÷ X

b) W + L × T × Y ÷ X

c) X + L × T × Y ÷ W

d) W $ X + L + Y + T

e) W % X + T × Y ÷ L

Question 5: What should come in place of question mark to establish that T is sister-in-law of Q in the expression. R % T × P ? Q + V

a) ÷

b) %

c) ×

d) $

e) Either $ or ×


Read the following information carefully and answer the questions which follow-
If ‘p$ \bigstar$ Q’ means ‘p is the mother of Q’
If ‘p$ \times$ Q’ means ‘p is the father of Q’
If ‘p+ Q ‘P is the sister of Q’
If ‘p-Q’ means ‘p is the brother of Q’
If ‘P$\geq$Q’ means ‘p is the son of Q’
If ‘p$\leq$Q’ means ‘p is the daughter of Q’

Question 6: In the expression ‘A $\times$ B + R $\geq$ S’ how is S related to A ?

a) Daughter-in-law

b) Daughter

c) Wife

d) Sister

e) Cannot be determined

Question 7: In the expression ‘p + Q $\geq$ A-B’ how is p related to B ?

a) Daughter

b) Son

c) Niece

d) Nephew

e) Cannot be determined

Question 8: In the expression ‘W $\geq$ X $\leq$ Y $\bigstar$ Z’ how is W related to Z ?

a) Nephew

b) Uncle

c) Son

d) Brother-in-law

e) None of these

Question 9: Which of the following means p is the father of S ?

a) p$\times$ Q $\leq$ R $\bigstar$ S

b) R$\times$ P $\leq$ Q-S

c) R+ S$\geq$ Q + P

d) S+Q-R $\bigstar$ P

e) Cannot be determined

Question 10: Which of the following means D is the aunt of C ?

a) D$\geq$ B $\bigstar$ A $\bigstar$ C

b) D+B-C$\bigstar$A

c) D-B-A$\times$C

d) D+B$\times$A$\times$C

e) None of these


Read the following information carefully and answer the questions which follow-
If ‘A $\bigstar$Z’ means ‘A is the wife of Z’

If ‘A $\times$Z’ means ‘A is the husband of Z’

If ‘A+Z’ means ‘A is the sister of Z’

If ‘A¬Z’ means ‘A is the brother of Z’

If ‘A$\geq$Z’ ‘ means ‘A is the son of Z’

If ‘A$\leq$Z’ ‘ means ‘A is the daughter of Z’

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Question 11: Which of the following relations will not be true if the expression $’A\leq P \times T + F \geq L \times M’$

a) A is the daughter of T

b) F is the son of M

c) P is the son¬in¬law of L

d) A is the cousin of F

e) M is the grandmother of A

Question 12: Which of the following means N is the dughter¬in¬law of A ?

a) $ M + N \bigstar P \geq A$

b) $ N \leq M \times P+A$

c) $ M \leq N \times P \leq A$

d) $ A \times P + N \times M$

e) $A \leq N \leq \bigstar M $

Question 13: How is p related to F if ‘ $Q \times P\leq B + F $ ?

a) Daughter

b) Niece

c) Daughter¬in¬law

d) Grand daughter

e) Aunt

Question 14: Which of the following means P is the father of R ?

a) $R \geq S \leq P \bigstar J$

b) $J+R$ ¬ $S\leq P$

c) $R \geq S \bigstar P$ ¬ $J$

d) $S+J \times R \leq P$

e) None of these

Question 15: How is M related to B if A $ \bigstar B\geq Z \times S + M ‘ ? $

a) Aunt

b) Grandfather

c) Uncle

d) Cousin

e) Cannot be determined

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Read the information carefully and answer the following questions:
If A + B means A is the father of B
If A x B means A is the sister of B
If A $ B means A is the wife of B
If A % B means A is the mother of B
If A $\div$ B means A is the son of B

Question 16: What should come in place of the question mark, to establish that J is the brother of T in the expression?
J $\div$ P % H ? T % L

a) x

b) $\div$

c) $

d) Either $\div$ or x

e) Either + or $\div$

Question 17: Which among the given expression indicate that M is the daughter of D?

a) L % R $ D + T x M

b) L + R $ D + M x T

c) L % R % D + T $\div$ M

d) D + L $ R + M x T

e) L $ D $\div$ R % M $\div$ T

Question 18: Which among the following options is true if the expression ‘I + T % J x L $\div$ K’ definitely true?

a) L is the daughter of T

b) K is the son-in-law of I

c) I is the grandmother of L

d) T is the father of J

e) J is the brother of L

Question 19: Which among the following expressions is false if Y is the son of X is definitely true?

a) W % L x T x Y $\div$ X

b) W + L x T x Y $\div$ X

c) X + L x T x Y $\div$ W

d) W $ X + L + Y + T

e) W % X + T x Y $\div$ L

Question 20: What should come in the place of the question mark, to establish that T is the sister-in-law of Q in the expression?
R % T x P ? Q + V

a) $\div$

b) %

c) x

d) $

e) Either $ or x

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (A)

J ÷ P % H ? T % L

=> T is the mother of L and J is the brother of H

Now, for J to be brother of T, H must be either sister or brother of T.

=> ‘x’ is the correct symbol here.

2) Answer (B)

In option B, D + M is given, wich implies that D is the father of M.

Now, if M is a girl, then it can be established that M is the daughter of M.

M x T => M is a sister of T => M is a girl

Hence option B is correct.

3) Answer (B)

I + T % J × L ÷ K

L ÷ K => L is the son of K

J × L ÷ K => J is the daughter of K

T % J × L ÷ K => T is the wife of K

I + T % J × L ÷ K => I is the father-in-law of K

Hence B is the correct answer

4) Answer (D)

Given that Y is not a son of X.

In option A and B, Y ÷ X is given, which is wrong. Hence A and B are eliminated.

In option C, X + L x T x Y is given => X is father of Y, which is wrong. Hence C is eliminated.

Similarly E can also be eliminated.

Hence, D is the answer

5) Answer (D)

T × P ? Q

Here, T is the sister of P. So for T to be sister-in-law of Q, P must be Q’s wife. Hence the correct symbol is ‘$’.

6) Answer (C)

In, order to tackle this question, we intrepret the equation in reverse manner.
Now, $R \geq$ S means R is son of S.
B+R means B is sister of R which means S is mother of B.
Now, AxB means A is father of B, but then B is also daughter of A.
Hence, S is wife of A.
Hence, option is C.
7) Answer (C)

A-B means B is brother of A.

Q $\geq$ A means A is father of Q and Q is niece of B.

P+Q means P is sister of Q which also means P is niece of B.

Hence, the correct option is option C.
8) Answer (A)

W $\geq$ X means W is son of X.

X $\leq$ Y means X is daughter of Y.

Y $\bigstar$ Z means Y is mother of Z which means X and Z are siblings. Also, W is son of X which means Z is uncle/aunt of W and W is nephew of Z.

Hence, correct option is A.

9) Answer (A)

p$\times$ Q $\leq$ R $\bigstar$ S

Now, R $\bigstar$ S means S is son/daughter of R.

Q $\leq$ R means R is father or mother of Q. hence, S and Q are siblings.

p$\times$ Q means Q is son\daughter of P. S is son/daughter of P as S and Q are siblings. Hence S is parent to P.

Hence, the correct option is A.

10) Answer (E)

None of the options establish a relation of C being nephew of D or D being aunt of C.

Hence, none of the option is correct.

The correct option in this case is E.

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11) Answer (D)

the expression $’A\leq P \times T + F \geq L \times M’$ is intrepreted as A is daughter of P, P is husband of T, T is sister of F. Hence, T is mother of A and A is niece of T.

Therefore, correct option is D.

12) Answer (A)

$ M + N \bigstar P \geq A$, M is sister of N, N is wife of P, P is son of A. Hence, A is mother of P and N is daughter in law of A.

Hence, the correct option is A.

13) Answer (B)

$Q \times P\leq B + F $ can be intrepreted as:
Q is husband of P, P is daughter of B, B is sister of F. Hence, F is uncle/aunt of P or P is niece of F.

B is the correct option.

14) Answer (C)

$ R\geq S \bigstar P$ ¬ $J$ can be interpreted as:
R is son of S. S is wife of P, hence, R is son of P i.e P is father of R.
Hence, the correct option is C.

15) Answer (E)

Here, if we try to intrepret the relation: A $ \bigstar B\geq Z \times S + M$
B is son of Z. Z is wife of S. S is sister of M. However, anomaly is that if Z is wife of S then S is husband and male member. However it is also mentioned that S is sister. Hence, S is assumed to be female member which is in contradiction to previous designation.

Therefore, we cannot determine the relation between B and M.

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16) Answer (A)

In the expression, J ÷ P % H ? T % L

J is son of P and P is mother of H, => J is brother of H

Now, for J to be brother of T, T must be a sibling of H.

The only option available is ‘x’

After that , H is sister of T, and hence J is brother of T

Ans – (A)

17) Answer (B)

(A) : L % R $ D + T x M = L is the mother of R, who is wife of D. D is father of T, who is sister of M.

=> Gender of M is not known. M can be son/daughter of D.

(B) : L + R $ D + M x T = L is father of R, who is wife of D. D is father of M, who is sister of T.

=> M is female and hence daughter of D.

(C) L % R % D + T $\div$ M = L is mother of R, who is mother of D. D is father of T and T is son of M

=> M is wife of D

(D) D + L $ R + M x T = D is father of L, who is wife of R. R is father of M, who is sister of T.

=> M is granddaughter of D

(E) L $ D $\div$ R % M $\div$ T = L is wife of D, who is son of R. R is mother of M, who is son of T.

=> M is brother of D

Thus, Ans – (B)

18) Answer (B)

I + T % J x L $\div$ K implies I is the father of T and T is the mother of J and J is the sister of L and L is the son of K.

1) L is the son of K. So, L is male. So, (a) is incorrect

3) I is the father of T. So, I is male. So, (c) is incorrect.

4) T is the mother of J. So, T is female. So, (d) is incorrect

5) J is the sister of L. So, J is female. So, (e) is incorrect.

The correct answr is (b)

19) Answer (D)

(A) : W % L x T x Y $\div$ X = From the last part of the expression, it is clearly known that Y is son of X [ Y $\div$ X]

(B) : W + L x T x Y $\div$ X = From the last part of the expression, it is clearly known that Y is son of X [ Y $\div$ X]

(C) : X + L x T x Y $\div$ W = X is father of L, who is sister of T, who is sister of Y, and Y is son of W

=> W is the wife of X and hence Y is the son of X

(D) W $ X + L + Y + T = W is the wife of X, who is father of L, who is father of Y, who is father of T.

=> Y is the grandson of X

(E) W % X + T x Y $\div$ L = W is mother of X, who is father of T and T is sister of Y, who is son of L

=> L is the wife of X and hence Y is the son of X.

Only, in (D) the expression is false.

20) Answer (D)

In the expression, R % T x P ? Q + V

R is the mother of T and T is the sister of P.

Now, for T to be the sister in law of Q, => Q must be married to P.

The only option available for that is ‘$’

=> Now, P is wife of Q and hence T is sister-in-law of Q

Ans – (D)

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