SNAP Grammar Sentence Correction Questions PDF

Grammar Sentence Correction Questions PDF

SNAP Grammar Sentence Correction Questions PDF

Grammar Sentence Correction is an important topic in the Verbal section of the SNAP Exam. You can also download this Free Grammar Sentence Correction Questions for SNAP PDF with detailed answers by Cracku. These questions will help you practice and solve the Grammar Sentence Correction questions in the SNAP exam. Utilize this PDF practice set, which is one of the best sources for practicing.

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In each of these questions, there are three statements given as (A), (B) and (C). Find out which two or three sentences convey the same meaning. If all the three sentences are different, mark (E) as the answer,i.e., ‘’all different’.

Question 1: A. Should you need a visa you must submit an application along with your Passport and a copy of income tax returns.
B. Unless you do not submit an application along with your passport and ‘’copy of income tax returns, you will not get visa’’.
C. If you submit your application along with your passport along with your passport and a copy of income tax returns you do not need visa.

a) (A) and (B)

b) (B) and (C)

c) (A) and (C)

d) All the three

e) None of these

1) Answer (E)


A is structurally incorrect. It should have if in place of should to satisfy conditional clause requirements. Options A ,C,D are eliminated. Though B is structurally correct, it is not similar to C. Also C has logical misflow stating that After the submission of application, he doesnt need visa hence none is correct

Question 2: A. Unlike the tribals who are hard-working the urban communities cannot withstand physical strain.
B. The tribals can withstand physical strain whereas urban communities cannot.
C. Because the tribals are hard-working they can tolerate physical strain.

a) (A) and (B)

b) (B) and (C)

c) (A) and (C)

d) All the three

e) None of these

2) Answer (E)


A conveys that the tribals who are hardworking people can withstand physical strain whereas people from urban communities cannot. B states that tribals can withstand physical strain but people from urban communities cannot. However, B misses the point stating that the tribals are hardworking people. C states that tribals can withstand physical strain because they are hardworking people. All convey different meaning. E is the answer.

Question 3: A. Although the strike of transporters continues, I shall come
B. I shall come if the strike of transporters continues.
C. Even though I come the strike of transporters is going to continue.

a) (A) and (B)

b) (B) and (C)

c) (A) and (C)

d) All the three

e) None of these

3) Answer (E)


Sentence A implies that the strike is going to continue, still the author will come. B states that the author will only come if the strike continues. C states that the strike is going to continue regardless of whether the author is going to come or not. All convey different messages. Answer is E.

Question 4: A. The manager would like you to help him locate the fault.
B. If you help him locate the fault, the Manager would like you.
C. The Manager desires that you should provide him the necessary assistance to locate the fault.

a) (A) and (B)

b) (B) and (C)

c) (A) and (C)

d) All the three

e) None of these

4) Answer (C)


The sentence should mean that the manager needs our help. A says that manager likes or help. C states that the manager desires our help. But B can be eliminated as it means that manager likes us only if we helped him.


In each of these questions, two sentences are given. These two sentences are to be combined into a single sentence without changing their meaning. Three probable starters of the combined sentence are given as (A), (B) and (C). ANy one or more of none of them may be correct. Find out the correct starter(S) and accordingly select your answer among the given five answer choices.

Question 5: He always delays in taking any action. It makes others suffer a lot.
A. His taking action on time makes…
B. Others suffer a lot because of…
C. On account of his procrastination…

a) (A), (B) and (C)

b) (A) and (B) Only

c) (B) and (C) Only

d) (A) and (C) Only

e) None of these

5) Answer (C)


We can complete the sentence by using B as others suffer a lot because of his delays in action. We can complete using C as on account of his procrastination, others suffer a lot. Procrastination means prolonging . A doesnt make sense because if he does on time, others wont suffer, Hence, B, C both are correct.

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Question 6: Don’t add is much chilly powder to the soup. Consumers are only small children.
A. Because small children do not allow chilly powder…
B. Since small children do not consume more soup…
C. Adding more chilly powder to soup makes the small children like the….

a) None

b) Only (A)

c) Only (B)

d) Only (C)

e) (A) and (C) Only

6) Answer (A)


None of the sentences can be completed in a way that is consistent with the original meaning of the sentence. A is the correct answer.

Question 7: Madhuri has been consistent in her studies. Her performance in the examination was nothing else but excellent.
A. Despite being consistent in her studies…
B. Madhuri’s performance in the examination was not excellent, because…
C. Because Madhuri was only consistent and not intelligent, her performance…

a) Only (A)

b) Only (B) and (C)

c) Only (A) and (C)

d) All the three

e) None of these

7) Answer (E)


None of the sentences can be completed in such a way that is consistent with the original meaning f the sentence. The answer is E.

Question 8: The quality of the fabric was not impressive. We changed our plan of purchasing.
A. The quality of the fabric being…
B. We changed our…
C. In spite of the unimpressive

a) Only (A) and (B)

b) Only (B) and (C)

c) Only (C)

d) Only (A)

e) All the three

8) Answer (A)


A can be completed as ‘ The quality of the fabric being unimpressive made us change our plans of purchasing it.’ ; B can be completed as ‘We changed our plan of purchasing that fabric because its quality wasn’t impressive’ which are both consistent with the original meaning. Both A and B are correct. Thus A is the correct answer.

Question 9: You need two tickets ? Please stand in the queue.
A. If you need…
B. Incase you need
C. Should you need

a) Only (A) and (B)

b) Only (B) and (C)

c) Only (A) and (C)

d) All the three

e) None of these

9) Answer (A)


If and incase both are used for representing conditional clauses involving cause effect relationship or assumptions. Should cannot be used in the given context. Option A is correct.

Question 10: You must submit a copy of your ration card. Only then your application for telephone connection will be considered.
A. Unless you submit…
B. Unless your application for…
C. WIthout your application for…

a) Only A

b) Only B

c) Only C

d) Only (A) and (B)

e) None of these

10) Answer (A)


Only A is consistent with the given statements. B and C are inconsistent with the original version and hence incorrect. A is correct.

Question 11: How much you speak is less important. What is more important is how relevant you speak is….
A. How relevant you speak is
B. How much you speak is as important…
C. How relevant you speak is not as important…

a) Only A

b) Only B

c) Only C

d) All of three

e) None of these

11) Answer (A)


A can be completed as ‘How relevant you speak is more important than how much you speak’ which is consistent with the original sentence. B and C can’t be completed in a way that reflects the same meaning as the original sentence. A is the correct answer.

Question 12: The doctor says that Ramesh has lost his immunity. Therefore, he is vulnerable to any disease.
A. Ramesh’s loss of immunity
B. Because of his vulnerability to his…
C. His vulnerability to any disease…

a) Only A

b) Only B

c) Only C

d) Only (A) and (C)

e) (A) and (B) Only

12) Answer (D)


In B, the second to his leaves the sentence hanging and awkward. A can be completed as ‘ Ramesh’s loss of immunity has made him vulnerable to any disease’. B can be completed as ‘His vulnerability to any disease is caused by Ramesh’s loss of immunity’. D is right.

Question 13: You must sign your railway pass, write your name and age on it. According to the railway authorities, it becomes valid only after that.
A. To make your railway pass valid, the railway authorities should…
B. Without validating your railway pass, you cannot sign…
C. To validate your railway pass, you must…

a) Only A

b) Only B

c) Only C

d) (A) and (B)

e) (A) and (C)

13) Answer (C)


In option A, subject is railway authorities which is incorrect. B nonsensically implies that you cannot sign on your pass until its validated while its the other way around. C is correct.

Question 14: It is very cold here. You must carry warm clothes with you.
A. Since you must…
B. As it is very…
C. If it is very…

a) Only A

b) Only B

c) Only C

d) (A) and (C) Only

e) (B) and (C) Only

14) Answer (B)


Any of the connectors , as , since, can be used here The sentence can be connected as follows as it is very cold here,you must carry wam clothes.though as can be replaced with since, the following phrases are incorrect.

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