Seating Arrangement Questions for IIFT PDF

Seating Arrangement Questions for IIFT PDF
Seating Arrangement Questions for IIFT PDF

Seating Arrangement Questions for IIFT PDF

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Question 1: Six persons are playing a card game sitting around a circular table. Suresh is facing Raghubir who is to the left of Ajay and to the right of Pramod. Ajay is to the left of Dhiraj. Yogendra is to the left of Pramod. If Dhiraj exchanges his seat with Yogendra and Pramod exchanges with Raghubir, who will be sitting to the left of Dhiraj?

a) Yogendra

b) Raghubir

c) Suresh

d) Ajay

Question 2: Abraham, Border, Charlie, Dennis and Elmer and their respective wives recently dined together and were seated at a circular table. The seats were so arranged that men and women alternated and each woman was three places distant from her husband. Mrs. Charlie sat to the left of Mr. Abraham. Mrs. Elmer sat two places to the right of Mrs. Border. Who sat to the right of Mr. Abraham?

a) Mrs. Dennis

b) Mrs. Elmer

c) Mrs. Border

d) Mrs. Border or Mrs. Dennis


DIRECTIONS for the following two questions: These questions are based on the situation given below: Seven university cricket players are to be honored at a special luncheon. The players will be seated on the dais along one side of a single rectangular table. A and G have to leave the luncheon early and must be seated at the extreme right end of the table, which is closest to the exit. B will receive the Man of the Match award and must be in the center chair. C and D who are bitter rivals for the position of wicket keeper, dislike one another and should be seated as far apart as possible. E and F are best friends and want to sit together.

Question 3: Which of the following may not be seated at either end of the table?

a) C

b) D

c) G

d) F

Question 4: Which of the following pairs may not be seated together?

a) E & A

b) B & D

c) C & F

d) G & D

Question 5: In a class of 72 children, children are seated in rows and columns in such a way that the number of children in each row is 12.5% more than the number of children in each column. How many children are there in each row ?

a) 9

b) 8

c) 18

d) 12

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Question 6: 32 boys are standing in front of X in a queue. Y is standing in the 19th position from the back in the same queue.If total number of boys is 45 then the number of boys standing in between X and Y is

a) 3

b) 5

c) 6

d) 4


There are 15 students in a class who are equally distributed 5 benches forming a rectangular array of students.
Boys and Girls sit in separate benches Shravya is seated in one corner of first bench Jayant is diagonally opposite to her in the last bench.Aruna is in between Shravya and Kavya in one bench. Kavya asked the girl immediately behind her Shilpa for a pencil and Shilpa borrowed a pencil from the boy immediately behind her Anil, and gave it to Kavya Sunil is in between Anil and Jayant. After some time Shilpa goes out and Shravya sits in place of her but as Geeta did not want to sit beside Shravya Geeta swaps her place with Sweta.

Question 7: How many girls are there in the Class after Shilpa left the Class ?

a) 8

b) 5

c) 6

d) 11

Question 8: Before Shilpa left the Class how was the seating placement for Jayant and Shilpa ?

a) Jayant was exactly behind Shilpa

b) Jayant and Shilpa were diagonally opposite

c) Two students were there between Jayant and Shilpa diagonally

d) Jayant is two students behind Shilpa.

Question 9: Immediately after Shilpa left the class who is in front of Sweta ?

a) Geeta

b) Kavya

c) Aruna

d) Nobody

Question 10: Which one of the following places is vacant immediately after Shilpa left the Class ?

a) place in front of Geeta

b) place in front of Sweta

c) place in front of Anil

d) place in front of Shravya

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (C)

The correct original circular arrangement sequence in clockwise manner is Suresh, Dhiraj, Ajay, Raghuveer, Pramod, Yogendra.

So after the changes, Suresh is to the left of Dhiraj.

2) Answer (D)

Mrs. Abraham can’t be sitting next to him as per the seating arrangement. Wives sit three places away from their husbands.

Mrs. Charlie is sitting to the left of Mr. Abraham. So, she can’t be sitting to his right.

Mrs. Elenor is sitting two places to the right of Mrs. Border (and not Mrs. Charlie). So, she can’t be sitting right next to Mr. Abraham.

Mrs. Border and Mrs. Dennis are the remaining two wives and each is equally likely to to be sitting to the right of Mr. Abraham.

3) Answer (D)

_ _ _ B _ _ _

A and G will sit in 6th and 7th position from left in any order.

C and D must be as far apart as possible. Hence, they’ll sit in 1st and 5th positions from left in any order.

Hence, only A, C, D and G can sit in the corners.

Among, the given options F cannot sit in the extreme end.

4) Answer (A)

The arrangement of people is as follows: C/D F/E E/F B D/C A/G G/A

So, E and A can never sit together.

5) Answer (A)

let the number of children in each column be x.Thus, the number of children in each row is 1.125

given, total number of children=72=x(1.125x)


thus, number of children in a row=1.125x=9

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6) Answer (B)

There are 32 boys ahead of X and 26 ahead of Y. Since Y is also ahead of X, there are 31 other boys ahead of X. ie there are 5 boys between X and Y.

7) Answer (B)

The rows are assigned as girls only and boys only. Since there were 2 full rows of girls before Shilpa left, there are 5 girls remaining.

8) Answer (D)

Based on the information provided, Jayant is on the last bench – 2 places behind Shilpa.

9) Answer (C)

After Shilpa left, Geetha and Sweta swapped their places. So, Swetha was exactly behind Aruna then.

10) Answer (C)

Shilpa is seated in front of Arun. So, the position in front of Arun became vacant when she left.

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