SBI PO Reasoning Questions With Answers PDF

SBI PO Reasoning Questions With Answers PDF
SBI PO Reasoning Questions With Answers PDF

SBI PO Reasoning Questions With Answers PDF:

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SBI PO Reasoning Questions with answers pdf

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Instructions (1 – 5): Study the information and answer the following questions.

In a certain code language ‘economics is not money’ is written as ‘ka la ho ga’, ‘demand and supply economics’ is written as ‘mo ta pa ka’, ‘money makes only part’ is written as ‘zi la ne ki’ and ‘demand makes supply economics’ is written as ‘zi mo ka ta’.

Question 1: What is the code for ‘money’ in the given code language?

a) ga
b) mo
c) pa
d) ta
e) la

Question 2: What is the code for ‘supply’ in the given code language?

a) Only ta
b) Only mo
c) Either pa or mo
d) Only pa
e) Either mo or ta

Question 3: What may be the code for ‘demand only more’ in the given code language?

a) xi ne mo
b) mo zi ne
c) ki ne mo
d) mo zi ki
e) xi ka ta

Question 4: What may be the possible code for ‘work and money’ in the given code language?

a) pa ga la
b) pa la tu
c) mo la pa
d) tu la ga
e) pa la ne

Question 5: What is the code for ‘makes’ in the given code language?

a) mo
b) pa
c) ne
d) zi
e) ho

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Instructions (6 – 10): Select the related words / letters from the given alternatives.

Question 6: SHOE: NCJZ:: REWA: ?

e) None of these

Question 7: Bud: Flower:: ?

a) Clay: Mud
b) Sapling: Tree
c) River: Glacier
d) Bird: Tree
e) Paper: Book


e) None of these

Question 9: Video: Cassette:: Computer: ?

a) Reels
b) Recordings
c) Files
d) Floppy
e) CPU

Question 10: Nightingale: Warble:: Frog ?

a) Yelp
b) Croak
c) Cackle
d) Squeak
e) None of these

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Answers & Solutions for SBI PO Reasoning Questions With Answers PDF:

1) Answer (E)
Money is repeated in two sentences where la is common. So option e : la is the correct answer.

2) Answer (E)
economics is repeated in two sentences where ka is common.
So economics is ka.
demand and supply are repeated in two sentences where mo and ta are common, and can be either of them( if demand is mo then supply is ta and vice versa).
Hence option e : Either mo or ta is the correct answer.

3) Answer (A)
demand is either mo or ta
makes is repeated in two sentences where zi is common
money is la
Therefore only can be either ne or ki
So the option must have wither mo or ta , ne or ki and a new word for only.
Verifying the options with the above condition we find that option a : xi ne mo is the right answer.

4) Answer (B)
From the given information, we can establish that economics = ‘ka’, ‘money =’la’, and = ‘pa’ and makes = ‘zi’.
‘Work and money’ contain the words ‘and’ and ‘money’ => answer must have ‘pa’ and ‘la’ in it =>
Both option 1 and 2 contain them.
But in option 1, ‘ga’, which refers to either ‘is’ or ‘not’, is present. But in the given sentence,
neither of them are present. Hence option 1 is wrong.
=> option 2 is correct

5) Answer (D)
‘money makes only part’ and ‘Demand makes supply economics’ have only ‘makes’ in common.
Hence ‘zi’, which is the only common word common, is the answer.

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6) Answer (D)
The relationship between first two proportion words is SHOE and NCJZ is, N is 4 letter behind the letter S, C is 4 letters behind the letter H, J is 4 letters behind the letter O and in the circular manner, Z is also 4 letters behind the letter E
Hence, following the same pattern for REWA, we will get our answer as MZRV.
So answer will be D

7) Answer (B)
Bud means “a compact knob-like growth on a plant which develops into a leaf, flower, or shoot”
The similar meaning will be Sapling for a tree, hence, answer will be B

8) Answer (C)
First three letters of the word have been exchanged with the last three letters of the same word and remaining two letters will also exchange their positions. Similar pattern will be followed for the word “Psychotic” and answer will be “TICCHOPSY”
Hence, answer will be C

9) Answer (D)
As a cassette is used to play a video similarly floppy is used to play a video on a computer.
Hence, option D is most closely related to computer, So answer will be D

10) Answer (B)
As warble sound is related with nightingale similarly croak sound is related with frog. Hence, answer will be B

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