SBI Clerk Number Series Questions Set-3

SBI Clerk Number Series Questions Set-3
SBI Clerk Number Series Questions Set-3

SBI Clerk Number Series Questions Set-3:

Download SBI-Clerk Number Series Set-2 PDF based on previous papers very useful for SBI-Clerk Exams. Top-10 Very Important Questions for Banking Exams.

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Instructions: What should come in place of question mark (?) in the following number series?

Question 1: 36, 20, ?, 8, 6, 5

a) 10

b) 12

c) 14

d) 16

e) None of these

Question 2: 668, 656, 632, 584, ?, 296

a) 392

b) 438

c) 488

d) 536

e) None of these

Question 3: 1, 121, 441, 961, 1681, ?

a) 2701

b) 2511

c) 2611

d) 2801

e) None of these

Question 4: 9, 49, 201, 1009, ?, 20209, 80841

a) 4054

b) 4049

c) 4050

d) 4041

e) None of these

Question 5: 31, 35, 44, 60, 85, ?

a) 121

b) 111

c) 109

d) 97

e) None of these

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Instructions: What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following number series ?

Question 6: 7, 33, 137, 553, ?, 8873

a) 1217

b) 2217

c) 2117

d) 2127

e) None of these

Question 7: 8, 56, 336, 2352, 14112, ?

a) 98874

b) 98784

c) 87894

d) 84672

e) None of these

Question 8: 5963, ?, 5938, 5913, 5877, 5828

a) 5932

b) 5940

c) 5951

d) 5954

e) None of these

Question 9: 2916, 972, ?, 108, 36, 12

a) 324

b) 234

c) 248

d) 391

e) None of these

Question 10: 9, 15, 27, 45, 69, ?

a) 109

b) 99

c) 91

d) 81

e) None of these

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (B)

The pattern here followed is :

$\frac{36}{2} + 2$ = 20

$\frac{20}{2} + 2$ = 12

$\frac{12}{2} + 2$ = 8

$\frac{8}{2} + 2$ = 6

$\frac{6}{2} + 2$ = 5

2) Answer (C)

The pattern here followed is :

668 – 1 * 12 = 656

656 – 2 * 12 = 632

632 – 4 * 12 = 584

584 – 8 * 12 = 488

488 – 16 * 12 = 296

3) Answer (E)

The pattern here followed is :

$1^2$  = 1

$11^2$ = 121

$21^2$ = 441

$31^2$ = 961

$41^2$ = 1681

$51^2$ = 2601

4) Answer (D)

The pattern here followed is :

9      * 5 + 4 = 49

49     * 4 + 5 = 201

201   * 5 + 4 = 1009

1009  * 4 + 5 = 4041

4041  * 5 + 4 = 20209

20209 * 4 + 5 = 80841

5) Answer (A)

The pattern here followed is :

31 + $2^2$ = 35

35 + $3^2$ = 44

44 + $4^2$ = 60

60 + $5^2$ = 85

85 + $6^2$ = 121

6) Answer (B)

The pattern here followed is :

7 $\times$ 4 + 5 = 33

33 $\times$ 4 + 5 = 137

137 $\times$ 4 + 5 = 553

553 $\times$ 4 + 5 = 2217

2217 $\times$ 4 + 5 = 8873

7) Answer (B)

The pattern followed is :

8 $\times$ 7 = 56

56 $\times$ 6 = 336

336 $\times$ 7 = 2352

2352 $\times$ 6 = 14112

14112 $\times$ 7 = 98784

8) Answer (D)

The pattern here followed is :

5963 – $3^2$ = 5954

5954 – $4^2$ = 5938

5938 – $5^2$ = 5913

5913 – $6^2$ = 5877

5877 – $7^2$ = 5828

9) Answer (A)

The pattern here followed is :

2916 $\div$ 3 = 972

972  $\div$ 3 = 324

324  $\div$ 3 = 108

108  $\div$ 3 = 36

36   $\div$ 3 = 12

10) Answer (B)

The pattern here followed is :

9  + 6 * 1 = 15

15 + 6 * 2 = 27

27 + 6 * 3 = 45

45 + 6 * 4 = 69

69 + 6 * 5 = 99

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