RRB NTPC Statement And Conclusion Questions

RRB NTPC Statement And Conclusions Questions
RRB NTPC Statement And Conclusions Questions

RRB NTPC Statement And Conclusion Questions

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Question 1: If X is a player then X must be stout.This statement can be deduced from

a) only players are stout

b) none but the stout men are players

c) all stout men are players

d) some players are stout

Question 2: A, B and C are statements such that if both A and B are true then C is false Further A is always true Then

a) B is always false

b) if C is true then B is false

c) C is always true

d) if C is false then B is true


Assuming the statement given in each question to be true choose the inference as one of the following:
A.True B.False
C.Uncertain D.None of the options.

Question 3: Statement:m is an even integer and n is a multiple of 3.
Inference:m×n is divisible by 6

a) A

b) B

c) C

d) D

Question 4: Statement:A Jungle comprises of Animals Trees Reptiles Birds.
Inference:All Animals live in Jungle.

a) A

b) B

c) C

d) D

Question 5: Statements:A student with average intelligence can attempt aptitude questions but he should have an interest in Mathematics.
Inference:Intelligence of the Student can be assessed by his interest towards Mathematics.

a) A

b) B

c) C

d) D

Question 6: Whether all the universities in the country should start online admission at all levels with immediate effect?
i. No, since all the students may not have access to the internet easily\
ii. Yes, it may liberate the students and their parents from the long-standing problems of
knocking at the doors of different colleges and standing in queue.

a) Only argument (i) is correct

b) Only argument (ii) is correct

c) Neither argument (i) nor argument (ii) is correct

d) Both the arguments, (i) and (ii), are correct

Question 7: Should the Government make it compulsory for the private medical colleges to join the entrance test conducted by the government ?i. No, private institutions should be empowered, so that they may decide their own admission
strategy and improve their work-management.
ii. Yes, all medical institutions, whether these are private or government’s should adopt the same
entrance standard.

a) Only argument (i) is correct

b) Only argument (ii) is correct

c) Either argument (i) is correct or argument (ii) is correct

d) Neither argument (i) is correct nor argument (ii) is correct

Question 8: In this question, a passage is given followed by a statement. Read the passage carefully and judge the statement based on the given passage.Using knives and shears, a pair of Russian space walkers on Tuesday cut samples of material around a mysterious hole in a Soyuz spacecraft docked on the International Space Station that a Moscow official suggested could have been deliberately sabotaged. The 2 mm cavity on the Soyuz spaceship docked at the ISS caused an air leak detected in August, two months after the craft’s last voyage. Roscosmos space agency said the aim was to discover whether the small but dangerous hole had been made on Earth or in space, to cut away the insulation covering the hole, take out a sample of the material around it to analyse and put new insulation over the area. Roscosmos chief stated that an investigation had ruled out a manufacturing error.
The veteran cosmonauts struggled but eventually succeeded in their mission. Before this spacewalk, astronauts had only been able to examine the hole from inside the spacecraft. What made it especially hard is that the Soyuz spacecraft, unlike the ISS, was not designed to be repaired in spacewalks and has no outside railings for astronauts to hold onto.

Statement: The mysterious hole in the Soyuz spacecraft is not due to manufacturing error.
Choose the appropriate one from the following options
A – The statement is definitely true.
B – The statement is probably true.
C – The statement cannot be determined.
D – The statement is definitely false.

a) B

b) C

c) D

d) A

Question 9: In this question, a passage is given followed by a statement. Read the passage carefully and judge the statement based on the given passage.Using knives and shears, a pair of Russian space walkers on Tuesday cut samples of material around a mysterious hole in a Soyuz spacecraft docked on the International Space Station that a Moscow official suggested could have been deliberately sabotaged. The 2 mm cavity on the Soyuz spaceship docked at the ISS caused an air leak detected in August, two months after the craft’s last voyage. Roscosmos space agency said the aim was to discover whether the small but dangerous hole had been made on Earth or in space, to cut away the insulation covering the hole, take out a sample of the material around it to analyse and put new insulation over the area. Roscosmos chief stated that an investigation had ruled out a manufacturing error.
The veteran cosmonauts struggled but eventually succeeded in their mission. Before this spacewalk, astronauts had only been able to examine the hole from inside the spacecraft. What made it especially hard is that the Soyuz spacecraft, unlike the ISS, was not designed to be repaired in spacewalks and has no outside railings for astronauts to hold onto.Statement: The Soyuz spacecraft was designed to be repaired in spacewalks.Choose the appropriate one from the following options
A – The statement is definitely true.
B – The statement is probably true.
C – The statement cannot be determined.
D – The statement is definitely false.

a) B

b) D

c) A

d) C

Question 10: In this question, a statement is given followed by two conclusions numbered i and ii. You have to assume everything in the statement to be true, then consider the two conclusions together and decide which of them logically follows beyond a reasonable doubt from the information given in the statement.
Statement: Weight is directly proportional to height.

i) If weight increases, height remains the same
ii) If height increases, weight remains the same
Choose the appropriate one from the following options
(A) Only conclusion i follows
(B) Only conclusion ii follows
(C) Either i or ii follows
(D) Neither i nor ii follows and
(E) Both i and ii follow.

a) B

b) A

c) D

d) E

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Question 11: Given below is a statement followed by some conclusions. You have to take the given statement to be true even if it seems to be at variance with the commonly known facts and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follow(s) from the given statement.
Statement: According to a recent health survey, people who exercise for at least half an hour every day are less prone to lifestyle diseases.
I. Moderate exercise is essential to lead a healthy life.
II. Everyone with no exercise on their routine suffer from lifestyle diseases.

a) Only conclusion I follows

b) Only conclusion II follows

c) Both I and II follow

d) Neither of them follows

Question 12: Below are given statements. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with the commonly known facts and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements.
I. All rats are hills.
II. All hills are rivers.

a) Some rivers are rats

b) No river is a hill

c) All hills are rats

d) No river is a rat

Question 13: Given below is a statement followed by some conclusions. You have to take the given statement to be true even if it seems to be at variance with the commonly known facts and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follow(s) from the given statement.
Statement: Success cannot be achieved without hard work.
I. Every hardworking person is successful.
II. Every successful person is hardworking.

a) Only conclusion I follows

b) Only conclusion II follows

c) Both I and H follow

d) Neither of them follows

Question 14: Below are given statements followed by some conclusions. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with the commonly known facts and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follow(s) from the given statements.
A. Some fruits are vegetables.
B. All vegetables are plants.
I. Some plants are vegetables.
II. Some fruits are plants.

a) Only conclusion I follows

b) Only conclusion II follows

c) Both I and II follow

d) Neither of them follows

Question 15: Below are given statements followed by some conclusions. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with the commonly known facts and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follow(s) from the given statements.

A. All boys are monkeys.
B. Some plants are monkeys.

I. Some monkeys are boys.
II. All plants are boys.
Decide which of the below conclusions logically follows from the given statements.

a) Only conclusion I follows

b) Only conclusion II follows

c) Both I and H follow

d) Neither of them follows

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Question 16: Below are two statements. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with the commonly known facts.
I Some trees are buildings.
II All buildings are parrots.
Decide which of the below conclusions logically follows from the given statements.

a) All parrots are trees

b) All parrots are buildings

c) Some parrots are buildings

d) No parrot is a tree

Question 17: A statement followed by some conclusions are given below.
Statement: The price of pulses has increased steeply. Conclusions:
I. People cannot buy pulses.
II. Pulses have become a rare commodity.
Find which of the given conclusions logically follow from the given statement.

a) Only conclusion I follows.

b) Only conclusion II follows.

c) Both I and II follow.

d) Neither I nor II follows.

Question 18: Read the given statements carefully and answer the question.
A leading tennis star who faced media after failing a dope test said, “I don’t want to end my career this way. I hope I will be given another chance to play this game. I let the sport down.”
Which of the following is true according to the given statement?

a) He was challenging the outcome of the dope test.

b) He was confident that he was right and would continue to play.

c) He had admitted to testing positive in dope test.

d) The sport let him down.

Question 19: A statement followed by some conclusions are given below.
Statement: After landing on the moon, Neil Armstrong said “One small step for a man, a giant leap for mankind.”
I. Neil Armstrong calls himself as mankind.
II. Neil Armstrong only echoed the feeling of achievement by mankind.
Find which of the given conclusions logically follow from the given statement.

a) Only conclusion I follows.

b) Only conclusion II follows.

c) Both I and II follow.

d) Neither I nor II follows.

Question 20: Statements followed by some conclusions are given below:Statement:
1. God has distributed time equally to mankind but not money.
2. But God has compensated by giving commonsense.

I. God has not done justice to mankind in distributing money.
II. One has to use commonsense to manage money wisely. Find which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements.

a) Only conclusion I follows.

b) Only conclusion II follows.

c) Both I and II follow.

d) Neither I nor II follows.

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (B)

The conclusion can be drawn from “none but stout men are players” since it implies that all players have to be stout.

2) Answer (D)

Since A, B and C are statements such that if both A and B are true then C is false, if A is always true then B is true when C is false. hence (d) is the correct option.

3) Answer (A)


Because m is even ie divisible by 2. n is divisible by 3

So, their product is divisible by 2 x 3 ie 6.

4) Answer (B)


Just because some animals live in the jungle doesn’t imply that all animals live in the jungle.

5) Answer (B)


The first statement says that students with average intelligence can attempt aptitude questions only if they have interest in Mathematics.

The second statements says that intelligence can be measured by the student’s interest in mathematics. This contradicts the first statement as it assumes that all students with average intelligence are uninterested towards Mathematics.

6) Answer (D)

Online admissions give an advantage to students from localities with internet access. This can be argued to be a factor against fair representation of candidates from all localities. On the positive side, online admissions prevent manual effort like standing in queue, etc as the application is sent online. So, both the arguments are strong.

7) Answer (B)

Work management of the institutions is not related to the mode of admission for the students. So argument (1) is weak. Of the given options, only option B is the most suitable

8) Answer (D)

9) Answer (B)

10) Answer (D)

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11) Answer (A)

Statement: According to a recent health survey, people who exercise for at least half an hour every day are less prone to lifestyle diseases.
I. Moderate exercise is essential to lead a healthy life. – Half an hour exercise, i.e moderate exercise will help leading a healthy life.
II. Everyone with no exercise on their routine suffer from lifestyle diseases. – Exercise is not the only means for healthy lifestyle, there are other factors like diet , yoga , which is why it can not be concluded.

So , the answer would be option a)Only conclusion I follows


12) Answer (A)

The relation between rat , hills and rivers can be represented by the following diagram.

So, the answer would be option a)Some rivers are rats.

13) Answer (B)

Without hard work , a person can not be successful, while it is not necessary that every hard working person is successful.

So, the answer would be option b)Only conclusion II follows

14) Answer (C)

The relation between fruits , vegetables and plants can be represented by the following diagram.

So, the answer would be option c)Both I and II follow.

15) Answer (A)

Following two cases are possible:

case1 :


So, Some Monkeys are Boys ,is only correct conclusion.

Option A is correct choice.

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16) Answer (C)

“Some Parrots are Buildings “-  it is right conclusion.

C is correct choice.

17) Answer (D)

The price of pulses has increased steeply.

Those people, who have enough money , can buy pulses.

So, conclusion I is not right.

Statement also implies that price of pulse may be directly proportional with demand and supply of pulses.

So, conclusion II is also not right.

D is correct choice.

18) Answer (C)

He agreed to testing positive in dope test.

19) Answer (B)

Statement: After landing on the moon, Neil Armstrong said “One small step for a man, a giant leap for mankind.”
I. Neil Armstrong calls himself as mankind.

no, He set the example for mankind

II. Neil Armstrong only echoed the feeling of achievement by mankind.


so, only conclusion II is follows

20) Answer (B)

1. God has distributed time equally to mankind but not money.
2. But God has compensated by giving commonsense.

One has to use commonsense to manage money wisely.

so conclusion II is correct

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