RRB NTPC Seating Arrangement Questions

RRB NTPC Seating Arrangement Questions
RRB NTPC Seating Arrangement Questions

RRB NTPC Seating Arrangement Questions

Download the most expected seating arrangements questions for RRB NTPC exam. Most important seating arrangement questions based on asked questions in previous exam papers for RRB NTPC. These practice questions on seating arrangement  are really helpful to crack the RRB NTPC exam.

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Question 1: Read the following information carefully and answer the question given below.
Eight captains of different hockey teams— Canada, Czech Republic, Finland, Russia, Sweden, United states, Europe and North America are sitting around a circular table and are facing the center, but not necessarily in the same order. Finland captain sits third to the left of the Sweden captain. Only two people sit between the Canada captain and Europe captain. Neither the Canada captain nor Europe captain is an immediate neighbour of the Finland captain. The captain of North America sits second to the right of the United states captain. United states captain is not an immediate neighbour of the Finland captain. The Canada captain sits third to the left of the Finland captain. Captains of Russia and Czech Republic are not immediate neighbours. Russia captain sits third to the left of the United states captain.
Who among the following captains is sitting between the captain of Canada and Sweden ?

a) Finland

b) United states

c) Europe

d) North America

Question 2: Eight colleagues—J, K, L, M, N, O, P and Q are sitting around a circular table facing the center but not necessarily in the same order. Each one of them holds a different post—Inspector, Accountant, Clerk, Goods guard, Safaiwala, Trackman, Pilot and Fireman.
J sits third to the right of the Fireman, and only two people sit between the Fireman and Q. The Safaiwala and the Accountant are immediate neighbours. Neither J nor Q is a Safaiwala or an Accountant. The Safaiwala is not an immediate neighbour of the Fireman. The Inspector sits second to the left of N. N is not an immediate neighbour of Q. The Inspector is an immediate neighbour of both the Trackman and the Pilot. The Pilot sits third to the right of K. K is not the Safaiwala. L sits to the immediate right of the Clerk. J is not the Clerk. O is not an immediate neighbour of J. P is not an immediate neighbour of the Inspector.

a) J

b) N

c) P

d) Q

Question 3: Read the following information carefully and answer the question given below.
A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are 4 married couples sitting in a circle facing the center. The professions of the males within the group are Lecturer, Lawyer, Doctor and Engineer. Among the males D (the Lawyer) and H (the Engineer) are sitting together. Each man is seated beside to his wife. G, the wife of the Lecturer is seated second to the right of H, and F is seated between G and H. B, the wife of the Doctor, is seated to the immediate left of the Lawyer’s wife. C is not the doctor. E is a male, and A is a female
Who among the following is the wife of the lawyer?

a) A

b) B

c) F

d) G

Question 4: Read the following information carefully and answer the question given below.
Eight friends—J, K, L, M, N, O, P and Q are sitting around a circle facing the center. J is second to the right of P who is third to the right of K. M is second to the left of O who sits between P and J. L is not a neighbour of K or N.
Which of the following groups of persons have the first person sitting between the other two?

a) PJO

b) OPM

c) MPO

d) OPJ

Question 5: Read the following information carefully and answer the question given below.
Eight captains of different cricket teams—Australia, New Zealand, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, England, WestIndies and South Africa are sitting around a circular table and are facing the centre, but not necessarily in thesame order. Indian captain sits third to the left of the Sri Lankan captain. Only two people sit between theAustralian captain and West Indies captain. Neither the Australian captain nor West Indies captain is an immediate neighbour of the Indian captain. The captain of South Africa sits second to the right of the England captain. England captain is not an immediate neighbour of the Indian captain. The Australian captain sits third to the left of the Indian captain. Captains of Pakistan and New Zealand are not immediate neighbours. Pakistan captain sits third to the left of the England captain.
Which of the following captains sits exactly between the captain of India and West Indies?

a) Sri Lanka

b) South Africa

c) Pakistan

d) Australia

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Question 6: A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a circle facing the center. B is third to the right of F and third to theleft of H. C is fourth to the left of A. A is not an immediate neighbour of F and B. E is not an immediateneighbour of B. G is second to the right of D.
Who is to the immediate right of H?

a) E

b) A

c) F

d) G

Question 7: Six boys – A, B, C, D, E, F are standing in one row, and six girls—G, H, I, J, K, L are standing in another row in such a way that each girl faces one boy, not necessarily in the same order. G is to the immediate right of the girl who is facing E, the boy at the extreme right. Only B is between D and E. F is to the immediate left of A and to the immediate right of C. I is facing A and is to the immediate left of H. L is third to the left of J.
Which of the following boys is to the immediate left of D?

a) F

b) B

c) A

d) E

Question 8: Read the following information carefully and answer the question given below.
A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a circle facing the center. B is third to the right of F and third to the left of H. C is fourth to the left of A. A is not an immediate neighbor of F and B. E is not an immediate neighbor of B. G is second to the right of D.

a) E and D

b) H and D

c) C and E

d) C and H

Question 9: Read the following information carefully and answer the question given below.
Eight captains of different football teams—Russia, Brazil, India, Argentina, Mexico, Peru, Spain and Japan are sitting around a circular table and are facing the centre, but not necessarily in the same order. Indian captain sits third to the left of the Mexico captain. Only two people sit between the Russian captain and Spain captain. Neither the Russian captain nor Spain captain is an immediate neighbour of the Indian captain. The captain of Japan sits second to the right of the Peru captain. Peru captain is not an immediate neighbour of the Indian captain. The Russian captain sits third to the left of the Indian captain. Captains of Argentina and Brazil are not immediate neighbours. Argentina captain sits third to the left of the Peru captain.
Which of the following captains sits to the immediate right of the captain of Mexico?

a) Argentina

b) Peru

c) Russia

d) Spain

Question 10: Read the following information carefully and answer the question given below.
Aravind, Bala, Chithra, Deepa, Hari, Maha, Madhu and Abi are sitting around a circle facing the center. Bala is third to the right of Maha and third to the left of Abi. Chithra is fourth to the left of Aravind. Aravind is not an immediate neighbour of Maha and Bala. Hari is not an immediate neighbour of Bala. Madhu is second to the right of Deepa.
Who is to the immediate left of Bala?

a) Chithra

b) Deepa

c) Maha

d) Madhu

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Question 11: Read the following information carefully and answer the question given below.
Eight friends—Manoj, Ritu, Banu, Rishi, Anu, Rohan, Sonu and Akash sit in a row having chairsnumbered one to eight in ascending order from left to right. They all are facing north direction. Banu sits on the chair numbered six. There are exactly two persons between Banu and Manoj.Ritu and Akash always sit adjacent to each other. Sonu sits adjacent to neither Manoj nor Banu.
Anu never sits on a chair having an odd number on it. Neither Ritu nor Akash sits on chair numbered four. There is only one person between Rohan and Ritu. Anu sits on the right (not an immediate right) of Rishi, and Rishi never sits adjacent to Rohan.
Who among the following sits on a chair which is having an even number on it?

a) Ritu

b) Rohan

c) Manoj

d) Anu

Question 12: Read the following information carefully and answer the question given below.
J, K, L, M, N, X, Y and Z are playing a game standing in a circle facing outwards. L is neither the neighbour of J nor of Y. M is the neighbour of J but not of Z. N is the neighbour of Z and is third to the right of X. K is the neighbour of X and fourth to the left of M.
Who among the following stands third to the right of K?

a) L

b) J

c) Y

d) M

Question 13: Read the following information carefully and answer the question given below.
Eight persons— Arun, Renu, Keerthi, Balaji, Abarna, Senthil, Ajitha and Rajesh sit in a row having chairs numbered one to eight in ascending order from left to right. They all are facing north direction.
Keerthi sits on the chair numbered six. There are exactly two persons between Keerthi and Arun. Renu and Rajesh always sit adjacent to each other. Ajitha sits adjacent to neither Arun nor Keerthi. Abarna never sits on a chair having an odd number on it. Neither Renu nor Rajesh sits on chair numbered four. There is only one person between Senthil and Renu. Abarna sits on the right (not an immediate right) of Balaji, and Balaji never sits adjacent to Senthil. How many persons sit between Renu and Arun?

a) One

b) Three

c) Two

d) Four

Question 14: Read the following information carefully and answer the question given below.
Arjun, Banu, Keerthi, Deepan, Harini, Vasanth, Gayathri and Kumar are sitting around a circle
facing the center. Banu is third to the right of Vasanth and third to the left of Kumar. Keerthi is
fourth to the left of Arjun. Arjun is not an immediate neighbour of Vasanth and Banu. Harini is
not an immediate neighbour of Banu. Gayathri is second to the right of Deepan.
Who among the following is third to the left of Harini?

a) Deepan

b) Gayathri

c) Banu

d) Arjun

Question 15: Read the following information carefully and answer the question given below.
Eight Ministers —A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a circular table facing the center but not necessarily in the same order. Each one of them holds a different post—Chief Minister, Home Minister, Prime Minister, Tourism Minister, Transport Minister, Defence Minister, Health Minister and Education Minister.
A sits third to the right of the Education Minister, and only two people sit between the Education Minister and H. The Transport Minister and the Home Minister are immediate neighbours. Neither A nor H is a Transport Minister or a Home Minister. The Transport Minister is not an immediate neighbour of the Education Minister. The Chief Minister sits second to the left of E. E is not an immediate neighbour of H. The Chief Minister is an immediate neighbour of both the Defence Minister and the Health Minister. The Health Minister sits third to the right of B. B is not the Transport Minister. C sits to the immediate right of the Prime Minister. A is not the Prime Minister. F is not an immediate neighbour of A. G is not an immediate neighbour of the Chief Minister.
Who among the following is the Education Minister?

a) G

b) C

c) A

d) B

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Question 16: Read the following information carefully and answer the question given below.
Seven persons—A, B, C, D, E, F and G are sitting along a circle facing the centre. A is between G and D. C is second to the right of D and is between B and F. B is not the neighbour of E.
Who among the following sits fourth to the right of A?

a) E

b) F

c) G

d) C

Question 17: Read the following information carefully and answer the question given below.
Five friends Arun, Bala, Cheenu, Dinesh and Elango are sitting on a bench facing north. Arun is sitting next to Bala. Dinesh is sitting next to Cheenu. Dinesh is not sitting with Elango. Elango is on the left end of the bench. Cheenu is on the second position from the right. Arun sits to the right of Bala. What is the position of Dinesh?

a) Second from left

b) Third from right

c) Extreme left

d) Extreme right

Question 18: Read the following information carefully and answer the question given below.
Eight captains of different volleyball teams—Iran, Germany, Romania, Serbia, Tunisia, China, Brazil and Cuba are sitting around a circular table and are facing the centre, but not necessarily in the same order. Romanian captain sits third to the left of the Tunisian captain. Only two people sit between the Iran captain and Brazil captain. Neither the Iran captain nor Brazil captain is an immediate neighbour of the Romanian captain. The captain of Cuba sits second to the right of the China captain. China captain is not an immediate neighbour of the Romanian captain. The Iran captain sits third to the left of the Romanian captain. Captains of Serbia and Germany are not immediate neighbours. Serbia captain sits third to the left of the China captain.
How many persons are sitting between the captain of China and Romania in clockwise direction?

a) Two

b) Four

c) Five

d) Three

Question 19: Read the following information carefully and answer the question given below.
Eight friends— A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a circular table facing the centre. Each one of them likes different brands of car—Swift, Indica, Polo, Volvo, Audi, BMW, Maruti and Kwid, but not necessarily in the same order.
A sits third to the right of the person who likes Kwid. A does not like Polo. E is not an immediate neighbour of H. C sits on the immediate right of the person who likes Polo. Neither A nor H likes Audi or a Indica. The person who likes Audi is not an immediate neighbour of the person who likes Kwid. The person who likes Swift sits second to the left of E. The person who likes Swift is an immediate neighbour of the both persons who like BMW and Maruti. Person who likes Maruti sits third to the right of B. B does not like Audi. F is not an immediate neighbour of A. G is not an immediate neighbour of the person who likes Swift. Only two people sit between the person who likes Maruti and H. The persons who like Audi and the Indica are immediate neighbours of each other.
Which of the following is TRUE with respect to the given seating arrangement?

a) The persons who like BMW and Indica are immediate neighbours to each other

b) E sits to the immediate left of the person who likes Kwid

c) F and D are immediate neighbours to each other

d) G sits second to the right of D

Question 20: Read the following information carefully and answer the question given below.
Eight friends— A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a square table in such a way that four of them sit at four corners of the square while four sit in the middle of each of the four sides. The ones who sit at the four corners face the center while those who sit in the middle of the sides face outside.
A, who faces the center, sits third to the right of F. E, who faces the center, is not an immediate neighbour of F. Only one person sits between F and G. D sits second to the right of B. B faces the center. C is not an immediate neighbour of A.
Who among the following sits opposite to A?

a) B

b) E

c) F

d) D

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (B)

2) Answer (A)

3) Answer (A)

D – Lawyer

A – Lawyer’s wife

E- Doctor

B – Doctor’s wife

C – Lecturer

G- Lecturer’s wife

H- Engineer

D – Engineer’s wife

so, A is the wife of the lawyer

4) Answer (D)



so only one place left for L

5) Answer (C)

6) Answer (A)

E immediate right of H

7) Answer (C)

8) Answer (C)

9) Answer (B)

Peru captains sits to the immediate right of the captain of Mexico as shown in figure.

10) Answer (B)

All are facing centre

so,Deepa  is immediate left of Bala

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11) Answer (D)

12) Answer (A)

13) Answer (B)

14) Answer (B)

15) Answer (B)

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16) Answer (B)

step 1 : A is between G and D.

step 2 : C is second to the right of D and is between B and F. B is not the neighbour of E.

step 3 :

F sits fourth to the right of A

17) Answer (D)

step 1 : Elango is on the left end of the bench

step 2 : Cheenu is on the second position from the right.

step 3 : Arun is sitting next to Bala. Arun sits to the right of Bala.

step 4 : Dinesh is sitting next to Cheenu. Dinesh is not sitting with Elango

position of Dinesh is extreme right end

18) Answer (D)

19) Answer (C)

20) Answer (D)

1. A who faces center sits third to the right of F.

2. E faces center but is not an immediate neighbor of A .

3. Only one person sits between F and G.

CASE 1  :

CASE 2 :

4. B faces center

CASE 1 (A) :

CASE 1 (B) :

CASE  2 (A) :

CASE 2 (B) :

5. D sits second to the right of B, So CASE 1(B) AND 2 (A) are not possible

6. C is not an immediate neighbor of A , so CASE 2(B) is not possible

D sits opposite to A

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