Reasoning ability questions for SBI Clerk exam – Coding and Decoding

Coding Decoding Questions for SBI Clerk
Coding Decoding Questions for SBI Clerk

Coding and Decoding comes in the reasoning ability section of SBI Clerk prelims exam. Most of these questions are easy and takes less time to solve with. So practice more coding and decoding bank clerk questions.

Reasoning ability questions for SBI Clerk exam – Coding and decoding:

75 SBI Clerk Mocks & Sectionals – Rs. 360

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Instructions (1-5):

Study the information to answer the given questions ?
In a certain code
‘very large risk associated’ is written as ‘nu ta ro gi’’
‘risk is very low’ is written as ‘gi se nu mi’,
‘is that also associated’ is written as ‘ta mi po fu’,
‘inherent risk also damaging’ is written as ‘fu nu di yu’,
(All codes are two letter codes only)

Question 1:

Which of the following represents ‘risk also large’ ?

a) nu fu po
b) nu gi ro
c) ro po ta
d) fu nu ro
e)ro yu fu

Question 2:

What is the code for ‘very’ ?

a) ta
b) fu
c) ro
d) nu

SBI Clerk Previous question Papers

Question 3:

What is the code for ‘associated’ ?

a) mi
b) ta
c) ro
d) gi

Question 4:

What does the code ‘di’ stand for ?

a) Either ‘damaging’ or ‘inherent’
b) inherent
c) also
d) low

Question 5:

Which of the following represents ‘that is low’ ?

a) po mi du
b) se po mi
c) ta mi po
d) se po nu
e)ta mi se

Solutions 1 to 5 

1) Answer (d)

From the intersection of the first two information, we can conclude that “nu” and “gi” will either “Risk” or “very”.
From the intersection of the first and third information, we can conclude that “ta” will mean “associated”.
From the intersection of first and fourth information, “nu” will mean “risk” and hence, “gi” will mean “Very”
“ro” will be “large” and “fu” means also
Hence, answer will be D

2) Answer (e)

From the intersection of the first two information, we can conclude that “nu” and “gi” will either “Risk” or “very”.
From the intersection of the first and third information, we can conclude that “ta” will mean “associated”.
From the intersection of first and fourth information, “nu” will mean “risk” and hence, “gi” will mean “Very”

3) Answer (b)

From the intersection of the first two information, we can conclude that “nu” and “gi” will either “Risk” or “very”.
From the intersection of the first and third information, we can conclude that “ta” will mean “associated”.
Hence, answer will be “B”

4) Answer (a)

From the intersection of the first two information, we can conclude that “nu” and “gi” will either “Risk” or “very”.
From the intersection of the first and third information, we can conclude that “ta” will mean “associated”.
From the intersection of first and fourth information, “nu” will mean “risk” and hence, “gi” will mean “Very”
“ro” will be “large” and “fu” means also
Now for the fourth information, there will be no intersection for the word damaging and inherent. Hence, code “di” either will be “damaging” or “inherent”.

5) Answer (b)

From the intersection of the first two information, we can conclude that “nu” and “gi” will either “Risk” or “very”.

From the intersection of the first and third information, we can conclude that “ta” will mean “associated”.

From the intersection of first and fourth information, “nu” will mean “risk” and hence, “gi” will mean “Very”

“ro” will be “large” and “fu” means “also”

“se” will be “low” and “po” will be “that”

Hence, answer will be B

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