Ratio and Proportion Questions for IBPS PO PDF

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ratio and proportion questions for ibps po pdf

Ratio and Proportion Questions for IBPS PO PDF

Download important Ratio and Proportion Questions PDF based on previously asked questions in IBPS PO and other MBA exams. Practice Ration and Proportion questions and answers for IBPS PO exam.

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Directions: Study the information carefully to answer these questions.

In a team, there are 240 members (males and females). Two-thirds of them are males. Fifteen per cent of males are graduates. Remaining males are non-graduates. Three-fourths of the females are graduates. Remaining females are non-graduates.

Question 1: What is the absolute difference between the number of females who are non-graduates and the number of males who are graduates?

a) 2

b) 24

c) 4

d) 116

e) 36

Question 2: What is the sum of the number of females who are graduates and the number of males who are non-graduates?

a) 184

b) 96

c) 156

d) 84

e) 196

Question 3: What is the ratio of the total number of males to the number of females who are non-graduates?

a) 6 : 1

b) 8 : 1

c) 8 : 3

d) 5 : 2

e) 7 : 2

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Question 4: The ratio of the present age of Manisha and Deepali is 5 : X. Manisha is 9 years younger than Parineeta. Parineeta’s age after 9 years will be 33 years. The difference between Deepali’s and Manisha’s age is the same as the present age of Parineeta. What should come in place of X?

a) 23

b) 39

c) 15

d) Cannot be determined

e) None of these

Question 5: The average marks in English of a class of 24 students is 56. If the marks of three students were misread as 44, 45 and 61 in lieu of the actual marks 48, 59 and 67 respectively, then what would be the correct average?

a) 56.5

b) 59

c) 57.5

d) 58

e) None of these

Question 6: In an enterance examination, Ritu scored 56 percent marks, Smita scored 92 percent marks and Rina scored 634 marks. The maximum marks of the examination is 875. What is the average marks scored by all the three girls together?

a) 1929

b) 815

c) 690

d) 643

e) None of these

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Question 7: A certain amount was to be distributed among A, B and C in the ratio 2 : 3 : 4 respectively, but was erroneously distributed in the ratio 7 : 2 : 5 respectively. As a result of this, B got Rs.40 Less. What is the amount?

a) Rs.210

b) Rs.270

c) Rs.230

d) Rs.280

e) None of these

Question 8: Rs.73,689 are divided between A and B in the ratio of 4 : 7. What is the difference between thrice the share of A and twice of the share of B?

a) Rs.36,699

b) Rs.46,893

c) Rs.20,097

d) Rs.26,796

e) Rs.13,398

Question 9: A mixture of 150 L of wine and water contains 20% water. How many litres of water must be added so that water may be 25% of the mixture?

a) 12 L

b) 8 L

c) 10 L

d) 6 L

e) None of these

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Question 10: Present age of a father is 3 times the present age of his son. 4 years later father’s age is 13 more than 2 times of his son’s age. What is present age of father?

a) 54

b) 53

c) 51

d) 63

e) 52

Question 11: 52% students from a college participated in a survey. What is the respective ratio between the numbers of students who did not participate in the
survey to the numbers of students who participated ?

a) 11:13

b) 12:13

c) 12:17

d) Cannot be determind

e) None of these


Study the following table and answer the questions that follow:

Question 12: What is the average number of females specializing in HRM from all the colleges together ?

a) 30

b) 45

c) 50

d) 55

e) None of these

Question 13: The total number of males in college L are approximately what percent of total females from the same college ?

a) 10

b) 30

c) 50

d) 110

e) 70

Question 14: What is the respective ratio between the total numbers of students specializing in Economics from college P and the total number of students
specializing in Psychology from the same college ?

a) 29:31

b) 25:34

c) 28:39

d) 25:39

e) None of these

Question 15: The total number of females specializing in Political Science from college K,N and P together are approximately what percent of the males
specializing in the same field from the same colleges ?

a) 210

b) 90

c) 190

d) 150

e) 110

Question 16: How many students are there in college M from all the specializations together ?

a) 574

b) 576

c) 572

d) 568

e) None of these

Question 17: 28% members of a certain group are married. What is the respective ratio between the number of married members to the number of unmarried members ?

a) 7:17

b) 5:18

c) 7:18

d) Cannot be determined

e) None of these

Question 18: If the numerator of a certain fraction increased by 200% and the denominator is increased by 150% the new fraction thus formed is $\frac{9}{10}$. What is the original fraction ?

a) $\frac{3}{4}$

b) $\frac{1}{4}$

c) $\frac{3}{5}$

d) $\frac{2}{5}$

e) None of these

Question 19: Yesterday Priti typed an essay of 5000 words at speed of 60 words per minute. Today she typed the same essay faster and her speed was 15% more than yesterday. What is the approximate difference in the time she took to type yesterday and the time she took to type today?

a) 20 minutes

b) 30 minutes

c) 10 minutes

d) 40 minutes

e) 1 hour

Question 20: The age of the father is 30 years more than the son’s age.Ten years hence the father’s age will become three times the son’s age that time.What is the son’s present age in years?

a) Eight

b) Seven

c) Five

d) Cannot be determined

e) None of these

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (C)

Total members = 240

Total males = 160

Total Females = 80

15% of males are graduates => 24 male graduates

75% of females are graduates => 60 female graduates

Absolute Difference between number of females who are non-graduates and number of males who are graduates = 24 – 20 = 4

2) Answer (E)

Total members = 240

Total males = 160

Total Females = 80

15% of males are graduates => 24 male graduates => 136 male non-graduates

75% of females are graduates => 60 female graduates => 20 female non-graduates

=> sum of the number of females who are graduates and the number of males who are non-graduates = 136 + 60 = 196

3) Answer (B)

Total members = 240

Total males = 160

Total Females = 80

15% of males are graduates => 24 male graduates => 136 male non-graduates

75% of females are graduates => 60 female graduates => 20 female non-graduates

Ratio of total number of males to number of female non-graduates = 160 : 20 = 8 : 1

4) Answer (E)

Parineeta’s present age = 33 – 9 = 24 yrs.
Manisha’s present age = 24 – 9 = 15yrs
Difference between Manisha and Deepali’s prresent ages = Parineeta’s present age
Deepali’s present age = Parineeta’s present age + Manisha’s present age = 24 + 15 = 39 yrs.
Ratio of the present age of Manisha and Deepali = 15 : 39 = 5 : 13
x = 13

5) Answer (E)

Total marks = 24 x 56 = 1344
Sum of actual marks = 1344 – (44 + 45 + 61) + (48 + 59 + 67) = 1368
Actual Average = $\frac{1368}{24}$ = 57

6) Answer (D)

Ritu’s marks = 56% of 875 = $\frac{56}{100}$ = 490

Smita’s marks = 92% of 875 = $\frac{92}{100}$ = 805

Rina’s marks = 634

Total marks = 1929

Average = $\frac{490 + 805 + 634}{3}$ = $\frac{1929}{3}$ = 643

7) Answer (A)

Let the amount be x
If the amount is divided into 9 parts , each part = $\frac{x}{9}$
B’s supposed amount = 3 x $\frac{x}{9}$ = $\frac{x}{3}$
But B’s actual amount = 2 x $\frac{x}{14}$ = $\frac{x}{7}$
$\frac{x}{3}$ – $\frac{x}{7}$ = 40
x = 210

8) Answer (E)

Share of A = $\frac{4}{11}$ x 73689 = 26796
Thrice share of A = 80388
Share of B = $\frac{7}{11}$ x 73689 = 46893
Twice the share of B = 93786
Difference = 13398

9) Answer (C)

The mixture contains 20% water and 80% of wine.
By the rule of allegation, Ratio of wine : water = 75 : 5 = 15 : 1
For 15 L wine, 1 L water is to be added.
∴ For 150 L wine,$\frac{(150*1)}{15}=10$ L to be added.

10) Answer (C)

let’s say present age of son is x, hence father’s age will be 3x
4 years later, (x+4)*2 +13 = 3x+4 ; x=17 and 3x=51

11) Answer (B)

Let x be the total number of students.

52% of the students participated i.e .52x students participated.

48% of the students did not participate i.e .48x students did not participate.

Hence the ratio of students who did not participate to the students who participated is $\frac{.48x}{.52x}$ = $\frac{12}{13}$

12) Answer (C)

The average of all the females studying HRM in different colleges = [36+58+85+54+47+20]/6 = $\frac{300}{6}$ =50

13) Answer (E)

Total number of males in college L = 62+34+15+18+56+58= 243

Total number of females in college L = 65+14+58+56+65+86=344

Now, for percent of male of total females = 243/344 * 100 = 70%

14) Answer (E)

Total number of students specializing in economics in college P = 87

Total number of students specializing in physchology in college P = 117

Ratio = 87/117

15) Answer (E)

The required percent = (Number of females/Number of males)*10 = (57+79+24)/(56+86+35)*100=(177/166)*100=110

16) Answer (C)

Total number of student is addition of all the students doing all the specialization = 18+28+67+25+26+85+25+35+64+85= 572

17) Answer (C)

Let total number of members be T.

The number of married number if percent is 28% = .28T

Hence, percent of unmarried members = (100-28)%=72%

And the number = .72T

The ratio of married to unmarried= .28/.72 = $\frac{7}{18}$

18) Answer (A)

Let numerator be x and denominator be y.

If numerator is increased by 200% it becomes 3x and if numerator is increased by 150% it becomes 2.5y

Now the new fraction is 9/10.

Hence, (3x/2.5y)=(9/10) which gives $\frac{x}{y}$=$\frac{3}{4}$

19) Answer (C)

The time taken by her to type 5000 words essay at a speed of 60words/min = 5000/60=83.33
Now when the speef is increased by 15%, the new speed = 69 words/min|
Time taken by her to type 5000 words essay with this speed = 5000/69 = 72.46
Time difference ~ 10 minutes

20) Answer (C)

Let the son age be x and fathers age be y.

The solution is obtained by solving two simultaneous equations as per given conditions,

x=y+10 and x+10=3(y+10)

Hence, y = 5


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