Profit and Loss Questions for Railway Group-D and RRB ALP

Profit and Loss Questions for Railway Group-D and RRB ALP
Profit and Loss Questions for Railway Group-D and RRB ALP

Profit and Loss Questions for Railway Group-D and RRB ALP:

Railway profit and loss questions and answers. RRB ALP and railway group-D aptitude test with solutions and practice exercises on profit, loss and discount.

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Question 1: A farmer buys 6 litres of water at Rs. 10/litre and 4 litres of milk at Rs. 25/litre. He sells the mixture at a profit of 25%. What is the selling price of a litre of the mixture?

a) Rs. 25
b) Rs. 24
c) Rs. 20
d) Rs. 15

Question 2: In what ratio should Ramu mix water, costing Rs. 10/litre, and milk, costing Rs. 25/litre, so that by selling the solution at Rs. 26/litre he makes a profit of 30%

a) 1:2
b) 2:3
c) 3:2
d) 2:1

Question 3: Ajay bought two scooters at the same price. He sold one at a profit of 10% and the other at a loss of 10%. If he made a total of Rs. 30000 from the sales, what was the cost price of each scooter?

a) Rs. 15000
b) Rs. 14850
c) Rs. 15150
d) None of these

Question 4: A person bought a 100% alcohol spirit at Rs. 100/litre and added some tap water to it. If he made a profit of 50% by selling the solution at Rs. 120/litre, what is the ratio of alcohol to water in the solution sold?

a) 5 : 1
b) 4 : 1
c) 1 : 5
d) None of these

Question 5: Himanshu buys 100 shares of ABC corp at Rs 512 and sells them at 12% profit to Hemant. If Hemant sells the same shares at 25% loss what is his selling price?

a) 430.08
b) 445.44
c) 563.2
d) 716.8

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Question 6: Ashish buys 100 shares of Apple corp at 500 per share. If the company issues a dividend of 10 rupees per share during Ashish’s holding period and he sells the shares at 550 per share, what is the total profit made by Ashish?

a) 10%
b) 12%
c) 15%
d) None of the above

Question 7: The cost price of a pen is Rs. 20. A merchant sells the first pen for Rs. 2, second pen for Rs.4, third pen for Rs.6 and so on. What is the number of pens he should sell to make an overall profit of 20%?

a) 20
b) 21
c) 22
d) 23

Question 8: If the cost price of 12 shirts is equal to the selling price of 16 shirts, what is profit/loss?

a) 33% loss
b) 33% profit
c) 25% loss
d) 25% profit

Question 9: A trader sells oil at a loss of 1% but weighs 900 grams in place of a kg. What is his net loss/gain?

a) 10% gain
b) 9% gain
c) 8.88% gain
d) None of these

Question 10: A person bought two articles for a total price of Rs. 1000. He sold the first one at a profit of 20% and the second one at a loss of 80% and made no profit/loss in the end. What is the cost price of the articles?

a) 840, 160
b) 960, 40
c) 800, 200
d) 750, 250

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Solutions for Profit and Loss Questions for Railway Group-D and RRB ALP:


1) Answer (C)

Cost price of a litre of the mixture is (10*6+4*25)/10 = Rs. 16/litre So, selling price of a litre of the mixture is 16*125% = Rs. 20/litre

2) Answer (A)

The selling price of the solution is 26/130% = Rs. 20 If the required ratio is x:1, 10x + 25 = 20*(x+1) or x=1/2

3) Answer (A)

X*90% +X*110% = 30000.
So, X = Rs. 15000

4) Answer (B)

Cost price of the solution sold is 120/ 150% = Rs. 80. % of alcohol in the solution sold is 80%. So ratio of alcohol to water is 80:20 = 4 : 1

5) Answer (A)

Cost price of the shares for Hemant is 512*112% = 573.44
So, selling price of the shares by Hemant is 573.44*0.75 = 430.08

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6) Answer (B)

Total profit per share = (550+10)/500 -1=560/500-1=1.12-1=12%

7) Answer (D)

The total selling price of n pens is 2+4+ . . . +2n = n*(n+1)
The total cost price is 20n
So, n(n+1)= 120%*20n.
Or, n+1=24 and n=23

8) Answer (C)

If cost price of a shirt is Rs. X, selling price of 16 shirts is Rs. 12X.
So, selling price of a shirt is Rs. 0.75 X.
So, loss per shirt is 25%

9) Answer (A)

Let the cost price of 1 kilo gram oil be Rs. 1000.
As, the trader sells 900 grams oil for Rs. 990, the profit percentage is (990-900)/900 = 10%

10) Answer (C)

X + Y = 1000 1.2X + 0.2Y = 1000 X = 800, Y = 200.

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