Para Jumbles Quiz for CAT

Para jumbles Quiz for CAT
Para jumbles Quiz for CAT

Para Jumbles Quiz for CAT

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Question 1: Choose the most logical order of sentences among the given choices to construct a coherent paragraph.
A. A few months ago I went to Princeton University to see what the young people who are going to be running our country in a few decades are like.
B. I would go to sleep in my hotel room around midnight each night, and when I awoke, my mailbox would be full of replies—sent at 1:15 a.m., 2:59 a.m., 3:23 a.m.
C. One senior told me that she went to bed around two and woke up each morning at seven; she could afford that much rest because she had learned to supplement her full day of work by studying in her sleep.
D. Faculty members gave me the names of a few dozen articulate students, and I sent them e mails, inviting them out to lunch or dinner in small groups.
E. As she was falling asleep she would recite a math problem or a paper topic to herself; she would then sometimes dream about it, and when she woke up, the problem might be solved.





Question 2: 1.For many scientists, oceans are the cradle of life.
A. But all over the world, chemical products and nuclear waste continue to be dumped into them.
B. Coral reefs, which are known to be the most beautiful places of the submarine world, are fast disappearing.
C. The result is that many species of fish die because of this pollution.
D. Of course man is the root cause behind these problems.
6. Man has long since ruined the places he visits — continents and oceans alike.





Question 3: Choose the most logical order of sentences among the given choices to construct a coherent paragraph.
A. Surrendered, or captured, combatants cannot be incarcerated in razor wire cages; this ‘war’ has a dubious legality.
B. How can then one characterize a conflict to be waged against a phenomenon as war?
C. The phrase ‘war against terror’, which has passed into the common lexicon, is a huge misnomer.
D. Besides, war has a juridical meaning in international law, which has codified the laws of war, imbuing them with a humanitarian content.
E.Terror is a phenomenon, not an entity—either State or non-State.





Question 4: Select the correct sequence of the four sentences given below.
A. By intelligence we mean a style of life, a way of behaving in various situations, and particularly in new, strange and perplexing situations.
B. When we talk about intelligence, we do not mean the ability to get a good score on a certain kind of test, or even the ability to do well at school.
C. The true test of intelligence is not how to do, but how we behave when we don’t know what to do.
D. These are at best only indicators of something large, deeper and far more important.





Question 5: Choose the most logical order of sentences among the given choices to construct a coherent paragraph.
A.To avoid this, the QWERTY layout put the keys most likely to be hit in rapid succession on opposite sides. This made the keyboard slow, the story goes, but that was the idea.
B. A different layout, which had been patented by August Dvorak in 1936, was shown to be much faster.
C. The QWERTY design (patented by Christopher Sholes in 1868 and sold to Remington in 1873) aimed to solve a mechanical problem of early typewriters.
D.Yet the Dvorak layout has never been widely adopted, even though (with electric typewriters and then PCs) the anti-jamming rational for QWERTY has been defunct for years.
E. When certain combinations of keys were struck quickly, the type bars often jammed.





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Question 6: The sentences given in each question, when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Each sentence is labelled with a letter. Choose the most logical order of sentences from among the given choices to construct a coherent paragraph.
A. Having a strategy is a matter of discipline.
B. It involves the configuration of a tailored value chain that enables a company to offer unique value.
C. It requires a strong focus on profitability and a willingness to make tough tradeoffs in choosing what not to do.
D. Strategy goes far beyond the pursuit of best practices.
E. A company must stay the course even during times of upheaval, while constantly improving and extending its distinctive positioning.
F. When a company’s activities fit together as a self-reinforcing system, any competitor wishing to imitate a strategy must replicate the whole system.





Question 7: Choose the most logical order of sentences from among the given choices to construct a coherent paragraph?
A. He felt justified in bypassing Congress altogether on a variety of moves.
B. At times he was fighting the entire Congress.
C. Bush felt he had a mission to restore power to the presidency.
D. Bush was not fighting just the democrats.
E. Representatives democracy is a messy business, and a CEO of the white House does not like a legislature of second guessers and time wasters.





Question 8: Choose the most logical order of sentences from among the given choices to construct a coherent paragraph.
A. The situations in which violence occurs and the nature of that violence tends to be clearly defined at least in theory, as in the proverbial Irishman’s question: “Is this a private fight or can anyone join in?”
B. So the actual risk to outsiders, though no doubt higher than our societies, is calculable.
C. Probably the only uncontrolled applications of force are those of social superiors to social inferiors and even here there are probably some rules.
D. However, binding the obligation to kill, members of feuding families engaged in mutual massacre will be genuinely appalled if by some mischance a bystander or outsider is killed.





Question 9: Choose the most logical order of sentences from among the given choices to construct a coherent paragraph.
A. Although there are large regional variations, it is not infrequent to find a large number of people sitting here and there and doing nothing.
B. Once in office, they receive friends and relatives who feel free to call any time without prior appointment.
C. While working, one is struck by the slow and clumsy actions and reactions, indifferent attitudes, procedure rather than outcome orientation, and the lack of consideration for others.
D. Even those who are employed often come late to the office and leave early unless they are forced to be punctual.
E. Work is not intrinsically valued in India.
F. Quite often people visit ailing friends and relatives or go out of their way to help them in their personal matters even during office hours.






The sentences given in the question, when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Each sentence is labeled with a letter. Choose the most logical order of sentences from among the given choices to construct a coherent paragraph.

Question 10: The sentences given in each question, when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Each sentence is labeled with a letter. Choose the most logical order of sentences from among the given choices to construct a coherent paragraph.
(A) Similarly, turning to caste, even though being lower caste is undoubtedly a separate cause of disparity, its impact is all the greater when the lower-caste families also happen to be poor.
(B) Belonging to a privileged class can help a woman to overcome many barriers that obstruct women from less thriving classes.
(C) It is the interactive presence of these two kinds of deprivation – being low class and being female – that massively impoverishes women from the less privileged classes.
(D) A congruence of class deprivation and gender discrimination can blight the lives of poorer women very severely.
(E) Gender is certainly a contributor to societal inequality, but it does not act independently ofclass.





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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (C)

A is the best opening sentence. It introduces the author’s trip to Princeton University.
This is followed by D, which talks about how the author prepared for his trip by gathering the email ids of a few Princeton students.
B then follows and describes what happened when the author emailed the students of Princeton.
The situation is then explained in sentence C and followed by sentence E.

2) Answer (A)

Option A starts the issue by highlighting the damage done to oceans. Option C highlights the consequences. Option B further extends the issue by highlighting the damage done to Coral Reefs. Option D concludes the sentence. hence the correct sequence is ACBD.

3) Answer (D)

C opens the paragraph brilliantly. E follows C and explains why the phrase “war on terror” is a misnomer. B continues the explanation started in E. D then follows, and gives another reason why the phrase doesn’t hold water. A concludes the paragraph aptly.

4) Answer (A)

The best opening sentence is B. It introduces the topic of the paragraph – intelligence. This is followed by D. The word ‘these’ in sentence D refers to the tests in sentence B. Next is sentence A, which talks about what intelligence actually means. The concluding sentence is C. The correct order of sentences is BDAC.

5) Answer (B)

C is the best opening sentence. It says that the Qwerty keyboard was designed for solving a specific problem. E follows and talks about what that problem is. This is followed by A which talks about how the Qwerty design solved this problem. It also talks about the shortcoming of the Qwerty design. This is followed by B which talks about a different design which tried to solve the same problem.
The last sentence is D, which says the second design was never widely adopted even though, with the advent of electrical typewriters and PCs, the original problem of the typrewriters ceased to be a problem anymore.

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6) Answer (A)

A introduces the main idea of the para – having a strategy.

C and E extend this idea in that order. So, ACE is a sequence.

DB is a mandatory pair. The ‘it’ in sentence B refers to ‘the strategy’ in sentence D.

F is the concluding sentence.

So, the correct order of sentences is ACEDBF.

7) Answer (D)

Among given sentences E seems most perfect starting sentences as it introduces the topic and othe options take it forward. Also statement B should follow D thus wehave DB as the pair. Option D is the only option which fulfils these requirements.

8) Answer (B)

A is the best opening sentence. It talks about the nature of violence being clearly defined. This is followed by C, which talks about an exception to the theory mentioned in A. C is followed by D and B is the best concluding statement. The correct order of sentences is, therefore, ACDB.

9) Answer (A)

E is the best opening sentence. It introduces the main idea of the passage. C continues the idea introduced by E. A follows by talking about people who laze around and do nothing. This is followed by D which talks about people who work. This statement is followed by further description in statements B and F. The correct order of sentences is ECADBF.

10) Answer (B)

EB pair is clearly a link as E says inequality is dependent on class and B takes it forward. Thus we have option B and option C. Out of these link DCA is in logical sequence. Hence option B.

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