Para Jumble Questions For SSC GD PDF Set – 3

Para Jumble Questions For SSC GD PDF Set - 3
Para Jumble Questions For SSC GD PDF Set - 3

Para Jumble Questions For SSC GD Set – 3

SSC GD Constable Para Jumble Question and Answers download PDF based on previous year question paper of SSC GD exam. 40 Very important Para Jumble questions for GD Constable.





A sentence is broken into 4 parts. The first part is fixed and the remaining 3 parts are jumbled. Select the option that captures the order in which the parts should be rearranged to form a meaningful sentence.

Question 1: A strong fleet was indeed necessary, A-at last decided on making
B-for the French king had
C-a serious attack in the Channel

a) ACB

b) CBA

c) BCA

d) BAC

Question 2: A curious custom of mediæval origin A-on the festival of the Epiphany
B-is observed at the Chapel Royal,
C-St. James’s Palace,

a) ACB

b) CBA

c) BCA

d) BAC

Question 3: Whether it is meant as a farewell ceremony to the old one, A-or an introduction to the New Year, I can’t tell;
B-either to dine or sup
C-but on the 31st of December, almost everybody has a party,

a) ACB

b) CBA

c) BCA

d) BAC

Question 4: The Revolution of 1688 drew a line A-between King and Parliament
B-and marked the termination of the great struggle
C-across the history of England,

a) CAB

b) CBA

c) BCA

d) BAC

Question 5: A sentence is broken into four parts. The first part is fixed, and the remaining three parts are jumbled. Select the option that captures the order in which the parts should be rearranged to form a meaningful sentence. Rishabh’s father had returned home,
A: and had written to him saying that
B: to see him on the following day
C: they were all coming to his hostel

a) ACB

b) BAC

c) CAB

d) CBA



Question 6: A sentence is broken into four parts. The first part is fixed, and the remaining three parts are jumbled. Select the option that captures the order in which the parts should be rearranged to form a meaningful sentence. It was the first day of April,
A: as Sonam was strolling
B: and a lovely morning,
C: slowly to school

a) ACB

b) BAC

c) CAB

d) CBA

Question 7: A sentence is broken into four parts. The first part is fixed, and the remaining three parts are jumbled. Select the option that captures the order in which the parts should be rearranged to form a meaningful sentence. There was a square plot of
A: during the intervals of school-work
B: boys used to amuse themselves
C: grass in the centre, where the

a) ACB

b) ABC

c) CAB

d) CBA

Question 8: A sentence is broken into 4 parts. The first part is fixed and the remaining 3 parts are jumbled. Select the option that captures the order in which the parts should be rearranged to form a meaningful sentence. I believe that Americans find it hard to understand the continued existence of our Upper House.A: understand the continued
B: existence of our Upper House
C: find it hard to

a) ACB

b) ABC

c) CAB

d) CBA


A sentence is broken into 4 parts. The first part is fixed and the remaining 3 parts are jumbled. Select the option that captures the order in which the parts should be rearranged to form a meaningful sentence.

Question 9: We went straight to the lake, as it was called at Bly, A-it may in fact have been a sheet of water less remarkable
B-and I daresay rightly called, though I reflect that
C-than it appeared to my untraveled eyes

a) ACB

b) CBA

c) BCA

d) BAC

Question 10: I remember the whole beginning A-the right throbs and the wrong
B-a little seesaw of
C-as a succession of flights and drops,

a) ACB

b) CBA

c) BCA

d) BAC


Question 11: Rearrange the parts of the sentence in correct order.
There is
P: getting defensive
Q: about our failure
R: no point

a) PRQ

b) PQR

c) RQP

d) RPQ

Question 12: Four sentences are given below. These sentences, when rearranged in proper order, form a logical and meaningful paragraph. Rearrange the sentences and choose the correct order as the answer.A. But this term is tending to disappear from our vocabulary and to give place to the term “natural sciences.”
B. What is the reason of this change, and to what does it correspond?
C. The study of animals, plants, rocks, and of natural objects generally, was formerly called “natural history”.
D. For it is rare for a word to be modified in so short a time if the thing designated has not itself varied.





Question 13: Four sentences are given below. These sentences, when rearranged in proper order, form a logical and meaningful paragraph. Rearrange the sentences and choose the correct order as the answer.
A. To most of these out-of-door expeditions, a nice luncheon is an agreeable addition.
B. But even without it, but with simple snacks, things would work without much difficulty.
C. Be sure that you have fishing-tackle, poles, and baskets, harness in order, and everything in readiness for your various expeditions.
D. If you live in the country, there will be fishing, nutting, climbing, riding, driving, and exploring.





Question 14: Four sentences are given below. These sentences, when rearranged in proper order, form a logical and meaningful paragraph. Rearrange the sentences and choose the correct order as the answer.
A. Occasionally a deer could be found, but at the season of the year when the boys were at the lake, it was contrary to law to kill deer.
B. There was only one fault to be found with Brandt Lake—hardly any wild animals were found in the vicinity.
C. Also, it was known that there were bears in that part of the country, but they were so scarce that no one thought of hunting them.
D. Harry did succeed in shooting a bear but was punished for his offence.





Question 15: Four sentences are given below. These sentences, when rearranged in proper order, form a logical and meaningful paragraph. Rearrange the sentences and choose the correct order as the answer.
A. Just before sunset each day Wally climbed the iron steps of the light tower and started the lamp.
B. Every few hours it was Wally’s duty to pump oil into a holder above the light, from which it flowed in a steady stream to the round wicks below.
C. It slowly revolved within the great crystal lens, flashing out four times each minute its beam of warning across the stormy waters. D. If this was neglected, the lamp would cease to burn.






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Question 16: Four sentences are given below. These sentences, when rearranged in proper order, form a logical and meaningful paragraph. Rearrange the sentences and choose the correct order as the answer. A. While thus engaged, his attention was drawn to a cloud of dust in the road. B. Two black ponies seemed to be running away at full speed. C. Leaving his work at hand, he ran to catch them. D. Lucifer took his money out of his pocket and counted it for perhaps the hundredth time.





Question 17: Four sentences are given below. These sentences, when rearranged in proper order, form a logical and meaningful paragraph. Rearrange the sentences and choose the correct order as the answer.
A. He then planned to make a trough to carry the water down the hill.
B. He carried a spade, and began to dig where the grass was greenest, and slime was gathered upon the stones.
C. Early morning Wilbert was on his way to a ravine which lay back of the big chestnut-tree.
D. At a depth of two feet, he saw the hole fill with water, which speedily became clear.





Question 18: Four sentences are given below. These sentences, when rearranged in proper order, form a logical and meaningful paragraph. Rearrange the sentences and choose the correct order as the answer.A. As soon as you enter, you are struck by a minute, extreme neatness, which reminds you of Holland, and almost sets you a-laughing.
B. In the entrance-hall a number of notices, written in the peculiar style which owners of houses affect, request the tenants to respect the property of others, without regard to the high price they pay for their share.
C. There is not in all Paris a house better kept or more inviting-looking than No. 23 in Grange Street.
D. “Clean your feet, if you please,” they say to all who come in or go out.





Question 19: Four sentences are given below. These sentences, when rearranged in proper order, form a logical and meaningful paragraph. Rearrange the sentences and choose the correct order as the answer.
A. The invaders would take possession of the strongholds or castles, and either remove the old Kings or make them their vassals and agents.
B. If we consider the political and social state of that country, we can easily understand what would happen in a case of invasion and conquest by a warlike race.
C. Everything else would then go on exactly as before.
D. The rents would be paid, the taxes collected, and the life of the villagers, that is, of the great majority of the people of India, would go on almost undisturbed by the change of government.





Question 20: Four sentences are given below. These sentences, when rearranged in proper order, form a logical and meaningful paragraph. Rearrange the sentences and choose the correct order as the answer.
A. The first necessity of winter locomotion took the form of snow-shoes with two long runners of wood.
B. Even then we can definitely say that it was introduced there from more northern climates.
C. It is impossible to fix on the time when skating first took root in England.
D. It originated more from the necessities of the inhabitants there than as a pastime.





Question 21: Four sentences are given below. These sentences, when rearranged in proper order, form a logical and meaningful paragraph. Rearrange the sentences and choose the correct order as the answer.A. From the window in the log house in which she had nursed her brother she looked out at the sunrise and saw only peace, and the leaves of the new spring foliage moving gently in the wind.
B. In the night she had heard the rumbling of wheels, the tread of feet, and many strange, muffled sounds.
C. Helen Harley saw the sun rise in a shower of red and gold on a May morning, and then begin a slow and quiet sail up a sky of silky blue.
D. The girl’s mind was not at rest.





Question 22: Four sentences are given below. These sentences, when rearranged in proper order, form a logical and meaningful paragraph. Rearrange the sentences and choose the correct order as the answer.A. A tall, well-favoured youth, coming from the farther South, boarded the train for Richmond one raw, gusty morning.
B. He sat for a time gazing out of the window at the gray, wintry landscape that fled past, and then, having a youthful zest for new things, looked at those who travelled with him in the car.
C. The company seemed to him, on the whole, to lack novelty and interest, being composed of farmers going to the capital of the Confederacy to sell food.
D. He carried his left arm stiffly, his face was thin and brown, and his dingy uniform had holes in it.





Question 23: Four sentences are given below. These sentences, when rearranged in proper order, form a logical and meaningful paragraph. Rearrange the sentences and choose the correct order as the answer.
A. In the wagons lay fourteen or fifteen thousand wounded soldiers.
B. A train of wagons and men wound slowly over the hills in the darkness and rain toward the South.
C. But they made little noise, as the wheels sank suddenly in the mud or bumped over stones.
D. Although the vast majority of them were young, boys or not much more, they had learned to be masters of themselves, and they suffered in silence, save when someone, lost in fever, uttered a groan.





Question 24: Four sentences are given below. These sentences, when rearranged in proper order, form a logical and meaningful paragraph. Rearrange the sentences and choose the correct order as the answer.
A. Max Müller supposed the date to be 1200 B.C., Haug 2400 B.C. and Bâl Gangâdhar Tilak 4000 B.C.
B. It is indeed difficult to say when the earliest portions of these compositions came into existence.
C. The sacred books of India, the Vedas, are generally believed to be the earliest literary record of the Indo-European race.
D. Many shrewd guesses have been offered, but none of them can be proved to be incontestably true.





Question 25: Four sentences are given below. These sentences, when rearranged in proper order, form a logical and meaningful paragraph. Rearrange the sentences and choose the correct order as the answer.A. In its early days, socialism was a revolutionary movement of which the object was the liberation of the wage-earning classes and the establishment of freedom and justice.
B. In France, socialists became members of the government.
C. Gradually a change came over the spirit of socialism.
D. They made and unmade parliamentary majorities there.





Question 26: Four sentences are given below. These sentences, when rearranged in proper order, form a logical and meaningful paragraph. Rearrange the sentences and choose the correct order as the answer.A. Nevertheless, these evils persist, and nothing effective is done toward abolishing them.
B. The world is full of preventable evils which most men would be glad to see prevented.
C. It also produces disillusionment in those who have come to know the difficulty of changing human institutions.
D. This paradox produces astonishment in inexperienced reformers.





Question 27: Four sentences are given below. These sentences, when rearranged in proper order, form a logical and meaningful paragraph. Rearrange the sentences and choose the correct order as the answer.A. There is nothing for the politician to consider outside or above the various men, women, and children who compose the world.
B. And this problem requires that we should first consider what it is that we think good in the individual life.
C. The problem of politics is to adjust the relations of human beings in such a way that each severally may have as much of good in his existence as possible.
D. The aim of politics should be to make the lives of individuals as good as possible.





Question 28: Four sentences are given below. These sentences, when rearranged in proper order, form a logical and meaningful paragraph. Rearrange the sentences and choose the correct order as the answer.A. But of late his several books have been translated into the English language.
B. Professor Rudolf Eucken was born in 1846, at Aurich in Frisia.
C. Until recent years the reading of his books was confined to those possessing a knowledge of German.
D. The name of Eucken has become a familiar one in philosophical and religious circles.





Question 29: Four sentences are given below. These sentences, when rearranged in proper order, form a logical and meaningful paragraph. Rearrange the sentences and choose the correct order as the answer.A. This is what we call the power of nature.
B. Birds started singing and animals started dancing.
C. One day, the weather was very hot and dry.
D. Suddenly, it started to rain heavily.





Question 30: Four sentences are given below. These sentences, when rearranged in proper order, form a logical and meaningful paragraph. Rearrange the sentences and choose the correct order as the answer.
A. Now the same walls hear the broker calling his stocks.
B. People would scarcely believe that it was once a military prison.
C. The place which was recently the Post-office is now a brokers’ exchange.
D. Its walls once echoed the groans and cries of criminals.





Question 31: Four sentences are given below. These sentences, when rearranged in proper order, form a logical and meaningful paragraph. Rearrange the sentences and choose the correct order as the answer.
A. Among them, the small articles are placed in envelopes, on which are written brief descriptions of their contents.
B. About once in two years, there is a sale of the packages which are detained in the office.
C. Anyone is allowed the privilege of reading them before purchasing.
D. There are thousands of these packages, containing almost everything you can think of.





Question 32: Four sentences are given below. These sentences, when rearranged in proper order, form a logical and meaningful paragraph. Rearrange the sentences and choose the correct order as the answer.
A. It is advisable to practice this kind of jumping at first without a run.
B. The pole which is used for the exercise should be of sound ash, rounded throughout its length.
C. For this purpose he who is about to jump fixes the end of the pole in the ground in front of him.
D. It should be in proportion to the height of the jumper and the space to be jumped over.





Question 33: Four sentences are given below. These sentences, when rearranged in proper order, form a logical and meaningful paragraph. Rearrange the sentences and choose the correct order as the answer.
A. But they were sadly disappointed to learn that a telescope costs so much money that he could not think of buying even one of the smallest size.
B. They knew the chief constellations and the place of the planets among the stars.
C. The parson’s boys were very fond of astronomy.
D. Their father told them how splendidly the moon and the planets look through a telescope.





Question 34: Four sentences are given below. These sentences, when rearranged in proper order, form a logical and meaningful paragraph. Rearrange the sentences and choose the correct order as the answer.
A. The winter wore away by degrees.
B. Amid the noise and thunder of avalanches, the sun exercised its silent but mighty influence renewing the greenery.
C. The warm south wind crept slowly through the valleys, melting the snow from the mountain-sides, and calling into life hundreds of sparkling streams.
D. Waterfalls foamed, and enormous masses of snow came crashing down from the mountain-peaks.





Question 35: Four sentences are given below. These sentences, when rearranged in proper order, form a logical and meaningful paragraph. Rearrange the sentences and choose the correct order as the answer.
A. He could scarcely hope to continue such a dangerous struggle much longer.
B. He was becoming faint from terror, and his left hand was fast growing benumbed with grasping the rock.
C. He tried to seize the vulture’s throat and strangle it, but the bird was too active and made all such attempts perfectly useless.
D. In this dreadful crisis, Walter pressed as hard as he could against the rocky crag, having but one hand at liberty to defend himself against the furious attack of the bird.





Question 36: Four sentences are given below. These sentences, when rearranged in proper order, form a logical and meaningful paragraph. Rearrange the sentences and choose the correct order as the answer. A. At last, they determined to decide the matter in the old knightly manner through one on one match. B. James and Henry were two school-mates and warm friends who went to the same school. C. Each tried to be the captain and lead the team against the close rivals. D. Great rivalry arose once between them on account of a football match.





Question 37: Four sentences are given below. These sentences, when rearranged in proper order, form a logical and meaningful paragraph. Rearrange the sentences and choose the correct order as the answer.
A. When he first came to his crown, in order to obtain a knowledge of affairs, took great pleasure in night excursions, attended by a trusty minister.
B. Once as he was passing through a street he heard loud voices of three brothers and approached them.
C. Kosroushah was named the new emperor of Persia.
D. He often walked in disguise through the city and met with many adventures.





Question 38: The question below consists of a set of labelled sentences. Out of the four options given, select the most logical order of the sentences to form a coherent paragraph.

Life is never meant to
A-country like India
B-be easy, especially if you
C-live in a developing

a) BAC

b) ACB

c) BCA

d) ABC

Question 39: The question below consists of a set of labelled sentences. Out of the four options given, select the most logical order of the sentences to form a coherent paragraph.

Inform all the other
A-would be punished
B-giving them a lift too
C-officers that anyone

a) CAB

b) BCA

c) CBA

d) BAC

Question 40: The question below consists of a set of labelled sentences. Out of the four options given, select the most logical order of the sentences to form a coherent paragraph.
In order to
A-regulate the technology and boost
B-the rankings, we need our
C-teachers to do exponential thinking

a) CBA

b) CAB

c) BCA

d) ABC

Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (D)

The sentence starts by stating that a strong fleet was indeed necessary. Therefore, the missing part of the sentence should explain why a strong fleet is necessary.

B starts with ‘for the French king had’. Part B continues the given part of the sentence by providing a reason. Part B should be followed by part A, which in turn should be followed by part C.

A strong fleet was necessary since the French King had decided to attack.

BAC is the correct order and hence, option D is the correct answer.

2) Answer (C)

The given part should be followed by part B (explains where the custom was observed). Part B should be followed by part C (Chapel Royal is a part of St. James’s Palace). Part C should be followed by part A (elaborates on when the custom is observed).

BCA is the correct order and hence, option C is the right answer.

3) Answer (A)

On reading the parts, we can infer that the sentence is about the celebrations on the New Year’s eve.

The sentence begins with ‘whether it is meant as a farewell ceremony to the old one,’. Therefore, the part following the given part must continue this idea (must place another idea). Therefore, part A should follow the given part (The author states that he does not know whether the celebration is for the ending of the previous year or the beginning of the new one).

Part C should follow part A (irrespective of the reason, everyone parties on the day). B should be the last part of the given sentence.

ACB is the correct order and hence, option A is the right answer.

4) Answer (B)

’Drew a line’ can be followed by either C or A. If A follows, then B should follow A and C should follow B. Part C ends with a comma and hence, it is unlikely to be the last part of the sentence. Also, the ABC is not present among the given options. Therefore, part C should follow the part that has been given.

Part A cannot follow part C as there is no continuity between the 2 parts. Part A could have followed part C had there been a comma at the end of part A. Therefore, part B should follow part C.

CBA is the correct order and hence, option B is the right answer.

5) Answer (A)

The correct sentence is
Rishabh’s father had returned home, and had written to him saying that they were all coming to his hostel to see him on the following day.
Hence, option A is the correct answer.


6) Answer (B)

The correct sentence is
It was the first day of April, and a lovely morning, as Sonam was strolling slowly to school.
Hence, option B is the correct answer.

7) Answer (D)

The correct sentence is
There was a square plot of grass in the centre, where the boys used to amuse themselves during the intervals of school-work.
Hence, option D is the correct answer.

8) Answer (C)

The correct sentence is
I believe that Americans find it hard to understand the continued existence of our Upper House.
Hence, option C is the correct answer.

9) Answer (D)

The given sentence is about the author’s experience of visiting the lake.

The first part of the sentence ends by saying that the water body was called as lake at Bly. Part B continues by saying that it was rightly called so. Parts A and C form a pair. The author admits that the lake was not as admirable as it appeared to his untraveled eyes.

The correct sentence is ‘We went straight to the lake, as it was called at Bly, and I daresay rightly called, though I reflect that it may in fact have been a sheet of water less remarkable than it appeared to my untraveled eyes’. BAC is the correct order and hence, option D is the right answer.

10) Answer (B)

The sentence is about how the author remembers the beginning. From the terms ‘flights and drops’ and ‘the right throbs and the wrong’, we can infer that the author had mixed feelings about the beginning.

Part C starts with ‘as a succession’. It answers the question ‘how did the author see the beginning?’. Therefore, part C should follow the part given. Part B should precede part A. Parts B and A just add more detail to part C.

The correct sentence is ‘I remember the whole beginning as a succession of flights and drops, a little seesaw of the right throbs and the wrong’. CBA is the correct order and hence, option B is the right answer.

11) Answer (D)


12) Answer (C)

By reading all the given sentences, we know that the paragraph is about the change of the name from natural history to natural sciences. Statement C is the opening sentence as it introduces the natural history and defines it. Statement A talks about the change of the name. So, it must follow the statement C. Statement B asks a question regarding the change of the name. So, it must follow statement A. Statement D is the reason for asking the question mentioned in statement B. So, statement D will follow statement B. Thus, the correct order is CABD.
Hence, option C is the correct answer.

13) Answer (A)

On carefully reading the sentences we see that the topic of the discussion revolves around expeditions which can be undertaken if one is from the country. Thus sentence D which introduces the topic must be the starting sentence. In sentence C the author advices one to have the equipment to carry out activities which are mentioned in sentence D. Thus, C logically follow sentence D. Sentence A further gives information on how nice luncheon during the expedition would be the nice thing to do. Further sentence B give how the luncheon can be an exception. Thus AB is a pair and must come after sentence C.
Thus, the correct order of the sentence is DCAB.
Hence, option A is the right answer.

14) Answer (D)

On carefully reading the sentences we see that the topic of the discussion revolves around hunting of wild animals near Brandt lake. Thus sentence B which introduces the topic must be the starting sentence. Sentence A talks about deer being found which boys couldn’t hunt as it was against the law. Thus, A logically follows sentence B. Sentence C talks about another animal bear which was scarcely found, and sentence D gives an instance when one of the boys called Harry shot a bear but was punished for the offence. Thus, CD is a pair which logically follows sentence A.
Thus, the correct order of the sentence is BACD.
Hence, option D is the right answer.

15) Answer (C)

On carefully reading the sentences we see that the topic of the discussion is about regular work of Wally which was to light and maintain the glow of the lamp. Sentence A describes the regular routine of Wally to climb the light tower and start the lamp. ‘It’ in sentence C refers to the light tower which is introduced in A. Thus, AC is a pair. Sentence B further gives detail about how Wally maintained to continue the glow of light and sentence D warn about the circumstance if the process stated in B is not followed. Thus, BD is a pair and must come after introductory AC pair.

Thus, the correct order of the sentence is ACBD.
Hence, option C is the right answer.

16) Answer (A)

On carefully reading the sentences we see that the topic of the discussion is about Lucifer finding two ponies running away and he later trying to catch them. Sentence D introduces Lucifer and give details about hoe engaged he was in his work. Thus, D must be the starting sentence. Sentence A gives details about Lucifer being distracted by cloud of dust and sentence B gives details about what caused the clouds of dust to be formed. Thus, AB is a pair which must come after D. Sentence C finally states the action taken by Lucifer after he saw the two ponies running. Thus C must be the concluding sentence.

Thus, the correct order of the sentence is DABC.
Hence, option A is the right answer.

17) Answer (B)

On carefully reading the sentences we see that the topic of the discussion is about Wilbert digging hole in the ground to find water which he intended to bring down the hill. Thus, sentence C which introduces Wilbert and starts off the narration must be the starting sentence. Sentence B describes which spot did Wilbert start digging with the help of spade and sentence D gives details about his findings after digging. Thus, BD is a pair and must come immediately after C. Sentence A finally gives what was Wilbert’s plan after the water was found. So it must be the concluding sentence.
Thus, the correct order of the sentence is CBDA.
Hence, option B is the right answer.

18) Answer (C)

By reading all the given sentences, we know that paragraph is about a house. Sentence C introduces the topic. Sentence A should follow sentence C as it gives details about the house. Sentence B further describes the house. Sentence D is in continuation of what is mentioned in sentence B. Hence, the correct order is CABD.

19) Answer (D)

Here author wants to consider a hypothetical situation in when it is a case of invasion and outcomes. Thus, the sentence B which introduces the idea must be the starting sentence. Next action will be that the invaders would take possession and would fight with powerful emperors. Hence sentence A will come next. The author went on to discuss possible effects on daily life, therefore, option CD will become a pair as option D is elaborating the conditions. Therefore we can say that ‘BACD’ is the correct answer. (Answer :D)

20) Answer (B)

On carefully reading the sentences we see that the topic of the discussion is about the introduction of skating in England and the origination of skating. Sentence C talks about the introduction of skating in England, and sentence B adds on it by giving place from where skating must’ve been introduced. Thus, CB is a pair. Sentence D talks about origination of skating and states that necessity help it to come to existence and sentence A states the exact necessity which contributed to the origination of ice skating. Thus, DA is a pair. Further, D must come after B as the ‘inhabitants there’ in D refer to the people of ‘northern climates’ as introduced in B.

Thus, the correct order of the sentence is CBDA.
Hence, option B is the right answer.

21) Answer (C)

By reading all the given sentences, we know that paragraph is about Helen Harley. Sentence C must be the opening sentence as it introduces us to Helen Harley and what she is doing. Sentence A further explains what has been mentioned in sentence C. Sentence B gives the reason for the fact mentioned in sentence D. So, sentence B must follow sentence D. Hence, the correct order is CADB.

22) Answer (B)

By reading all the given sentences, we know that paragraph is about a youth who boarded the train. A introduces the youth and describes him. D further explains the characteristics of the youth. B describes his experience while sitting in the train. C gives further details about the people who have been mentioned in B. Hence, ADBC is the correct order.

23) Answer (A)

By reading all the given sentences, we know that paragraph is about a train of wagons. B introduces us to the situation that the train is moving toward the south. A further explains the situation inside the wagons. C explains the situation of wounded soldiers which is further elaborated in D. Hence, the correct order is BACD.

24) Answer (C)

By reading all the given sentences, we know that paragraph is about the Vedas. C introduces us to the main idea. B further expands the idea mentioned in C. D mentions that many guesses have been made about the period of origin of the Vedas. A provides some examples of what has been mentioned in D. Hence, the correct order is CBDA.

25) Answer (D)

By reading all the given sentences, we know that paragraph is about transformation of socialism. A introduces us to the primary objective of socialism. C mentions about the change in the ideal of socialism. B gives an example of the change mentioned in C. D further expands the idea mentioned in B. Hence, the correct order is ACBD.

26) Answer (A)

By reading all the given sentences, we know that paragraph is about preventable evils. B introduces us to the main idea. A further provides additional information about what has been mentioned in B. D expands further the paradox mentioned in A. C provides additional information about the paradox. Hence, the correct order is BADC.

27) Answer (B)

By reading all the given sentences, we know that paragraph is about Politics. D introduces us to the aim of politics. A further expands the idea mentioned in D. C mentions about a problem of politics and B expands the idea mentioned in C. Hence, the correct order is DACB.

28) Answer (A)

By reading all the given sentences, we know that paragraph is about Rudolph Eucken. B must be the opening sentence as it introduces us to Rudolph Eucken. D should follow B because it provides additional information about Rudolph Eucken. A starts with ‘But’ so it contradicts whatever mentioned in C. Hence, A shall follow C. Hence, the correct order is BDCA

29) Answer (D)

By reading all the given sentences, we know that paragraph is about dry weather which changed into pleasant one when rain started. C must be the opening sentence, as it introduces us to the situation. D must follow C because there is a change in the weather due to rain. B must come after D as B is the effect of the event that happened in D. A is the conclusion sentence and must come at last.
Hence, CDBA is the correct order.

30) Answer (B)

On carefully reading the sentences we see that the topic of the discussion is about the place which is currently a brokers’ exchange but was long ago prison before. Thus the sentence C which introduces the place must be the starting sentence. Sentence B gives further information about the same place by stating that it was earlier a prison. Also, the sentence D points out how the walls of the place echoed voices of criminals of the prison. Thus, BD is a pair and must come after C. Sentence A finally tells about what happens currently inside the walls and hence, must be the concluding sentence.
Hence, the correct order of the sentence is CBDA.
Hence, option B is the right answer.

31) Answer (A)

On carefully reading the sentences we see that the topic of the discussion is about the packages which are detained in the office and are up for sale. Thus sentence B which introduces the topic must be the starting sentence. Sentence D further gives the details about the packages and hence must follow sentence B. Sentence A points out the descriptions which are written on the envelops and ‘them’ in sentence C refer to the descriptions. Thus, AC forms a pair and would come after D.
Hence, the correct order of the sentence is BDAC.
Hence, option A is the right answer.

32) Answer (A)

On carefully reading the sentences we see that the topic of the discussion is about the pole leaping exercise. Thus sentence B which introduces the pole must be the starting sentence. ‘It’ in sentence D refers to the length of the pole as described in sentence B. Thus sentence D logically follows sentence B. Sentence A gives advice about how to start with the exercise and sentence C further adds information. Thus AC is a pair and must come after D.

Hence, the correct order of the sentence is BDAC.
Hence, option A is the right answer.

33) Answer (B)

On carefully reading the sentences we see that the topic of the discussion is about the parson’s boys love of astronomy. Thus sentence C which introduces the topic must be the starting sentence. In sentence B the author substantiates his claim by giving details about knowledge of astronomy of the boys. Thus B must come after C. According to sentence D the boys were introduced to the telescope by their father, but sentence A points out the disappointment of the boys due to the financial constraint in buying one telescope. Thus DA is a pair which must follow after sentence B.
Hence, the correct order of the sentence is CBDA.
Hence, option B is the right answer.

34) Answer (D)

On carefully reading the sentences we see that the topic of the discussion is about the summer arrival of summer which caused melting of snow and forming of streams. Thus sentence A which starts by stating the end of winter must be the introductory sentence. Sentence C further elaborates by stating the warmth came after the winter went away. Thus, C logically follows A. Sentence D talks about the avalanche and B explains the formation of greenery amid the noises of the avalanche. Thus DB is a pair and must come after C.

Hence, the correct order of the sentence is ACDB.
Hence, option D is the right answer.

35) Answer (B)

On carefully reading the sentences we see that the topic of the discussion is about Walter being viciously attacked by a vulture. Thus sentence D which introduces the topic must be the starting sentence. Sentence C gives further details about how Walter tried to save himself but failed. Thus, C must be directly after D. Sentence A tells how Walter had fewer hopes of saving himself and sentence B gives the reason why the hopes of continuing the struggle were less. Thus AB forms a pair and must come directly after C.
Hence, the correct order of the sentence is DCAB.
Hence, option B is the right answer.

36) Answer (A)

On carefully reading the sentences we see that the topic of the discussion is about the start of a rivalry between two friends who wanted to lead their school football team. Sentence B which introduces the friends must be the starting sentence. Sentence D highlights the start of a rivalry between them and sentence C gives specific detail about why the rivalry started. Hence, DC must be a pair and must come after B. Sentence A finally talks about how the friends decided to end the matter and thus, must be the concluding sentence.
Hence, the correct order of the sentence is BDCA.
Hence, option A is the right answer.

37) Answer (C)

On carefully reading the sentences we see that the topic of the discussion is about the new Emporer of Persia and about his night excursions in his kingdom. Thus, the sentence C which introduces the employer must be the starting sentence. Sentence A gives information about the night excursions just after the new Emporer was crowned and sentence D gives further details about the night excursion. Ths, AD is a pair and must come after C. Sentence B gives a specific instance of Emporer meeting the three brothers during one of his night excursions.
Hence, the correct order of the sentence is CADB.
Hence, option C is the right answer.

38) Answer (C)

39) Answer (C)

40) Answer (D)


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